Say NO to Swine Flu jab

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I thought you may be interester to hear about this.

I had dinner the other evening with a good friend of mine. She is a medical receptionist (but she is really nice, honest).

Anyway. at the surgery where she works, none of the doctors, including one who is pregnant, are having the swine flu jabs. I was really shocked to hear this and in asking why, eas told that their reason was. that there are no clinical trials/results and they will wait until the new year when the second batch is issued, by which time any side affects will have been highlighted.

So, something to think about.....................

Thanks Hazel very interesting post and it certainly makes me think, but i'll still go ahead and have it this month
I received this from a friend, I thought I'd pass it along, take it along with everything else on the internet with a grain of salt and perhaps do your own researching. But at least you will have this knowledge to begin with.

Swine Flu Vaccination

Guys, I'm Emailing you because I'm bloody scared about something.

I created my Facebook group for fun, and to use it to market my businesses to people. What I'm doing now totally kills my ability to do that, but I don't care. This is important.

I'm a qualified pharmacist. I've been researching the swine flu vaccine that our government has bought for us (using our money, by the way) and its DANGEROUS AS. Its easy a hundred times more dangerous than the swine flu itself, Imo.

Something that freaked me out is that several swine flu vaccine manufacturers have asked governments to give them an exemption from lawsuits, in case the vaccine caused harm in people. If you made a vaccine that you knew worked, then why would you need a legal exemption in case it hurt people? Massive warning sign. They don't believe its safe.

The swine flu itself has killed about 2/3000 people total. The regular flu kills 40 000 plus per year ? so why are we freaking out about swine flu, and not normal flu? Does that make sense? No.

If the regular flu kills 40 000 plus per year, and the swine flu only killed 2/3 000 ? then why are governments buying it in advance, giving it to us for free, and giving drug manufacturers immunity to legal cases against them? Does that make sense? No.

The swine flu vaccine contains 2 horribly dangerous compounds ? one is called thimerosol. It is made 50% of mercury. It binds to receptors in your brain, and basically causes brain damage. Is it smart to be injected with thimerosol, and get brain damage, dropping 10 IQ points and going dumb, in order to avoid getting a flu that kills 95% less people than regular flu? No.

The other horrible in gredient is called squalene. Squalene accidentally tricks your immune system into killing your own cells, which creates autoimmune diseases like asthma, multiple scelerosis, diabetes, and a bunch of diseases that we don't have a name for yet (because squalene hasnt been used for that long, and we have little data on its effects) ? is is smart to inject yourself with that stuff, in order to avoid a relatively mild flu, like the swine flu? No.

If you're a pregnant mother about to take Panvax, ask yourself this ? why would you take Panvax, when it contains Neomycin and Polymyxin B Sulfate ? both of which exhibit positive risk to unborn children ? so as to avoid what? A mild flu, that kills 95% fewer people than the regular flu?

Look, I'm a funny guy. Yeah, I make good Facebook groups. People join them by the thousands, and laugh. But I'm also a qualified pharmacist. I scored in the top 0.1% of my state in school. I'm expert at critical analysis of drugs and their effects on humans. And let me be blunt ? if someone came up to me with a syringe full of swine flu vaccine, or came near my family with one ? I would take the needle off them and poke them with it myself ? followed by several very hard punches. This stuff is poison. Don't take it. Don't let your friends take it. Don't let your family take it. If some idiot in a lab coat asks you if you want it, ask them about thimerosol, squalene, and why the company making it wants legal exemption from being sued, and watch their face go into ?OMG! I'm being asked serious questions that I don't have the answer to? mode.

