retinopothy scans where ddo you have yours?

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Senior Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Just wondered where everyone has their eye pictures done?

My first one was done at the hospital but since then I have been seen by a local optician. This is better for me as it's only one bus home. Also if I do as I did yesterday and go from work, it is also quite close to the station.
i got mine done at a lilttle clinic about a 25 minute train journey from me
i get mine done at boots, you're supposed to pay a tenner for them but i havent done so yet... they have advised me to go to my local retino place in chelmsford which is at the university but its too far away from where i live, more convenient for me to go boots, plus they send the pics to my doctor as well so if there are any probs, they'd pick up on it there.... I hope!!
i get mine done at boots, you're supposed to pay a tenner for them but i havent done so yet... they have advised me to go to my local retino place in chelmsford which is at the university but its too far away from where i live, more convenient for me to go boots, plus they send the pics to my doctor as well so if there are any probs, they'd pick up on it there.... I hope!!

These things are supposed to be free if you are diabetic and in possession of a medical exemption certificate. I was told yesterday when I had mine done the pics would be sent to the diabetic team at the hospital for further checking and I'd be contacted, but the very nice lady doing them said at first glance there was nothing obviously wrong.
To right helen we are entitled so please dont ever pay the tenna ,
I go to a little local hospital where they have a retinopathy clinic set up just for this purpose. They are very efficient, you check in, the nurse gives the eyedrops and then you go in to see another specialist nurse who does the eye checks. She then shows you the results and talks you through anything odd - so far nothing bad for me as they think they've caught it early enough. Confirmation, in letter form, of the results come through in about 5 days.

The hardest thing is finding a parking space near the hospital but that's a problem I personally don't have to worry about as I don't drive.
At a local hospital about 30min drive. Friend takes me in case they use drops.
Reply by letter with results in about 5 days.
The specialist service based at the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxfordcomes out to the local GP practice for the screening but any necessary follow up is done at the eye hospital in Oxford or Swindon depending on where the patient choses. Either way it is at least 2 buses for me but Oxford is the better journey on the whole
Here in Southampton they have a mobile unit - a van with the camera in it. When I had mine done it was parked outside the hospital where my diabetic clinic is! I could have waited until it visited my local surgery, but that would have meant waiting another three months, and as I was newly diagnosed I wanted to get the check done asap.

My one big gripe is that they don't let you know the results unless they find something, so you're left wondering. I would much prefer if, like some have said here, they went through the pictures with you - or at least sent you a letter saying you were OK.
Just wondered where everyone has their eye pictures done?

My first one was done at the hospital but since then I have been seen by a local optician. This is better for me as it's only one bus home. Also if I do as I did yesterday and go from work, it is also quite close to the station.

Used to be in the back of a beat up old mini bus outside the docs - now have the opthalmic consultant look at them every six months.
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I got mine done at health center 10 mins walk away got letter with results a few days later.

My one big gripe is that they don't let you know the results unless they find something, so you're left wondering. I would much prefer if, like some have said here, they went through the pictures with you - or at least sent you a letter saying you were OK.[/QUOTE]

I quite agree. My GP is very bad at passing on results too. I once told him should I be dead or getting ready to die yet then? He did not think it was funny and he did not take the hint.
Only been once, but it was at the local (ish) hospital. The lady told me straight away that it was clear, but that the Dr would have to look at it and decide when they want me back.
i used to go to the hospital for mine, but now my optitions has taken over as they have the equipment as my optition is a eye surgeon.
I was given an appointment when they visited my local area- which was at a nearby doctors surgery. Very efficient, went in early and was the 10 mins max as they didn't need to use drops (only time anyone has bothered to attempt without them). I got the results maybe a month later.
The eye folk come to us at the clinic. All very well organised and a cup of tea (semi skimmed milk - no bikkies).

I have one done twice a year

1 at the hospital, and they send me a letter as to how things are and recall
you back in should they find a problem

2 at my optician - this allows her to see what is happening to my eyes, and
can prescribe the right lenses
She told me that the NHS version is a must as they monitor the situation
year on year, whereas the local optician may lose touch with you if, eg,
you change address, the optician retires/closes, any number of reasons

Hope you each as fortunate

I go to my local optician just down the road. Its the most interesting part of my annual eye test. I look at the photo with my optician and compare them to last years! I guess I'm very lucky having all this within walking distance.
in a new clinic that has recently opened in the local area... usually i just go to the optomitrist to get everything checked, those eye drops are a killer though ... ouch.. they sting.
we have a mobile unit that comes to our doctors surgery car park about a 10 min walk from home, it's from the paula carr trust which i assume is just for our region in kent. one my nan also visits this unit and she lives in the next town from me she's 93 and type 2 but she does really well managing herself
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