Reversing Type 2 diabetes starts with ignoring the guidelines | Sarah Hallberg

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Much missed Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
There's a lot of these TED talk things on YouTube. Events with talks exploring ideas. Or something like that.
Here an American talks insulin resistance, high BG, LCHF and "not having diabetes anymore".
I've been resisting the urge to Google my conditions. Landed on this by chance.
Anything is worth a try Ralph to knock T2 back. Two of my good mates are off all there T2 meds inc insulin 🙂
Anything is worth a try Ralph to knock T2 back. Two of my good mates are off all there T2 meds inc insulin 🙂

That's great @HOBIE, but people mustn't get to think that meds are in any way a 'failure'. Some people can make changes that allow them to reduce or stop meds, but others using exactly the same approaches would have different results and may still need to the support meds can provide. Still others may not want to make the changes they would need to in order to be completely med-free and may choose a path of meds supported by a diet which suits them better.

Either way is fine. Everyone and everyone's diabetes is very different.
Totally agree with everydayupsanddowns. I am very wary of people on You Tube and the Net generally, curing this, that and the other, particularly cancer or diabetes.
Well done to my two mates. One was in his 80s & OFF his insulin. I would try if it was possible 😉
Well done to my two mates. One was in his 80s & OFF his insulin. I would try if it was possible 😉

Many of us are doing it Hobie. I’ve never taken meds for my type 2 but recognise it’s always a possibility if my pancreatic function impairs.
Just need to be careful of all the happy, clappy crackpot schemes on the net. Some are sound but the untested, extreme ones need a wide berth.
Anyone remember the crazy alternative ‘slapping’ diabetes treatment for type 1’s that had a little boy lose his life?
As I have said its "Worth a Try" if it helps someone. T1 & T2 are two different illnesses & are a bit different. I would rather have a pancreas that worked a little bit.
A large number of T1s still do actually have some natural insulin production left though, Hobie. It may well not be anywhere near enough to be useful in terms of how much insulin we each need, but! You and I are both compaction free aren't we? Slightly unusual given the length of time we've both had diabetes on the face of it. Maybe we still have a few drips of our own, or maybe something else - neither of us knows!

Nobody's ever offered me or you the sort of tests that the Joslin Institute have done on some of their 'golden oldies' over the years so we're never likely to find out either.

I defy anyone who has had GD not to need medication again once the T2 has returned later cos pregnancy puts so much strain on the human body anyway it's a bit impossible to expect the pancreas to recover completely for life, from what I've seen reported.
I reduced my HbA1C from 78 to 33 in 3 months and was told I had reversed my diabetes by both my GP and my nurse. Was taken off meds.
However, my view was and still is that T2 can be controlled but not reversed and I consider myself in remission and under control but definitely not in a reversed condition.
It wold be folly in my book to think it had been reversed and to go back o my normal pre dx lifestyle.
I watch what I eat, ok I have increased my carb content slightly and feel a little safer doing that but reversed? no way.
It is lieing in wait for me to fall by the wayside and it will return with a vengance. That is my take on the matter.
Once a diabetic, always either a diabetic or at high risk of a return.
However, my view was and still is that T2 can be controlled but not reversed and I consider myself in remission and under control but definitely not in a reversed condition.
It wold be folly in my book to think it had been reversed and to go back o my normal pre dx lifestyle.
I watch what I eat, ok I have increased my carb content slightly and feel a little safer doing that but reversed? no way.
It is lieing in wait for me to fall by the wayside and it will return with a vengance. That is my take on the matter.
Once a diabetic, always either a diabetic or at high risk of a return.
Exactly my sentiments also.... I really don't like the works "reversed" or even "cured" when talking about D, I feel that it gives people false whereas diabetes under "control" is a more accurate description. Some people can get under control with just D&E others may require a little bit of help up to & including insulin.
Becoming complacent will just give the opportunity for that pesky blood glucose level to rise, as I just found out, FBG was a little on the higher side by typically under my goal of 100 (5.5) but it was those extra carbs I consumed during the day was my downfall, probably hidden from my FBG by virtue that I was exercising more (an hour to 90 minutes 4-5 times a week), usually in the evening & before a low carb dinner.
Exactly my sentiments also.... I really don't like the works "reversed" or even "cured" when talking about D, I feel that it gives people false whereas diabetes under "control" is a more accurate description. Some people can get under control with just D&E others may require a little bit of help up to & including insulin.
Becoming complacent will just give the opportunity for that pesky blood glucose level to rise, as I just found out, FBG was a little on the higher side by typically under my goal of 100 (5.5) but it was those extra carbs I consumed during the day was my downfall, probably hidden from my FBG by virtue that I was exercising more (an hour to 90 minutes 4-5 times a week), usually in the evening & before a low carb dinner.
Exactly Martin and a very sensible approach may I say.
Perhaps instead of reversing diabetes, one could think in terms of limiting its progression.
I like to think of it as keeping it in check.🙂
My DSN calls it 'resolved'. In my opinion, that's the same as 'reversed' or 'cured' which are phrases that can't be used with diabetes. Cured or reversed means it has gone completely & eating carbs will no longer raise your blood sugars into diabetic ranges. Well, yes they will, therefore, not cured, but controlled.
My DSN calls it 'resolved'. In my opinion, that's the same as 'reversed' or 'cured' which are phrases that can't be used with diabetes. Cured or reversed means it has gone completely & eating carbs will no longer raise your blood sugars into diabetic ranges. Well, yes they will, therefore, not cured, but controlled.
I must admit, I always switch off whenever I see some guru using the words 'reversed' or 'cured' :(
In remission ?

( ?? time off for good behaviour ?? )
Something wrong with that?
I would say yes actually, good behaviour means controlling your T2, time off means no meds
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