Recently started insulin - blood glucose still high

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Thanks that's interesting. B/S still over 16 all day and currently 18 @ 9pm . I've been told to increase insulin to 18.
Sorry to hear that @Acomblad1 :(

Good to know that you are getting some advice about insulin doses.

Do you have a means of checking ketones at home?

Since you have had high ketones before, running levels as high as you are is more than a little concerning.

Do contact NHS111 if you experience nausea, abdominal pain, breathlessness, or vomiting - or go to A&E.

You might want to try to get some ‘ketostix’ (urine ketone strips) from a local pharmacy tomorrow. These aren’t as accurate or responsive as blood ketone strips, but they might at least give you advance warning if your ketones are already spilling into your urine?
I have a ketones monitor and the last time I checked earlier today it was 0.04.
I have been told to raise my insulin to 18 from 14,so I will see if that has an effect.
I have a ketones monitor and the last time I checked earlier today it was 0.04.
I have been told to raise my insulin to 18 from 14,so I will see if that has an effect.
It may help people make some suggestions if you gave some examples of the meals you are having as your levels are still quite high. It could be that the insulin as it is only a basal insulin is not able to cope with the carbs in the food you are having.
Good you have a good means of checking for ketones and they are OK for now.
It may help people make some suggestions if you gave some examples of the meals you are having as your levels are still quite high. It could be that the insulin as it is only a basal insulin is not able to cope with the carbs in the food you are having.
Good you have a good means of checking for ketones and they are OK for now.
This mornings BS 20 disappointing as I checked it last thing last night and it was 15.
Daily mealplan consists of:
Breakfast - 2 soft boiled eggs,2 wholemeal slices of bread and cuppa tea with milk (semmi skimmed milk,no sugar). Coffee mid morning white.
Lunch- home made vegetable soup and cuppa tea.
Afternoon fruit apple or tangerine.
Dinner - Chicken,veg stir fry with wholemeal rice.
Evening - nuts perhaps some cheese.Coffee.
Above is a typical day food intake.
Hi. You need to ask to be changed to the Basal/Bolus two insulin regime together with meal-time carb counting to suit your carb intake
This mornings BS 20 disappointing as I checked it last thing last night and it was 15.
Daily mealplan consists of:
Breakfast - 2 soft boiled eggs,2 wholemeal slices of bread and cuppa tea with milk (semmi skimmed milk,no sugar). Coffee mid morning white.
Lunch- home made vegetable soup and cuppa tea.
Afternoon fruit apple or tangerine.
Dinner - Chicken,veg stir fry with wholemeal rice.
Evening - nuts perhaps some cheese.Coffee.
Above is a typical day food intake.
Although not hugely high in carbohydrates, the bread, fruit, rice and the soup if you put potatoes in it are high carbs so that could be enough for your basal insulin not to be sufficient.
It might help if you kept a food diary with an estimate of the amount of carbs with blood glucose readings from before you eat and after 2 hours to provide some evidence to your nurse/GP.
I think you need a better insulin regime that would include bolus insulin to cope with the food you are having.
Well done!
Although I have been down to a reasonable level after fasting am it reaches up to 19 during the day! Is this usual? 🙂
Managed to get b/s down to 4.8 this morning. I'm working hard to manage my carb consumption.
Good to know there not high anymore. Did you speak to your doctor's?
Can you remind me which insulin you take and when you take it?
It really seems like you need meal time insulin added to your regime to cover food as that will be why your levels are going high through the day, even though you are eating a reduced amount of carbs. Protein and fat will also break down to release glucose but it tends to be a much slower steadier release over many hours, so if you have reduced your carbs quite significantly, this protein release starts to happen. I follow a low carb way of eating and I have to inject for protein release 2 hours after meals unless I can use exercise to deal with it.
Hopefully you will get some better support (and a mealtime insulin prescribed) at your clinic appointment next week. Do keep a food diary until then, so that they can see what you have been eating and correlate that to what your levels are doing.
Although I have been down to a reasonable level after fasting am it reaches up to 19 during the day! Is this usual? 🙂

That is quite a rise @Acomblad1

It does sound like you would benefit from a review of your insulin regimen, and possibly the addition of meal doses to help during the day.

Regular BGs in the high teens can make you feel pretty grim :(
That is quite a rise @Acomblad1

It does sound like you would benefit from a review of your insulin regimen, and possibly the addition of meal doses to help during the day.

Regular BGs in the high teens can make you feel pretty grim :(
I'm feeling OK thank you. I agree with you regarding a review which I'm having this week.I am logging all my food intake and checking my Bloods throughout the day. Cheers Keith
Can you remind me which insulin you take and when you take it?
It really seems like you need meal time insulin added to your regime to cover food as that will be why your levels are going high through the day, even though you are eating a reduced amount of carbs. Protein and fat will also break down to release glucose but it tends to be a much slower steadier release over many hours, so if you have reduced your carbs quite significantly, this protein release starts to happen. I follow a low carb way of eating and I have to inject for protein release 2 hours after meals unless I can use exercise to deal with it.
Hopefully you will get some better support (and a mealtime insulin prescribed) at your clinic appointment next week. Do keep a food diary until then, so that they can see what you have been eating and correlate that to what your levels are doing.
Many thanks for your reply. I'm not used to diabetes or being on a forum.I apologise if I'm not doing the latter properly🙂
I'm definitely struggling with my diabetes and it's great to get all the online advice from you and other contributors.
Cheers Keith
You are doing fine with the forum, so don't worry, but you clearly need more support with your BG management and I think you really are doing as well as you can at the moment but probably just need a meal time insulin added into your tool kit, so that you can manage things better. Great that you are keeping a food diary as that should really help the clinic staff see that you can't do much more with adjusting your diet and therefore give you the extra insulin you need.
Thank you for your advice. I have lots of questions to ask the consultant that I am seeing on Friday.
Gotta say I wish I didn't have this diabetes malarkey:( 🙂
Gotta say I wish I didn't have this diabetes malarkey:( 🙂
I think we all feel like that for time..I.cerntillty have. I hope you're appointment goes well and you get what you need
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