Scary symptoms

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
At risk of diabetes
Hello everyone pleased to meet you, I’m Joy
I contacted my GP today, as I’ve been having some scary symptoms, for the last 4 weeks, feeling weak, no energy, foggy head and waking up at 6, with anxious tummy, on getting out of bed, legs feel like jelly, shaking, fast heart rate, after eating some breakfast, tea with sugar ,that I certainly don’t feel like eating, I start to feel a bit better, I’m thinking low blood sugar….GP has arranged blood tests, but that’s two weeks away, I dread waking up sometimes as symptoms are awful, I’ve not felt well for 4 weeks, would appreciate it, if anyone can tell me if they have had same or similar symptoms? My mother developed diabetes around same age as me now.
thanks in advance
Low blood sugar is not a symptom of diabetes...if you had untreated diabetes you would have high blood sugar.
Its diabetes treatments that can cause low blood sugars
Get yourself checked with a gp, they'll put you right
Low blood sugar is not a symptom of diabetes...if you had untreated diabetes you would have high blood sugar.
Its diabetes treatments that can cause low blood sugars
Get yourself checked with a gp, they'll put you right
Sorry, you've been to gp already, hopefully the tests will give you some answers
Sorry, you've been to gp already, hopefully the tests will give you some answers
Thanks for your reply.
that’s interesting…could you explain why I feel better after eating something, as I thought my symptoms felt like low blood sugar
Only a thought, but if you are waitign for a blood test (and it will probably be another week to get the results), would it help to get a blood sugar level monitor off the Internet (lots of recommendations here as to which - though I think (??) the basic ones are much of a muchness?)

Mine arrived the next day, and it has been really helpful. I can objectively test my sugar (ie, glucose) level, and though the experts here warn there is a degree of inaccuracy, it's at least a very good guideline (and shows the differences - eg, the amount of rise in levels between, say, pre-meal and post meal etc).

The results will also give you some data to take to your GP when you get the lab blood test done, which the GP should find helpful.

Only a thought, and please go by what the experts here say, not me, but would it not be better to have starch-carbs rather than sugar-carbs, as they are less 'extreme' (less 'instant') than sugar?

Once you get a proper diagnossis from your GP, then you can work out what your new diet and exercise regime should be, and how to manage down both the diabetes/pre-diabetes and the symptoms you seem to be getting.

Also, again just a thought, remembr that 'panic attacks' can themselves cause the very symptoms that 'panic' you, so could that be a factor here at all I wonder?????? (ie, your very anxiety about what is causing your symptoms could be exacerbating them???)

I do think once you know what you are dealing with, you will feel happier and calmer and more 'in control'.

All the best with it all - scary though yes it can be at first.
Thank you
very informative, good advice…panic attacks….??
I’ve had these symptoms in the past, over the years, very random, but not like this, so often, I did consider getting a monitor then, i think I should now my blood tests are booked for two weeks time, earliest I could get ….
I usually have a hot chocolate and maybe a crumpet at bedtime, I don’t go to bed hungry….thanks for your suggestion 🙂
Lovely cat ‍⬛
I usually have a hot chocolate and maybe a crumpet at bedtime, I don’t go to bed hungry….thanks for your suggestion 🙂
Lovely cat ‍⬛
Looking back at your original post, those are quite similar to the symptoms I had when I had my diagnosis and my blood glucose was high. I thought it was low and when I tested as I had a monitor I was surprised to find it was over 10mmol/l. I rang the doctor and had an HbA1C blood test and the result put me just in the diabetic zone at 50mmol/l.
I am wondering if your level is high and may not be helped by having a high carb bedtime snack as hot chocolate may be too carby and crumpets sadly are high carb for something full of holes.
Perhaps try something like a few nuts or some cheese on a cracker. But hopefully when your monitor arrives you can test your blood glucose. Make sure you note when you are testing and what food you have had.
People test in the morning to get a fasting reading which can track day to day, week to week changes or if they want to test the effect of their meals then they test before they eat and after 2 hours looking for 4-7mmol/l before meals and no more than 8.5 mmol/l 2 hours post meal. They will also test if they feel unwell.
Remember the result form a home monitor is not used for diagnostic purposes, that would need to be form a blood sample taken from your arm and sent to the lab for the HbA1C test. However it hopefully will help you with seeing what your symptoms may be caused by.
Is your blood pressure OK as that can give you weird feelings if a bit high or low.
Thanks for that info, I’ve been reading up on it all, all day, I now know, no more crumpets, and the hot chocolate is my nightly treat, or should I say was….I gave up alcohol over a year ago, replaced it with hot chok, so vanilla rooibos tea it is then, I see peanut butter is an ok choice, maybe with a slice of granary? I’ve ordered a monitor and I will take your advice and keep track of my meals.
I’ve a long time to wait for blood test tho, GP is asking for quite a selection.
ive not checked my blood pressure for a while actually,
what medication are you on? If any? Hope things are running smoothly for you, and thanks again, this forum sure is informative.
Thanks for that info, I’ve been reading up on it all, all day, I now know, no more crumpets, and the hot chocolate is my nightly treat, or should I say was….I gave up alcohol over a year ago, replaced it with hot chok, so vanilla rooibos tea it is then, I see peanut butter is an ok choice, maybe with a slice of granary? I’ve ordered a monitor and I will take your advice and keep track of my meals.
I’ve a long time to wait for blood test tho, GP is asking for quite a selection.
ive not checked my blood pressure for a while actually,
what medication are you on? If any? Hope things are running smoothly for you, and thanks again, this forum sure is informative.
I managed to reduce my Hba1C from the 50mmol/mol at diagnosis to 42 in 3 months and to 36 in another 6 months by making dietary changes and no medication. I adopted a low carb approach following the principals in this link However it would be wise to wait for a diagnosis if indeed it is one of diabetes before making to change to your diet. Just see initially what your monitor tells you.
Do feel free to post here what you find and want advice.
Have fun with the BG monitor when it arrives. (It can become a bit addictive while you explore all the effects eating/fasting/exercise has on BG!)

