Rising blood sugars!!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
would anyone know why about 2 hours after eating my blood sugar was 9.5, now 3 hours after eating my blood sugar is gone to 14!!!
Blood Sugars

Funnily enough mine does that too, after 2 hours it can be 12 and then an hour later be up in the 20's, i am none the wiser and put it down to being new to all this :)
What did you eat? Some foods only digest after the 'peak' of your insulin, particularly if they've had a high fat content, like pizza. Or, if it's an evening meal, it may be that your basal insulin isn't lasting the full 24 hours - this happens to me, as my lantus lasts about 20/22 hours.

That's if you're basal/bolus of course!:)
Blood Sugars

Well i have porridge in the morning, a sandwich with usually prawns or cheese and onion for lunch and something like tuna and pasta bake or spag bol for dinner and mine can do that after breakfast, lunch or dinner so who knows why
i ate alot of pasta but only cause my blood sugar was 3.8 before hand so i thought it would be ok. i took 8 units of insulin. i used to take my basal at night but recently changed it till morning to see would that work - obviously not! i might try splitting it 50.50 morning and night to see if that helps.
i think we are eating too much carbs angeleyes - i have pretty much the same diet as you and your blood sugars rise like mine - maybe me need more fruit and veg :(
ok its going down now - 11.9 after taking 4 units of correction bolus. I have diabetes 3 years now and its still annoying me. from tomorrow - more veggies and fruit - all things good for me. the stress i feel when my blood is high - thinking of what damage im doing to my body - its just not worth the pasta or extra slice of bread!
I second that!!! im thinking that must be were im going wrong then!! i dont seem to know or understand what different foods do to our bodies!!!
i should know as i have diabetes 3 years now. do u have it long? i think small bowl of porridge for breakfast - lunch of a andwich is uaually ok and dinner just eat loads of veg meat and small carbs. i will try it for a week to see how it affects my blood sugar. i will prob be starving with no carbs but if it helps my blood sugar then i gota try :)
don't forget the fats. they're really useful. they keep you feeling satisfied much more consistently than carbs.

fats are at their most dangerous when combined with high blood sugars. this is one reason why obese people are at risk of heart attacks. sugars in the blood will literally stick fats to eachother and to the insides of arteries. it's not so much the fat's fault as it is the sugar's.

it's good to aim for a balance of your fats.

i would agree that 'trans fats' are bad ones but saturated fats like the sort found in cheese aren't bad guys at all. it's fine to have fats in things like cheese as long as you get a good balance by including your omega 3 and omega 6 fats as well.
i should know as i have diabetes 3 years now. do u have it long? i think small bowl of porridge for breakfast - lunch of a andwich is uaually ok and dinner just eat loads of veg meat and small carbs. i will try it for a week to see how it affects my blood sugar. i will prob be starving with no carbs but if it helps my blood sugar then i gota try :)
I have had it 6 years but its only the last year i seem to be struggling my body must be changing!! i seemed to have great results before, now my hba1c is creeping up and i really want to get it down again. i think i just get bit fed up with it sometimes,maybe im getting bit lazy at working with it! i am going to give that a go too tho and we can see how we get on:)
exactly - you and i gerry - we will eat healthly for the week - and see how we both get on. i need to seriously cop on and eat properly - although i say this every day. i need motivation :) ok today is the new healthy me :)
exactly - you and i gerry - we will eat healthly for the week - and see how we both get on. i need to seriously cop on and eat properly - although i say this every day. i need motivation :) ok today is the new healthy me :)
tuesday is the new monday!!! definitely going to start tomorrow i would love a day were i did not read a bs above 10!!! i get highs or very lows so its defintely my eating the wrong foods! i know we can do it:)
i should know as i have diabetes 3 years now. do u have it long? i think small bowl of porridge for breakfast - lunch of a andwich is uaually ok and dinner just eat loads of veg meat and small carbs. i will try it for a week to see how it affects my blood sugar. i will prob be starving with no carbs but if it helps my blood sugar then i gota try :)

just one quick pointer which you may be aware of anyway.

vegetables do contain carbs so it's worth researching how much different vegetables contain. luckily the carb content of vegetables is a lot lower than starches.

proteins can also raise blood sugar too. they don't it anything like as fast as carbs and the rise is also much smaller than with carbs but they do have an effect.

if anyone's considering moving to a low carb diet, i would recommend talking with your consultant as you may need to re-adjust your long term insulin. i experimented on myself this weekend and woke up with a hypo! your consultant should be able to advise if any adjustments are needed.

one last thing. to calculate carbohydrates of many different foods (like vegetables for instance), this book is meant to be very good. mine's been ordered today. read the reviews and see if it may be useful to you
me too - my hba1c was 5.8 but i only achieved this from highs and lows so that's how i got it - i want to even it out a bit. ok for me tomorrow - small bowl of porridge for breakfast - sandwich and yogurt for lunch and dinner meat and lots of salad and water and tea! THAT IS IT. and il be happy :) I think its probably seeing what works for us and sticking to it more or less. this diet will probably work for me (geez it has to - a rabbit could eat it) so i will ahve to just stick to it :)
my hba1c was 7.7 on dec so im hoping for much better one in march!! that is highest it been for long time i had it down to 6 3years ago so im working towards that again. think il get the book 1997 is mentioning,heard that name few times on here and being able to work out the carbs and fats on foods would be helpful. i have made appoint with DSN to to help with this:)
just one quick pointer which you may be aware of anyway.

vegetables do contain carbs so it's worth researching how much different vegetables contain. luckily the carb content of vegetables is a lot lower than starches.

proteins can also raise blood sugar too. they don't it anything like as fast as carbs and the rise is also much smaller than with carbs but they do have an effect.

if anyone's considering moving to a low carb diet, i would recommend talking with your consultant as you may need to re-adjust your long term insulin. i experimented on myself this weekend and woke up with a hypo! your consultant should be able to advise if any adjustments are needed.

one last thing. to calculate carbohydrates of many different foods (like vegetables for instance), this book is meant to be very good. mine's been ordered today. read the reviews and see if it may be useful to you
thanks for your tips, very helpful. im going to see if i can order this book:)
i know my main problem is way too much carbs so if i cut down on them i think i will be sorted :) will let ye all know. good luck :)
Blood Sugars

Just got back from local out of hours as blood sugar hit 24.3 and after taking an extra 6 units or rapid was not going down, so now 5 hors after dinner blood sugars still rising, been told to keep taking a few units every 20 mins till i get to around 14 :(
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