Reversing Type 2 diabetes starts with ignoring the guidelines | Sarah Hallberg

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I did not mean to suggest it was wrong.
I was putting the idea forward as a question rather than questioning it.
I did not mean to suggest it was wrong.
I was putting the idea forward as a question rather than questioning it.
OK 🙂
My Dad in Law's neighbour lost lots of weight and her hba1c went into normal range. She said to her GP that she was no longer diabetic but he said that it was better controlled. There is no such thing as reversed diabetes he said, just better controlled.

Mark Parrott has done exceptionally well and well done to you Mark, especially with a family history. My diabetes prevention co-ordinator said he had never heard anyone do that well before so you should be proud of yourself.

I think the problem with a lot of the claims on the net about "cured" and "reversed" is that you cannot really check whether it is true or not. This Forum is not included in that comment. Another thing that concerns me too is that people who cannot reverse it will feel it is their fault which it is certainly not. I know 6 people with diabetes and 4 with pre-diabetes two of whom are very borderline with it i.e. 45/46. Most of them do care what they are doing, some don't but I doubt they would be able to reverse it and, if they cannot, they are not to blame. I am just making a point. I am not suggesting anyone on the Forum is blaming people for not being able to "cure" or "reverse."
My Dad in Law's neighbour lost lots of weight and her hba1c went into normal range. She said to her GP that she was no longer diabetic but he said that it was better controlled. There is no such thing as reversed diabetes he said, just better controlled.

Mark Parrott has done exceptionally well and well done to you Mark, especially with a family history. My diabetes prevention co-ordinator said he had never heard anyone do that well before so you should be proud of yourself.

I think the problem with a lot of the claims on the net about "cured" and "reversed" is that you cannot really check whether it is true or not. This Forum is not included in that comment. Another thing that concerns me too is that people who cannot reverse it will feel it is their fault which it is certainly not. I know 6 people with diabetes and 4 with pre-diabetes two of whom are very borderline with it i.e. 45/46. Most of them do care what they are doing, some don't but I doubt they would be able to reverse it and, if they cannot, they are not to blame. I am just making a point. I am not suggesting anyone on the Forum is blaming people for not being able to "cure" or "reverse."
My DSN & our specialist diabetes GP had never seen anyone reduce their HbA1c as much as I did. I became a minor celebrity at our surgery.🙂 And thank you for you kind words.
No Metformin now for four days...reduced it to one 500mgs a day just over a year far I haven't noticed any difference & my BGs are on average 5.2 for the last few days...will give it another week before I decide whether to fill my Metformin prescription again...hopeful I will not have to do that...we shall has taken me just short of twenty two months to get to this stage...fingers crossed.
No Metformin now for four days...reduced it to one 500mgs a day just over a year far I haven't noticed any difference & my BGs are on average 5.2 for the last few days...will give it another week before I decide whether to fill my Metformin prescription again...hopeful I will not have to do that...we shall has taken me just short of twenty two months to get to this stage...fingers crossed.
That's great @Bubbsie congratulations on all the hard work.....
That's great @Bubbsie congratulations on all the hard work.....
Thanks Martin...forgot to take it on Sunday...just carried on from there...watching my numbers...I'm aware it can take a week or so to show any difference...but...feeling optimistic I will finally be diet & exercise only.
No Metformin now for four days...reduced it to one 500mgs a day just over a year far I haven't noticed any difference & my BGs are on average 5.2 for the last few days...will give it another week before I decide whether to fill my Metformin prescription again...hopeful I will not have to do that...we shall has taken me just short of twenty two months to get to this stage...fingers crossed.
I’ll keep everything crossed fir you.
forgot to take it on Sunday...just carried on from there
That's kinda how I came off Metformin.... Used to keep my drugs with the dogs drugs then somehow they got moved to where the wife keeps hers..... At first I forgot to take it then I couldn't be bothered to go into the pantry to retrieve it. Now, the glyburinde was a deliberate decision not to take it.

When at the Dr.'s last week, the practice nurse gave the impression that she wanted me to resume the metformin, I said no.
That's kinda how I came off Metformin.... Used to keep my drugs with the dogs drugs then somehow they got moved to where the wife keeps hers..... At first I forgot to take it then I couldn't be bothered to go into the pantry to retrieve it. Now, the glyburinde was a deliberate decision not to take it.

When at the Dr.'s last week, the practice nurse gave the impression that she wanted me to resume the metformin, I said no.
Really?...why on earth would she want you to do that...your numbers are excellent!...I've only been taking one for 12 months now...TBH I'm not sure how much use that would have been...possibly 'my crutch' its difficult to decide whether to stop taking it...when I stopped taking the second one it did worry me...however I decided I have to give it a worked...I've been wanting to be D & E for some time...we shall see how it goes.
why on earth would she want you to do that...your numbers are excellent!
She wondered why I stopped, I didn't go into graphic detail about my metformin days but they were occurring perhaps once a month or 2 so I just told her that sometimes I didn't tolerate it so well.... She accepted that without offering anything else.
Good to hear you going D&E, @Bubbsie. I'm sure you can do it.🙂
She wondered why I stopped, I didn't go into graphic detail about my metformin days but they were occurring perhaps once a month or 2 so I just told her that sometimes I didn't tolerate it so well.... She accepted that without offering anything else.
Strange she would ask that with your figures Martin...can't see she would be suggesting or want you take more with your current management...maybe just the criteria different for non-diabetic range over there?
Good to hear you going D&E, @Bubbsie. I'm sure you can do it.🙂
Thanks five (I think) still no change in my BG levels...although it can take while to see if it will affect testing a little more until I'm out of the woods...fingers crossed.
No Metformin now for four days...reduced it to one 500mgs a day just over a year far I haven't noticed any difference & my BGs are on average 5.2 for the last few days...will give it another week before I decide whether to fill my Metformin prescription again...hopeful I will not have to do that...we shall has taken me just short of twenty two months to get to this stage...fingers crossed.
Good work ! Bubbsie.
Good work ! Bubbsie.
Thanks's only been five days so far...waiting a while before I consider myself diet & exercise only...since it can take a week or so to show results...fingers crossed.
One of my mates who is now off his T2 meds is ex Army. He has a soldiers head & listens & walks the legs off his poor dog. He walks 6miles to go to his supermarket with haversack on his back (full of 6 tins beans). Keep going Bubbs & keep them pinkies "X ed" 🙂
One of my mates who is now off his T2 meds is ex Army. He has a soldiers head & listens & walks the legs off his poor dog. He walks 6miles to go to his supermarket with haversack on his back (full of 6 tins beans). Keep going Bubbs & keep them pinkies "X ed" 🙂
Will do Hobie...thanks.
Terrific @Bubbsie
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