Really disgusting food!

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Im watching kinky and proud on living at mo , shall put it on at 11
oh shoot - all we have is Scottish Football

another time perhaps

That guy is really good i watch him on bbc3 quite alot, all that denying and dithering around made me laugh from gordon ramsey
Ug @ "connective tissue".
Hubby had a programme on called The Worlds Worst Cook. One woman managed to set fire to her kitchen a staggering 36 times in one year and her family dread her cooking...
I bought a tin of hot dogs the other day as I haven't had them for ages and fancied them. I just looked at the tin and the ingredients are exactly as described in the programme. Not sure I want to eat them now...'mechanically reclaimed meat...😱😱😱
Hubby had a programme on called The Worlds Worst Cook. One woman managed to set fire to her kitchen a staggering 36 times in one year and her family dread her cooking...

Our commonest kitchen accident was mum leaving the pressure cooker on too long and the weight blowing out of the top and blasting stuff all over the ceiling. (Younger members - the pressure cooker was a sort of early microwave...😉)
Our commonest kitchen accident was mum leaving the pressure cooker on too long and the weight blowing out of the top and blasting stuff all over the ceiling. (Younger members - the pressure cooker was a sort of early microwave...😉)

My mum still uses a pressure cooker. I saw her have a few accidents with it as a kid and still don't entirely trust the things. I also wont go near a chip pan or deep fat frier. Oven chips, chip shop chips or go without if it's my turn to do chips. My mum still has the scars on her arm from when the chip pan went up!
My mum still uses a pressure cooker. I saw her have a few accidents with it as a kid and still don't entirely trust the things. I also wont go near a chip pan or deep fat frier. Oven chips, chip shop chips or go without if it's my turn to do chips. My mum still has the scars on her arm from when the chip pan went up!

Ah yes, the chip pan fire! My dad did the classic of opening the door and trying to throw the burning fat outside - which of course all splashed back over his arms. I learned a few new 'adult' words that day...😱

I think pressure cookers now have modifications that mean they don't blow up any more, so maybe it's only if you grew up in the '60s and '70s
I think pressure cookers now have modifications that mean they don't blow up any more, so maybe it's only if you grew up in the '60s and '70s

I grew up in the 60's and 70's. That was when we had proper food cooked in a kitchen at home with fresh vege bought daily or every other day and Christmas didn't start till December 1st and hot cross buns could only be bought on Good Friday. We had real food then.
I grew up in the 60's and 70's. That was when we had proper food cooked in a kitchen at home with fresh vege bought daily or every other day and Christmas didn't start till December 1st and hot cross buns could only be bought on Good Friday. We had real food then.

That's why we grew up to be such wonderfl adults C!😉 My dad's signature dish was stew. He did serve me and my sister boiled tripe one day, but never a second time - talk about 'really disgusting food'! (Getting back on topic!)
Our commonest kitchen accident was mum leaving the pressure cooker on too long and the weight blowing out of the top and blasting stuff all over the ceiling. (Younger members - the pressure cooker was a sort of early microwave...😉)

whilst camping in the 1970's with a bunch of mates, my hubby put a whole chicken into the pressure cooker with some root veg....when it started toget the presure up, one girl thought she take the lid off to see how it was doing...Boom the whole thing shot up ito the air...fortunately the girl was not hurt .... but they scoured the campsite and not a chicken bone or carrot could be found😱
That's why we grew up to be such wonderfl adults C!😉 My dad's signature dish was stew. He did serve me and my sister boiled tripe one day, but never a second time - talk about 'really disgusting food'! (Getting back on topic!)

boiled tripe ...what weird looking stuff..bit like a non slip bath mat!
my mum boiled a pigs head and made brawn!! i remember the smell😱 and my sister finding a tooth in it and my mothers remark..." well you didnt expect it to have gone to the dentist "😱
boiled tripe ...what weird looking stuff..bit like a non slip bath mat!
my mum boiled a pigs head and made brawn!! i remember the smell😱 and my sister finding a tooth in it and my mothers remark..." well you didnt expect it to have gone to the dentist "😱

My grandfather used to come and stay and bring a pigs head with him for my mum to make brawn. The fact it the head still had its eyes in used to put me off no end.

The thing that really put me off were eels. We had a place that sold them. The heads would be cut off and they would still wriggle and writhe...
I can remember the pigs trotters was lovely back then in the 60s....Tryed them few months ago....yuk so tasteless..
Good old fashioned cooking & baking for me
Ox tail soup made with real ox tails brilliant

Tripe and cow heel pie, no thanks...
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