Rybelsus query

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Gilly B

New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I have been type 2 for about 15 years but my sugars have become harder to control even with use of slow acting and fast acting insulin. I am fit and active 65 yo. Unfortunately the insulin caused weight gain which brought back sleep apnoea which I was able to control a few years ago by losing weight. I have now been put on Rybelsus and wondered what experiences others have had with this drug. Just been on it a week on lowest dose.
Welcome to the forum @Gilly B

Lots of forum members have found semaglutide very effective (the injectable form), but there are currently shortages of those injectable meds, so people are being started on the tablets (rybelsus) instead.

Hope you get on well with it 🙂
Hi I'm also a newbie to the group and am type 2 for about 3 years i am on gliclazide and until 9 days ago also dapagliflozen,i came off that as it gave me terrible thrush,so now i am on 3mg Rybelsus ,i feel so ill with it ,lightheaded ,feel sick,stomach pains and constipation ,i am seeing my diabetic nurse in 2 days but wonering whether to stick with it or stop taking them ,did anyone else feel bad at the start when put on these ?
Hi I'm also a newbie to the group and am type 2 for about 3 years i am on gliclazide and until 9 days ago also dapagliflozen,i came off that as it gave me terrible thrush,so now i am on 3mg Rybelsus ,i feel so ill with it ,lightheaded ,feel sick,stomach pains and constipation ,i am seeing my diabetic nurse in 2 days but wonering whether to stick with it or stop taking them ,did anyone else feel bad at the start when put on these ?
Those do seem to be the symptoms listed as being possible when starting on the medication. It is the lowest dose, are you taking it as instructed 30mins before food or other medication.
It would be worth checking your blood glucose when you feel light headed as it could be it is doing it's job and reducing blood glucose so it is going low.
Hi i take it when i go to bed so that i can have my morning coffee when i wake up ,is this the wrong way? I thought as long as i took them on an empy stomach i would be fine.So must i have food 30 mins after taking them?

I have been on Rybelsus for 3 weeks now. I have not had any symptoms to note really. I also changed to Gliclazide at the same time, had horrendous tummy pains after a few days butbit subsided quite quickly. I guess everyone is different.

I would not take medication then go to bed straight away , I would allow time for the medication to travel down. I read that you wait atleast 30 mins before lying down.

I take my Rybelsus as soon as I wake up (have it bedside) with a sip if water. Then just potter about/go in shower to wait atleast the 30 mins before having my morning coffee. I try to wait 45 mins.

I would suggest sticking it out and seeing if you can manage the side effects a little longer.

Thank you for your reply ,today i feel ok ,but its early lol .i will go back to taking them in the morning ,see how it goes x
Thank you for your reply ,today i feel ok ,but its early lol .i will go back to taking them in the morning ,see how it goes x
This is from the Ryebelsus site.
Establishing a wake-up routine with RYBELSUS®

Everyone has a different wake-up routine. Here's a tip to help you remember to take RYBELSUS® when you first wake up: Keep your RYBELSUS® package and a small glass of plain water on your nightstand.
When you wake up, take your medicine with a sip of plain water (no more than 4 ounces), and then wait 30 minutes before eating, drinking, or taking any other oral medications. After 30 minutes, you can eat, drink, or take other oral medications, vitamins, or supplements.

I think this is because it works better on an empty stomach which you would not necessarily have in the evening.
This med Rybelsus is awesome. It has helped me bring my A1C down to 5.1 from a high of 9.7. I first started with the 3mg and am now on the 14mg. Been on this med since March and while I did experience some nausea and mild upset stomach it went away after about a week. It has also helped me lose 50lbs as well. I also take with metformin. I should be the poster child for this drug...even though I'm 50 - https://qualitypillsservices.com
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I'm due to start Rybelsus 3mg tomorrow, I'm on leave from work for 2 weeks. I tried them before but just as I was due to start the 7mg the chemist could get hold of any so I gave up. apparently there is no shortage now so my Diabetic Nurse has re prescribed them, I remember last time I had terrible stomach ache, wind constipation and all sorts...I'll keep you updated as to how I get on..
My current weight is 16 stone 12 1/2 pounds.
Type 2 on 76 units of abasuglar daly and 1000mg Metformin.
I'm due to start Rybelsus 3mg tomorrow, I'm on leave from work for 2 weeks. I tried them before but just as I was due to start the 7mg the chemist could get hold of any so I gave up. apparently there is no shortage now so my Diabetic Nurse has re prescribed them, I remember last time I had terrible stomach ache, wind constipation and all sorts...I'll keep you updated as to how I get on..
My current weight is 16 stone 12 1/2 pounds.
Type 2 on 76 units of abasuglar daly and 1000mg Metformin.
Good luck with them ,i stuck with 3mgm for 30 days and was in lot of pain and discomfort with it so he said to stop as 7mg would likely be worse,But on a positive note i know a few people who are on ot and its working for them and they are losing some weight.good luck
I'm due to start Rybelsus 3mg tomorrow, I'm on leave from work for 2 weeks. I tried them before but just as I was due to start the 7mg the chemist could get hold of any so I gave up. apparently there is no shortage now so my Diabetic Nurse has re prescribed them, I remember last time I had terrible stomach ache, wind constipation and all sorts...I'll keep you updated as to how I get on..
My current weight is 16 stone 12 1/2 pounds.
Type 2 on 76 units of abasuglar daly and 1000mg Metformin.
Hi, how are ypu managing with the rybelsus? I started on 3mg, then upped to 7mg, and as of today I started 14mg. My symptoms have been mild I would say.
I hope you are managing well.
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