Rybelsus availability

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Well far be it from me to question the opinion of a qualified pharmacist, but as far as I was aware, Wegovy (a form of semaglutide) was approved for weight loss in some people with diabetes

Unless I’ve misunderstood that article.
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Thanks, I can't explain the bizarre inflexible culture at my GP Surgery, and there are much worse ones in my rough inner city area with bulletproof glass and "we don't prescribe methadone or benzos or habit-forming painkillers here!" signs everywhere to let you know what most of the patients are like, but all NHS staff there engage in speed-talking, not listening to patients, broken outdated equipment (antique weighing scales showed my weight incorrectly, so when I disclosed my actual weight shown on digital scales at hospital clinic, they put it in my records as gaining 20 Kg over month or so like I'm sumo wrestler!), rushed appointments "we're very busy today, get them in, get them out" and even double-appointment request means less than four minute conversation, as standard telephone appointment is definitely no more than two minutes, all very stressful and unhelpful, plus they state that patients must show weight loss to request new prescription for semaglutide drugs, yes with broken busted old-fashioned weighing scales too, it's so easy! :(
If I read you correctly, somebody prescribed you generic Rybelsus??? That doesn't exist!
Yes, this is like "diabetes comedy night" so you'll never believe who prescribed the non-existent generic Rybelsus tablets reading as "semaglutide generic tablets 3mg" on NHS prescription?

Yes, it was the "Diabetes Specialist" GP at the Surgery, who uses stock phrases like "global shortages, no point in prescribing medication which can't be fulfilled by any Pharmacy, semaglutides are not available on prescription due to medicines shortages" which I have had to negotiate like United Nations Peacekeeping Diplomat in the Middle East and conduct my own research to present like Laura Kneusberg grilling another sleazy MP, I genuinely think the compromise was deliberate putdown, the generic tablet version at the lowest dose of semaglutide, so no surprise Boots Pharmacy have Rybelsus branded tablets in stock instead...

Thanks for the useful heads-up @Eddy Edson I will definitely be requesting new NHS prescription for actual real medication on Monday morning, and the stigmatising judgment and backlash around semaglutides from NHS staff is very real, like I'm being taunted or bullied for requesting "skinny jabs on the NHS" so here's fake prescription, please go away!
Yes, this is like "diabetes comedy night" so you'll never believe who prescribed the non-existent generic Rybelsus tablets reading as "semaglutide generic tablets 3mg" on NHS prescription?
Extraordinary! Hope you can get this sorted without huge dollops of further grief.
Can I be cheeky and ask if there are any published sources to confirm that Rybelsus semaglutide tablets are branded and no such generic version exists? I know Rybelsus.com has big photos and thyroid cancer warning (please don't sue us consumers!) but I couldn't find much else, this also makes me question how qualified or professional Boots Pharmacists in Leicester are having processed my NHS prescription and awaiting stock which will never arrive obviously, ugh!

Will update on Monday with hopefully new prescription, it really should not be this difficult for T2 diabetes patients to get hold of licensed T2 diabetes drugs on NHS prescription! :(
Can I be cheeky and ask if there are any published sources to confirm that Rybelsus semaglutide tablets are branded and no such generic version exists? I know Rybelsus.com has big photos and thyroid cancer warning (please don't sue us consumers!) but I couldn't find much else, this also makes me question how qualified or professional Boots Pharmacists in Leicester are having processed my NHS prescription and awaiting stock which will never arrive obviously, ugh!

Will update on Monday with hopefully new prescription, it really should not be this difficult for T2 diabetes patients to get hold of licensed T2 diabetes drugs on NHS prescription! :(
Novo Nordisk's patents have years left to run so there won't be a legal generic oral semaglutide available anytime soon.

And Rybelsus is a Novo Nordisk trademark, so any generic oral semaglutide wouldn't be referred to professionally as "generic Rybelsus" or "unbranded Rybelsus".

See eg https://www.drugs.com/availability/generic-rybelsus.html for some details.
@Eddy Edson thanks for link, so I spoke to Boots Pharmacist this morning, and it turns out the GP prescription is intended to mean "unspecified" semaglutide tablets, so what you posted is 100% correct, but my GP being over-cautious about medicine shortages has written vague prescription, so Rybelsus semaglutide tablets are available on NHS prescription and in stock from Boots Pharmacists, and I'm hoping my full prescription will be processed fulfilled and sent out via Royal Mail by next Wednesday... I will be asking my GP to specify Rybelsus branded tablets in future as of course, no generic semaglutide drugs exist as there's so much money and profits to be made yet, did you know Ozempic can help to manage diabetes, weight loss and prevent heart attacks, truly "wonder drug" - if you can get prescriptions fulfilled long-term, of course! 😉
Holy Moly! So finally after much antici-pation and lobbying of NHS staff, today unexpectedly Royal Mail threw parcel at my mailbox to "deliver" it, and Boots Pharmacists sent my fufilled prescription via Tracked 24 service, so after many months I have taken my first dose of Rybelsus semaglutide drugs, and have 30 day supply where it's reviewed with blood test and hopefully I can progress to the higher dose as it will lower my blood glucose levels fingers crossed!

No more all you can eat Chinese buffets in Chinatown, joking, I have always been much more of grazer having small snacks and putting things back in fridge as I can be very fussy, so hopefully I won't explode in big ball of poop, or develop thyroid cancer overnight, but it highlights to me how stupid and careless it is to "get some skinny jabs from private clinic coz I can wear sample size clothes and get more attention for being model thin" obviously injecting high doses of semaglutides with no health monitoring or health screening of any kind, with associated risks, but fingers crossed for me this means getting control back over my diabetes and rest of my life, yay! 😉
Holy Moly! So finally after much antici-pation and lobbying of NHS staff, today unexpectedly Royal Mail threw parcel at my mailbox to "deliver" it, and Boots Pharmacists sent my fufilled prescription via Tracked 24 service,

😱 😱 😱 And on a Sunday too!

Hope you get on really well with the Rybelsus after this epic journey to get this far!
@everydayupsanddowns thanks for your support, in hindsight I felt so angst-ridden knowing that prescription drugs I meet all criteria for were available in some variety or dosage, but I was just being left with Metformin alone which I wasn't responding to and I've had many weeks of unnecessary suffering with depression and real "dark nights of the soul" feeling so worthless and having nightmares about end of my life dying and death, yet all it took was one NHS prescription and the drugs are in fact available in limited way from the major Pharmacists...

I would really encourage everyone on the forum or just reading this for tips, you must persevere, don't give up, fight for your treatment and healthcare, don't accept "no" or "shortages" or random excuses, and trust your gut instinct, if you feel you are being treated badly, ask for second opinion, contact PALS, make complaint, call the Integrated Care Board and ruffle some feathers because these conditions shouldn't limit your life or end your life prematurely... I'm now free to manage my diabetes with confidence and spend my free time helping to organise community events and go walking with social group, and the worry of not getting the medication I needed meant I couldn't do that, hoping to report weight loss and lower blood glucose levels in month or so fingers crossed! 🙂
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