Remission but not in the clear?

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Thank you . My kidneys are working but my BP is still high! I bought a monitor to use for a week but there’s no difference. It’s still high. I use low salt but I’ve read it’s not good for BP as it’s got a higher dose , I think possibly magnesium . It says you just use more of it. I’ve cut down on salt and never really used a lot .I’m not sure of the relationship. It’s the surgery pharmacist and we discussed everything. It won’t make me anaphalactic and it won’t affect my neuropathic bladder. I couldn’t stand going to toilet more with my bladder problems. Tuesday I will be getting the prescription and I will let you know what it is. Sorry I put the update on another post asking about what BP monitor to buy . I will definitely let you know on this post what the tablets are. Thank you everyone . I think he might have said candesteran looking at your post. He’s phoning the house to get my readings Tuesday morning. Just looked at side effects. 146/89 tonight best reading
Sorry I missed the new thread, I haven’t been around much, apologies, I am glad you have a plan and treatment should be forthcoming and you are looking at other possible triggers like salt, hoping this will be the end of the high readings. Thinking of you x
Sorry I missed the new thread, I haven’t been around much, apologies, I am glad you have a plan and treatment should be forthcoming and you are looking at other possible triggers like salt, hoping this will be the end of the high readings. Thinking of you x
Thank you Sarah. You’re so kind x
Have you had anaphylaxis after taking ramipril before? They won’t prescribe it if you have.
I have never had HBP before and not had any treatment. My anaphylaxis consultant warned me about certain treatments. I don’t accept anything and read the ingredients. Ty
Thank you Sarah. You’re so kind x
Aww bless you, not kind just know how it feels to live with allergies, and want to support, mine is antibiotic and some preservatives, luckily it’s mainly food preservatives so far but my body likes to change its allergies sometimes. I am thinking of you x
Aww bless you, not kind just know how it feels to live with allergies, and want to support, mine is antibiotic and some preservatives, luckily it’s mainly food preservatives so far but my body likes to change its allergies sometimes. I am thinking of you x
E210-219 benzoates and idiopathic anaphalaxis Just means they don’t know
@Sarahp @Inka @everydayupsanddowns Hi update. I got Amlodipine 5 mg tablets this morning as there wasn’t much difference in my BP I am disappointed I’ve had to get medication but if it helps . Thank you everyone
I am sorry you haven’t managed to lower things , I have had this medication before and it hadn’t many side affects for me, I hope you adjust to it ok and am thinking of you x
I am sorry you haven’t managed to lower things , I have had this medication before and it hadn’t many side affects for me, I hope you adjust to it ok and am thinking of you x
Thank you. I’ve a terrible thirst I can’t seem to break. Not eaten anything unusual to cause it
Thank you. I’ve a terrible thirst I can’t seem to break. Not eaten anything unusual to cause it
You’re welcome, do you have the leaflet? I used to get hot flushes as it was given to help my raynards.

Found these side affects listed on the BNF app that the pharmacy refer to, if it doesn’t change I would talk to your pharmacist that prescribed x :

Common or very common​

Abdominal pain; dizziness; drowsiness; flushing; headache; nausea; palpitations; peripheral oedema; skin reactions; tachycardia; vomiting


Angioedema; depression; erectile dysfunction; gingival hyperplasia; myalgia; paraesthesia; syncope
You’re welcome, do you have the leaflet? I used to get hot flushes as it was given to help my raynards.

Found these side affects listed on the BNF app that the pharmacy refer to, if it doesn’t change I would talk to your pharmacist that prescribed x :

Common or very common​

Abdominal pain; dizziness; drowsiness; flushing; headache; nausea; palpitations; peripheral oedema; skin reactions; tachycardia; vomiting


Angioedema; depression; erectile dysfunction; gingival hyperplasia; myalgia; paraesthesia; syncope
Yes. Have the leaflet it gives a breakdown of very common side effects. I don’t like the idea of some of them
Yes. Have the leaflet it gives a breakdown of very common side effects. I don’t like the idea of some of them
I appreciate that but we still need to try as you never know in a few days or weeks it could turn into the dream solution for you. X
Seriously! I can’t believe you said that?
I didn’t mean to cause offence, I meant well, trust me I wouldn’t wish medication on anyone especially as I take 21 different ones each day some of which are 3-4 tabs a day. with blood pressure it can be hereditary or other reasons so no amount of self help can improve things unfortunately and it’s horrible, sorry I offended you.
@Jinty2001 , your dose of Amlodipine is the lowest prescribed, so it may need a little tweaking to get you where you need to be for your BP.

On the upside, your GP/Pharmacist is being cautious on dosage.

Stick with it. Our BP is such an important part of our general health.
I didn’t mean to cause offence, I meant well, trust me I wouldn’t wish medication on anyone especially as I take 21 different ones each day some of which are 3-4 tabs a day. with blood pressure it can be hereditary or other reasons so no amount of self help can improve things unfortunately and it’s horrible, sorry I offended you.
I’m sticking with it but I’ve just posted in the weigh loss group how fed up I am and very emotional
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