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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I realised and recognised that I was a bit blasé about having diabetes. Although I don't drink or smoke. I allowed the annual eye screening to give me a false sense of security. I need to be on this forum more, to learn what to eat and avoid. Already stopped the fizzy drinks, and the cakes. I better create a list, and look at what I can eat and avoid.
I realised and recognised that I was a bit blasé about having diabetes. Although I don't drink or smoke. I allowed the annual eye screening to give me a false sense of security. I need to be on this forum more, to learn what to eat and avoid. Already stopped the fizzy drinks, and the cakes. I better create a list, and look at what I can eat and avoid.
Needs a bit more than just giving up the 'sugary' fizzy drinks (diet ones are OK) and cakes.
Have a look at this link for ideas for what you can and shouldn't have.
Thanks for that. It was my achilles heel fizzy drinks and cakes.
Thanks, I got a few tips,. Full fat greek yogurt... Hmmm. I was surprised at avoiding bananas. Usually I try to have 1 a day
Start with one meal at a time and ideally start testing so that you can see the effect that meal has on your levels. We all respond slightly differently to foods so what suits one person may not suit another. Testing just before eating and then 2 hours afterwards allows you to see in numbers how your body coped with that meal. If it spiked you too high, then next time you have that meal, you reduce the amount of carbs a bit and test it again, so just 1 slice of bread with a bowl of soup instead of 2 or a burger with just half the bun and maybe 10 fries. Breakfast is one of the easiest meals to start with as firstly many of us have more or less the same breakfast every day. Unfortunately, most of the usual breakfast options like toast and cereal are high carb, so that can very easily start your diabetes management off on the wrong food every morning. Many of us have creamy Greek style natural yoghurt with some mixed seeds and a few berries and perhaps a tiny sprinkle of granola or mixed chopped nuts on the top and I like a good dusting of cinnamon. Berries are the lowest carb fruits. Be wary of the higher carb ones like banana and mango and papaya and pineapple and grapes. Apples. pears and oranges are in between. I tend to have half an apple with a chunk of nice cheese for lunch quite often as a whole apple is a bit too many carbs and I have the other half the next day.
Eggs are also a good option for breakfast as they are very low carb and filling. I quite like a 2 or 3 egg omelette made with whatever fillig needs using up in the fridge but usually involves a bit of onion and mushrooms and cheese and perhaps peppers or courgette or some left over meat. I have that with a large side salad and a big dollop of cheese coleslaw. I have also developed a real thing for curried cabbage which sounds naff but tastes delicious and if I make that for tea I am usually very happy to have the leftovers for breakfast. I have always enjoyed leftover Indian takeaway for breakfast! 🙄

Anyway, if you give us an idea of the sort of things you currently eat, we can make suggestions as to how you can adjust it to be more diabetes friendly.
Well, if I am working, breakfast would be Starbucks - luxury fruit toast (4 slices) no butter or jam. English breakfast tea with soya milk

Lunch - fruit salad (not keen on grapes)
Sliced Apple. Either Chicken Salad Sandwiches OR Tina ones.
Fruit juice which I water down.

Dinner - depends, I can make stir fry with water no oil with tofu and pasta with mixed veg. OR ocassionally a salad Or those microwave meals.

I used to have a fair bit of chocolate. If I do opt for 1 either a Yorkie raisan and biscuit OR kit kat.

I do like those Oat biscuits in the healthy area.

I like the flapjacks

NOW I stopped buying these

I used to love digestives, hobnobs, custard creams.

I stopped buying them, as could binge on a packet.

Don't mention cakes Mr Kiplings Apple Pies, Madeira Cake, cherry bakewells.

I was a sucker for Pepsi Max
As I can do a fair bit of walking, I would think it was burning off
Curious thing about Pepsi Max - for some utterly unpredicted and unexplainable reason, despite being alleged to be free of all sorts of things including sugar - it has always INCREASED my BG dramatically. But there again I'm me, not you. I don't really like very much that tastes that sweet any more - but can manage Diet Coke OK, if there's nowt else sugar free I fancy.
Well, if I am working, breakfast would be Starbucks - luxury fruit toast (4 slices) no butter or jam. English breakfast tea with soya milk

Lunch - fruit salad (not keen on grapes)
Sliced Apple. Either Chicken Salad Sandwiches OR Tina ones.
Fruit juice which I water down.

Dinner - depends, I can make stir fry with water no oil with tofu and pasta with mixed veg. OR ocassionally a salad Or those microwave meals.

I used to have a fair bit of chocolate. If I do opt for 1 either a Yorkie raisan and biscuit OR kit kat.

I do like those Oat biscuits in the healthy area.

I like the flapjacks

NOW I stopped buying these

I used to love digestives, hobnobs, custard creams.

I stopped buying them, as could binge on a packet.

Don't mention cakes Mr Kiplings Apple Pies, Madeira Cake, cherry bakewells.

I was a sucker for Pepsi Max
As I can do a fair bit of walking, I would think it was burning off
You are having a pretty high carb diet even with not having some of the foods you say you have cut out. Even watered down fruit juice is high carb.
When I work at the Emirates, I would go to the cafe to get a full English. Now, I get the ham salad baguettes or chicken salad BUT I know white bread.... On the positive, I go to the gym on my days off, and I notice my face is thinner, my clothes are a tad looser
Starbucks have egg bites with red pepper and spinach which are low carb 4.8g each which would be better than fruit loaf.
When I work at the Emirates, I would go to the cafe to get a full English. Now, I get the ham salad baguettes or chicken salad BUT I know white bread.... On the positive, I go to the gym on my days off, and I notice my face is thinner, my clothes are a tad looser
The full English without the beans or fried bread would be lower carb than the sandwiches.
It is important to recognise what are high carb foods, meat, cheese, eggs, vegetables, salads are not, but pasta, bread, rice, potatoes are.
Also sometimes at home Avacado on toast. Toast being the wholegrain seed one.
Oh, since I was a wee child I have hated cheese in all formats. The smell, taste... Yuck
Believe me, what I have now is an improvement. The reason I liked PEPSI MAX, it was one of the few drinks I could have without my tracker watch saying "your resting heart rate is above 120bpm for past 10 minutes." I was surprised that Ribena caused that and not Pepsi max.
So, I like my teas, no sugar, soya or oat milk. My diary intake is practically nil. My cholestral levels are low.
There's an awful lot of bread in that list, though - 4 slices of fruit toast, plus sandwiches and baguettes - and your chocolate choices are high carb, too - 27g for a Yorkie Raisin & Biscuit, 26g for a KitKat.

Have you tried Extra Dark chocolate, ie 70% cocoa or higher? That's usually considered to be better for us. My current choice is Lindt 85% Robust Dark, but even then a bar will last me 3 or 4 days.

Pepsi Max has zero carbs and zero sugar, same as other diet varieties. Personally I can't stand the taste, preferring Coke Zero or Sprite Zero, or Diet Coke if that's all that's available.

Despite what you've given up you still seem to have a pretty high carb diet.
The watered drinks are a new option. I put half of them in water.
Yes, I do like the Lindt ones. My substitute nowadays. I require food that gives me energy, due to my work in Security. I used to be in a panic when I felt hungry, until I learned via the forum that the liver sends the appropriate amount of glucose to manage that.
The full English without the beans or fried bread would be lower carb than the sandwiches.
It is important to recognise what are high carb foods, meat, cheese, eggs, vegetables, salads are not, but pasta, bread, rice, potatoes are.
No fried bread...toast. But will give it a try without the beans and bread
I realise I was aiming to cut down on the sugar. I also have to look out for hidden sugars. I tend to look at salt and sugar intakes
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