Anyway. I hope you're all well. Chat to you on Facebook sometime 🙂


George Mamouzellos
Bachelor of Pharmacy
University of South Australia

I agree there seems to be an awful lot of hoo ha over this - but I too am temped not to have it, yet

Thanks for posting this

I like how he ends with i hope your all well, most of us well people in here will be picking our jaws off the floor after reading that
Thanks for info everyone. It is nice to be able an informed decision.
i already sida to graham consultant that is not having it now i am even more satisfied with my decision
Thanks for the info - I haven't had flu jab or swine flu jab yet - Will have flu jab, but will definitely think hard about swine flu jab and do some researching. :(
All I know is that I am not prepared to risk swine flu for myself nor Jessica. For asthmatics it is most important they try not to get swine flu, more so than people with diabetes. It is not that people with underlying conditions like diabetes or asthma are more prone to getting swine flu it is that they can go downhill very rapidly, get ketones and DKA comes on very quickly and it is harder to get better from things.

There is so much scaremongering around about the swine flu vaccinnation etc. Why, if it is so dangerous, were the medical people who have helped sort this and are administering it, on GMTV showing themselves and their own children having the vaccine. If they thought it was that dangerous they would not be having done.

I think people are listening to others who haven't actually asked the questions and are just listening to other people. What does a doctors receptionist really know about swine flu. Has she really spoken to the makers of it or top medical people, I doubt it.

I know that our Gt Ormond Street doctor has said that Jessica definitely needs it. He would never put Jessica in jeopardy, he is so passionate about all his kids (the patients). Also UCLH have sent me an email that they are happy for me to say as it is an email for all their own patients (again kids) that they are advising all their patients to have it. The main DSN is type 1 herself and would no way put the kids in jeopardy.

Personally I am no longer listening to scaremongering, there is just too much of it and it is all different stuff. The only facts that I do believe is about the egg allergy. That has been sent in a letter from the GP. One form of the vaccine is no good for those with egg allergy and they have to have the other vaccine.

Just my thoughts on it all. 🙂
I like how he ends with i hope your all well, most of us well people in here will be picking our jaws off the floor after reading that

yeah its truly jaw-dropping isn't it ? How could anyone write hysterical tosh like that and expect to be taken seriously ?
Copepod posted this link to a very useful article recently and I thought it might be quite useful here just in the interests of balance.

There is a lot of conflicting information out there and it's up to each of us to make our own decision on what to believe. Personally I feel that there is a greater risk related to me getting swine flu (especially being diabetic and asthmatic) than from me getting the jab. There are definately some risks associated with the jab, as with any vaccinations including the seasonal flu one, but I think there is also some myths out there too. I guess we just arm ourselves with all the information we can get and decide what works for us.
Another powerful side to this story!!

The word that comes to mind is scaremongering! I'm not saying that there isn't any truth in it but when such a topic is so hotly contested there is always one side that seems to be stronger in it's views. Again I'm not expert but regarding the ingredients and the scare factors of it, why should they be wrong, some ingredients in other drugs are lethal on there own but mixed up by a talented team of medics/chemists they do not act as lethal drugs but a useful vaccine or something. I'm sure I read somewhere recently about the ingredients of insulin and the added extras it has for making it last a certain period, I'm sure they are dangerous on there own, but couldn't be sure. Also my biggest argument for myself is surely every year the flu vaccine is produced maybe not as rushed but still it's unique every year? There will always be two sides to every story if not more.

The other argument could be the government are tagging us all!😛

Also the number of deaths quoted in the last large reply seem a bit high, I know statistics can be misquoted and made to said anything hence why I don't take much notice of the news as it's generally someones twisted opinion, but I heard the last big year for flu only 20K dies (sorry for using only) but is generally around 6K the shocker here is the age groups swine flu is hitting. (Just noticed the author of that reply is in Aus!)

Thanks for the "information" though!

Take care

(I'm gonna get a jab by the way!)
Hya all

I had the swine flu jab 10 days ago. The reason why i had it is that I work in a hospital on an elderly care ward. Last winter there was an outbreak of flu on the ward and all the patients and staff were offered the flu jab (i had it) This year there may or may not be patients coming in with swine flu. I do not want to give this to my son with him being a newly diagnosed type 1. The injection stung at bit and my arm ached for a few days. my arm was a bit swollen and red for a few days and the day after the jab I felt a little rotten but I was still at work and wasnt off sick. I much prefer to have the above than get swine flu and be in bed for almost 2 weeks feeling awful. Just my opinion hope it helps.

