Ritalin / methylphenidate

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

I have just started on methylphenidate/ Ritalin

I am worried it is increasing my blood sugars after I take it but I’m not sure

What do others think about this medication?

Does it affect diabetes?

I am t1. Have been t1 since I was 4 (im
Almost 27).

Responses would be greatly appreciated.
Interesting question, I stopped taking it eventually. I can't give you any direct info, other than as a stimulant it will work as an appetite suppressant and that must surely have an effect ?
Hi @hbpeanut I hadn't heard anything about effect on blood sugar so looked up the BNF details, there's no mention in the known side effects of a direct impact on blood sugars. Since it affects appetite that may have an indirect effect, though I would have guessed more risk of not eating the amount of carbohydrates you had planned and taken insulin for. One of my kids is on a similar medication but I don't check their blood sugars as they aren't diabetic. They do regularly not want anything to eat during the day after taking it, and are under instructions from their ADHD nurse to eat high calorie snacks in the evenings and at weekends (when they don't take it).
If you’re already taking it I’d just test your blood sugar and find out
We used to call it 'taking speed'. Supresses appetite, will ruin your teeth, screw your brain, but uppers are fun, while the feeling lasts. What do you want to know ?
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