Rock Cakes

Rock cakes were one of the first things I learned to make in Home Ecconomics class at school so to see these excellent looking rock cakes are bringing back so great memories...gonna have to make some.
They look scrumptious. Only problem is my husband is allergic to coconut. Could you add more almond flour? I understand they are not equal volume substitutes. What percentage would work? BYW my first memories of baking was rock cakes. I was probably 5 or 6 years old. Mum did the oven stuff but my brother and I did all the measuring and mixing :rofl:
They look scrumptious. Only problem is my husband is allergic to coconut. Could you add more almond flour? I understand they are not equal volume substitutes. What percentage would work? BYW my first memories of baking was rock cakes. I was probably 5 or 6 years old. Mum did the oven stuff but my brother and I did all the measuring and mixing :rofl:
There is only a small amount of coconut flour so I would think it would be OK to leave out and use the extra almond flour. I find if I use almond flour/ground almonds I don't need nearly as much sweetener as it says especially if you add the dried fruit.
Yes I remember the rock cakes made at school truly were ROCK cakes.
As it's such a small amount of coconut flour , I should imagine that you could leave it out completely. Please note that I am not a trained baker though , I just use recipes I find on the net.
As it's such a small amount of coconut flour , I should imagine that you could leave it out completely. Please note that I am not a trained baker though , I just use recipes I find on the net.
That's fine. It's all about experimenting. I am not keen on artificial sweetener so I would do the same as you. As for school ROCK cakes, left them well alone as I didn't want to break a tooth.