Gem xxxxxx
Gem, Im with you, i had it with the only side effect being a surprisingly sore arm.

My GP nurse and i had quite a long chat about it when i has my seasonal flu jab. She IS having the swine flu jab as she has a husband with T2 and very young children, one of which is asthmatic as is not willing to put them at risk.

She also added that the big contreversy seems to be based on the fact that its has been developed so quickly. However the composition of the seasonal flu jab is newly adapted each year anyway to the most prevalent strains seen coming from asia. So to develop, test and implement a new flu strain is a relatively short process. It will also most likely be included in the seasonal jab next year.

Swine flu may only kill a small number of people, however they have all had underlying conditions. I for one do not want to be included in that statistic. Last year i was unfortunate enough to be hospitalised for serious ketoacidosis after a simple bladder infection made my BGs impossible to control despite strict montioring by myself and my doctor. That is enough to show me how what may be a blip for a "normal" person can be a serious risk to us.

I would also add that i would take most "factual stories" which come out surrounding these things very sceptically. Only recently there was a huge news story about the young girl who had the new cervical cancer vaccine, went home and promptly passed away. The press warned all parents against it, all the conspiracy stories flew round - all front page stuff.
Then a week or so later a small article was released to say that she had actually been suffering from a large undiagnosed tumour, a complication of which, by sad coincidence, killed her that day.

Funny how their mistake wasnt equally front page news the next day . . .

Make your own mind up, but i would suggest speaking to your professional team before making such an important decision based purely on hearsay.
minimising sore arm symptoms

Assuming you decide to have a vaccine, any vaccine, in fact, there's a bit that you and the injector can do to make the injection as low pain as possible - I base this comment on over a year working in a travel clinic, where people often said after the vaccine that it hurt less than they were expecting. I would offer them to lie down or sit down, and recommend lying down if they had ever felt faint at any previous injection. Then, use as small a needle as possible (not always a choice if the syring comes ready filled wity needle attached), get the person to bend their arm and rest hand on couch (if lying) or their knee (if sitting) to relax the arm (a flexed muscle will make injection hurt more), jab it in as fast as possible (like a dart), then inject the liquid as slowy as possible, then remove needle, press with a swab of gauze, add a plaster if required, and instruct the person to take an appropriate dose of paracetamol (depending on age ie child or adult) if the arm aches later.

I had the seasonal flu jab a few weeks ago, and would be having swine flu vaccine, if I hadn't had swine flu back in May 09. As I work with healthy research volunteers in a hospital, where I meet much sicker people on the landings etc, I feel that it's important I don't provide a means of the virus reaching those it could do serious harm to.

Aymes, thanks for posting the link from New Scientist again - I still think it's a good account, and hope it helps people to reach the right decision for their situation.
Had a letter from my GP yesterday offering me the swine flu jab, I had an appt with her yesterday and the first wave of injection clinics I can't make as I am away so she has put me down for the 2nd wave whenever they get the vaccine for that. I will have the jab as I really dont fancy swine flu, and I got a sore arm with the last 2 normal flu jabs, it goes so I am not really worried.. am not 100% sure of the swine flu jab but will still go with it..

Was having a laugh with my GP saying that they were testing it out on all us who have underlying conditions and getting rid of us.. I was joking and she said that the woman before me was dead serious and said that it was a government conspiracy to get rid of all people with underlying conditions... as my GP said if that was the case she would be out of a job !!!!.. lol
My doctor is trying to get me an appointment with an allergy expert to see what, if anything, they can do for me. I'm not just allergic to eggs, so if they do decide to try, it'll be done in hospital under supervision. Probably sometime in the spring!:D
Having both jabs in a couple of weeks, always have the seasonal jab for the last 10 years, and never had any ill effects. The practice nurse has told me that all the staff at the practice have already had both and her 14yr old daughter has to, I dont want flu/swine flu so will take both.
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