Roast Potatoes, are they ever OK

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I just wondered if there is ever a way to make roast potatoes acceptable, maybe the way they are cooked or reduction in how many you can have, type of potato, same question about yorkshire puddings. I miss my roast trimmings, chicken and veg dont have the same appeal on a Sunday 🙂
I just wondered if there is ever a way to make roast potatoes acceptable, maybe the way they are cooked or reduction in how many you can have,
Obviously you can eat less potato (perhaps substitute more carrots and things which are lower carb).

You might also try cooking the potatoes first (as you might do anyway in parboiling) and make sure to get them cold before then roasting them. The principle is to turn some of the starch into resistant starch.
If I have a roast then roast potatoes are always okay. I just have fewer of them. I par-boil then spray with one-cal Olive oil and put them in the oven for the last 15 min. Mmmmmmm
As @SB2015 says.
I par boil them, let them cool, spray with one cal and roast.
As to Yorkshires, I found the cheap basic Tesco or Aldi are small, airy, and crispy, so one or two of them were fine.

Again, you need to accept you have to find a way to cope, and live with something you can incorporate into your life.
It's no good focusing on one single thing, and being miserable doing that.
One step at a time.
I par boil the potatoes then when i drain them, give them a little shake in the colander to "rough up" the outsides. When i spray them and put them in the oven, the outer potato goes nice and crispy. Mmmmm
I just wondered if there is ever a way to make roast potatoes acceptable, maybe the way they are cooked or reduction in how many you can have, type of potato, same question about yorkshire puddings. I miss my roast trimmings, chicken and veg dont have the same appeal on a Sunday 🙂

Have you tried them, checking before and after? As long as I don’t go overboard, and as long as I eat with lots of other veg etc, I find roast meals treat my BGs pretty kindly on the whole. Though I may just be jammy!
Yes I am pretty okay with roast potatoes and Yorkshires also.

But don’t have loads of them maybe 4-6 small roasties.

I always parboil and as less oil as you can get away with.

What are you levels like before and after?
I never bother with roast potatoes - but I do make Yorkshire puddings for the meals we have with our daughter.
I use three eggs, salt, then cream and water or milk with butter, and 2 cups of white bread flour when I can get it otherwise ordinary plain flour.
I use 8 muffin tins to cook them which I heat up with fat from roasted meat - usually lamb. I turn the thermostat up to the top to get the oven and the fat really hot, pour in the batter and close the door gently. I turn down the heat a little, but the numbers came off the metal long ago so I can't tell you the temperature.
My American son in law eats them with butter and cheese, rather than with gravy, but we all seem to cope with that.
I never bother with roast potatoes - but I do make Yorkshire puddings for the meals we have with our daughter.
I use three eggs, salt, then cream and water or milk with butter, and 2 cups of white bread flour when I can get it otherwise ordinary plain flour.
I use 8 muffin tins to cook them which I heat up with fat from roasted meat - usually lamb. I turn the thermostat up to the top to get the oven and the fat really hot, pour in the batter and close the door gently. I turn down the heat a little, but the numbers came off the metal long ago so I can't tell you the temperature.
My American son in law eats them with butter and cheese, rather than with gravy, but we all seem to cope with that.
This thread is making me hungry. My dad used to make lovely yorkshire puddings, he always cooked the Sunday Roast and my mum did the midweek meals. My parents were both vegetarians but he used to love yorkshire puddings with peanut butter, or as a dessert with golden syrup and cream!
Mmmmmm @Jenny65 ! Yorkshire puddings and golden syrup and cream. I’m literally drooling right now :D

I have a moderate number of roast potatoes plus stuffing and other carby accompaniments. I always like lots of veg and gravy too. Why not try a small number of roasties and see how you go? Sometimes something being ‘forbidden’ makes you want them more!
Mmmmmm @Jenny65 ! Yorkshire puddings and golden syrup and cream. I’m literally drooling right now :D

I have a moderate number of roast potatoes plus stuffing and other carby accompaniments. I always like lots of veg and gravy too. Why not try a small number of roasties and see how you go? Sometimes something being ‘forbidden’ makes you want them more!
I think I will have a couple of small roast potatoes tomorrow and see what happens, Years ago when I had just had my son (who is now 29) I joined Rosemary Connelly sliming club to lose the baby weight, I was allowed unlimited veg including potatoes with each meal and lost 4 pounds a week following it, I followed it because she promoted it as a gall stone diet to reduce the likelihood of surgery (having said that I suddenly got stuck at 8 stone (which was a nice weigh to get stuck at to be honest) but my weight then slowly crept up, I discovered why, I was pregnant with my daughter and then when my daughter was 8 months old I had my gall bladder out as i developed gall stones, so the diet didnt actually work, well it may have done but pregnancy also increases the risk. Sorry gone off on a tangent here, what I meant was that when I followed the original hip and thigh diet I ate lots of potatoes with my meals and lots in total 4 stone and got to a healthy weight, but weight loss doesnt always mean healthy blood sugars I am guessing as years before that when I was 15 and anorexic I ate 1 mars bar a day and lost loads of weight but i am sure my sugars would be high after eating that glucose treat.
Ok so tested roast potatoes. I had 2 small ones, a very small yorkshire pud, cauliflower, carrots, peas and roast chicken with gravy, total meal still under 30g carbs but my reading now 2 hours later is 9.2 (was 6.4 before eating) so a rise of just under 3, is that an OK rise or should I avoid any potatoes in my future sunday roasts?
Obviously you can eat less potato (perhaps substitute more carrots and things which are lower carb).

You might also try cooking the potatoes first (as you might do anyway in parboiling) and make sure to get them cold before then roasting them. The principle is to turn some of the starch into resistant starch.
Omg ! Parboiling why have I always thought the terminology was part boiling as you are only partly cooking them? Every days a school day when your an idiot 😳
Omg ! Parboiling why have I always thought the terminology was part boiling as you are only partly cooking them? Every days a school day when your an idiot 😳
I think it is a contraction of partial boiling, but it's an accepted word in its own right.
Ok so tested roast potatoes. I had 2 small ones, a very small yorkshire pud, cauliflower, carrots, peas and roast chicken with gravy, total meal still under 30g carbs but my reading now 2 hours later is 9.2 (was 6.4 before eating) so a rise of just under 3, is that an OK rise or should I avoid any potatoes in my future sunday roasts?

Cracking result, that will only get better.
Take the win🙂
Omg ! Parboiling why have I always thought the terminology was part boiling as you are only partly cooking them? Every days a school day when your an idiot 😳

No, that's backwards.
Every day is a school day, but you are only an idiot if you pretend you know everything already!

Both terms are right, although just "boil them for a bit first" works for me too 🙂
Cracking result, that will only get better.
Take the win🙂
thanks @travellor I am still unsure of what result to expect and how to interpret it to be honest but its still a lot lower than my 19.4 on 29th June 🙂 my glucose meter didn't give me a smiley face like yesterday but I will take your response to my result as a positive so thank you for keeping my spirits up.
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