Remission but not in the clear?

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I read an American journal called Diatribe and it was very informative. It said that in remission I still need to be tested for 5 years for High blood pressure and kidney problems? I know I was told I would still get yearly blood tests ! I have had HBP , unusual for me, and one kidney test that is showing lowered activity with the kidneys I am getting tested after 2 weeks on 2 nd Feb, results on 6 th Feb. They want to put me on to Ramipril, or similar which I don’t want as have been told not to take these drugs due to anaphylaxis! I was told it isn’t due to diabetes as I am in remission but what I’ve read is the opposite as I have still to be careful of HBP and kidney problems. When I looked up rampiril I found out Naproxene is a suspect of both as it causes HBP which in turn causes Kidney problems. I have spoken to my doctor about this and he wanted me to stay on a lower dose of naproxene but I’ve stopped them completely as I think I should give my kidneys and HBP a chance of recovery as it’s in early stage! I noticed a lot are on rampiril on their profiles. Interested to know what others think Ty
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Do make sure whoever is prescribing your meds reads your notes about the possibility of anaphylaxis @Jinty2001

Do you have a known allergy to them?

Hopefully your blood checks early Feb will shed more light on things. There do seem to be various different classes of meds to help with blood pressure - and controlling blood pressure seems to be important for kidney health because of the fine blood vessels.

Let us know how things go.
Do make sure whoever is prescribing your meds reads your notes about the possibility of anaphylaxis @Jinty2001

Do you have a known allergy to them?

Hopefully your blood checks early Feb will shed more light on things. There do seem to be various different classes of meds to help with blood pressure - and controlling blood pressure seems to be important for kidney health because of the fine blood vessels.

Let us know how things go.
I got the news the same day as the remission. I thought I would just enjoy my remission. My BP has been borderline for about 3 months and they’ve kept an eye on it. I was told by nurse it wasn’t connected but doctor not wanting me to come off naproxene , I was prescribed 500 mg x 2 daily high dose, has made me doubt it. He’s not specified and it’s early stages. If it’s naproxene there should be a difference in my tests, if not? Most likely diabetes. He said there’s other tablets they can give me Instead of Rampiril , the nurse said Rampiril protects the kidneys. Is it correct were monitored for 5 years for HBP and kidneys after remission? Thank you.
Have you had anaphylaxis after taking ramipril before? They won’t prescribe it if you have.
Is it correct were monitored for 5 years for HBP and kidneys after remission? Thank you.

Remission in diabetes is a fairly new concept as far as the emerging research is concerned (eg DIRECT and RETUNE)

It seems that not everyone who reaches remission is able to maintain it, so I guess it makes sense to keep an eye on things for a little while.

I’m not sure any formal ‘best practice’ suggestions have been agreed as to how frequently and for how long.
Remission in diabetes is a fairly new concept as far as the emerging research is concerned (eg DIRECT and RETUNE)

It seems that not everyone who reaches remission is able to maintain it, so I guess it makes sense to keep an eye on things for a little while.

I’m not sure any formal ‘best practice’ suggestions have been agreed as to how frequently and for how long.
I would agree with that because mine is weight dependent and within the weight I’ve lost the diabetes is still there. I can’t say how many pounds I have between remission and not.
I got the news the same day as the remission. I thought I would just enjoy my remission. My BP has been borderline for about 3 months and they’ve kept an eye on it. I was told by nurse it wasn’t connected but doctor not wanting me to come off naproxene , I was prescribed 500 mg x 2 daily high dose, has made me doubt it. He’s not specified and it’s early stages. If it’s naproxene there should be a difference in my tests, if not? Most likely diabetes. He said there’s other tablets they can give me Instead of Rampiril , the nurse said Rampiril protects the kidneys. Is it correct we‘re monitored for 5 years for HBP and kidneys after remission? Thank you.
the anaphalaxis consultant warned me about them and statins
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I got the news the same day as the remission. I thought I would just enjoy my remission. My BP has been borderline for about 3 months and they’ve kept an eye on it. I was told by nurse it wasn’t connected but doctor not wanting me to come off naproxene , I was prescribed 500 mg x 2 daily high dose, has made me doubt it. He’s not specified and it’s early stages. If it’s naproxene there should be a difference in my tests, if not? Most likely diabetes. He said there’s other tablets they can give me Instead of Rampiril , the nurse said Rampiril protects the kidneys. Is it correct were monitored for 5 years for HBP and kidneys after remission? Thank you.
Once dxed Type 2 you will need the appropriate tests annually for the rest of your life. This so-called 'remission' isn't a one-off achievement ( 'that's it, job done'). You have to try maintain good control every day. ACE Inhibitors such as Ramipril are a key drug for the management of Type 2 Diabetes ( the kidneys and blood pressure). They are part of the suite of medication for controlling the consequences of T2 ....metformin, gliclazide, statin, Ace or Arb Inhibitor etc.
Once dxed Type 2 you will need the appropriate tests annually for the rest of your life. This so-called 'remission' isn't a one-off achievement ( 'that's it, job done'). You have to try maintain good control every day. ACE Inhibitors such as Ramipril are a key drug for the management of Type 2 Diabetes ( the kidneys and blood pressure). They are part of the suite of medication for controlling the consequences of T2 ....metformin, gliclazide, statin, Ace or Arb Inhibitor etc.
I know I have to keep the weight off as it’s weight dependent with me. It’s just a way of saying the pancreas has been cleared of fat with me and is working dependent on me watching my weight. thank you will see what they give me and let you all know if it works , also being off naproxene if it has made any changes to BP and kidneys!
I was told when I achieved remission I would still be monitored as it can change, in simple terms it’s not a cure, we have to work at it especially if we have other conditions and or a family history.
I was told when I achieved remission I would still be monitored as it can change, in simple terms it’s not a cure, we have to work at it especially if we have other conditions and or a family history.
I’m getting kidney tests on Friday as remission test showed drop in kidney function. If nothing else it’s made me more determined to lose weight. I knew it wasn’t a cure it’s better than it was but would have been better if I or any one of us had never had it.
I’m getting kidney tests on Friday as remission test showed drop in kidney function. If nothing else it’s made me more determined to lose weight. I knew it wasn’t a cure it’s better than it was but would have been better if I or any one of us had never had it.
Hope the tests go ok on Friday and what ever it is can be dealt with, keeping fingers crossed for you.
Keep us posted on how it goes, I can’t take ramipril anymore so take candestaran and was told it helps protect my kidneys so might be something like that that can help you x
I will know on Tuesday I’m going for tests today. Second test thank you
Thank you . My kidneys are working but my BP is still high! I bought a monitor to use for a week but there’s no difference. It’s still high. I use low salt but I’ve read it’s not good for BP as it’s got a higher dose , I think possibly magnesium . It says you just use more of it. I’ve cut down on salt and never really used a lot .I’m not sure of the relationship. It’s the surgery pharmacist and we discussed everything. The treatment he has in mind won’t make me anaphalactic and it won’t affect my neuropathic bladder. I couldn’t stand going to toilet more with my bladder problems. Tuesday I will be getting the prescription and I will let you know what it is. Sorry I put the update on another post asking about what BP monitor to buy . I will definitely let you know on this post what the tablets are. Thank you everyone . I think he might have said candesteran looking at your post. He’s phoning the house to get my readings Tuesday morning. Just looked at side effects. 146/89 tonight best reading
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