I hope it starts helping you feel more 'in control'.

All the best
Have fun with the BG monitor when it arrives. (It can become a bit addictive while you explore all the effects eating/fasting/exercise has on BG!)

I hope it starts helping you feel more 'in control'.

All the best
I’m sure I will…a bit like the Kardia ecg monitor I have… won’t want to waste too many strips tho lol

I’m sure it’ll help, bit of an anxious time waiting nearly two weeks for my blood tests tho, then the wait for the results, but we’re all in the same boat.
Oh, what do you make of the Kardia? I'm a little tempted myself!!! Don't known anything more than catching the ocassional TV ad and thinking I should look it up sometime.
Oh, what do you make of the Kardia? I'm a little tempted myself!!! Don't known anything more than catching the ocassional TV ad and thinking I should look it up sometime.
My cardiologist suggested I bought one, as I was having a few heart symptoms similar to AFib,
for him to actually diagnose it, he needed to see for himself, so I bought a Kardia, and luckily I’ve never had a symptom to catch on it, I took Drs advice and cut down my caffeine (1 a day now) cut down alcohol (I don’t drink it at all now) healthy eating, which I did, lost over a stone, so maybe that’s why I’ve not had anymore symptoms
I think it’s a fab dinky thing, and very reassuring to have, I hardly use it now, but it’s there if I feel the need, definitely recommend them.
Thank you - very helpful. I'll check it out. I agree with your last sentence particularly - it's good to know such things are 'there in case'.
Thank you - very helpful. I'll check it out. I agree with your last sentence particularly - it's good to know such things are 'there in case'.
Need some advice please, can you help?
just tested BS 2 hours after meal (8.30) it was 11.4, I’m not on meds as not been diagnosed yet, I’m waiting for blood tests.
I bought a monitor today to keep a check, now wondering, should I not eat now, until breakfast ?
11.4 is higher than you would like but will not cause you any damage short term, so nothing to panic about.

If it helps to put it into context, I hit 27 one night and that did panic me a bit as that is close to needing hospital. I drank lots of water all night (and of course also spent the night weeing for England 🙄 ) to help bring it down a bit and it was down to 22 by the next morning. I learned my lesson well that night not to eat Jacobs salt and vinegar crackers again.... or at least not a whole bag full in one go!! 😱

Out of curiosity, what did you have to eat and did you test before and after eating or just after?

If you really feel the need to eat then have a plate of veggies like veggie sticks with salsa or cream cheese or a small chunk of cheese or a boiled egg with a little mayonnaise, but I am pretty sure you will not starve before breakfast. These cravings for extra food will ease over time and with eating slower release and sustaining foods. The need to eat in between meals and before bed is part of the problem and may well be caused by the food choices you are making. Once I cut the carbs right down, I stopped being hungry and sometimes I only have one or 2 meals a day and it is enough. The more carbs I ate, the hungrier I became and the more I wanted. It really amazes me how little food I actually need now.
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