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real porridge V instant

Real oats (as rough as poss ) 1 measure of oats, two of water bout 2.5 min in 750W microwave on full.

I have used the "soak overnight and cook on hob" method for years and really find neither texture nor flavour difference in the microwave method.
The shorter the cooking time, the less creamy it is.

I have mine with peaches and pears, companion has hers with walnuts.

Perhaps I need a little protein and shall give this a go next week.

I made some porridge this morning in the micorwave using 'real' jumbo rolled oats according to the instructions on the packet. It was a complete and unmitigated disaster! Instructions said to heat on full for 5 mins, stir and then heat for further 4 mins. I was dubious from the start that heating milk on full for 9 minutes would work, and I was right! The milk boiled so much that it actually forced most of the oats out of the little holes I'd put in the clingfilm over the bowl! So I ended up having weetabix this morning...

Might write to the oats manufacturers, as there is no way they've ever successfully tried out their cooking instructions!!!

I'm going to try soaking them overnight instead and then cooking for shorter time.
I don't use milk, but always a deep enough cooking bowl and never cover with clingfilm.

You didn't mention quantities.
Northerner, if it is any consolation I used my husband's method for basmati rice last night - that is soak all day, rinse, put in glass bowl add twice amount of boiling water, cover and nuke in micro. All I can say is never again - had to clean microwave twice during cooking process as it did what your porridge did and it took as long as my good old fashioned saucepan method.

Have to confess I had same problems as you when I tried porridge in microwave so use saucepan for that too. I'm grateful for my dishwasher!
I don't use milk, but always a deep enough cooking bowl and never cover with clingfilm.

You didn't mention quantities.

I used about 40g of the oats and erm...enough milk for a bowlful! The cooking dish was about 1/3rd full i.e. 3 times capacity of the bowl I had hoped to eat it from. The last time I tried it without clingfilm all the milk evaporated/got absorbed after the first zap, so had to refill. Once I've got it cracked I'll be OK, I'm sure, but those instructions are rubbish!

I'd prefer to microwave as I can't be bothered to watch and stir a pan!
Northerner, if it is any consolation I used my husband's method for basmati rice last night - that is soak all day, rinse, put in glass bowl add twice amount of boiling water, cover and nuke in micro. All I can say is never again - had to clean microwave twice during cooking process as it did what your porridge did and it took as long as my good old fashioned saucepan method.

Have to confess I had same problems as you when I tried porridge in microwave so use saucepan for that too. I'm grateful for my dishwasher!

Only tried microwave rice once - far easier in a pan! I just put rice with a little salt in a pan, cover with boiling water, stir once, then leave to simmer for about 8-10 minutes - no more stirring. This works for me every time and the rice never sticks!
cooking rice

I reckon the key to successful (long grain) rice cooking in a pan on stove top, not in microwave, is to soak the rice for as long as possible before starting to cook - if I'm organised, I'll put it to soak in the morning, but even 10 minutes helps - and then rinse until water runs clear. Then cover with water and cook until water is absorbed, which takes about 10 minutes, slightly longer for basmati, which we prefer.
I love both porridge & rice.
I have been having porridge for a couple of years now, not every day.
I cook porridge in microwave, 3 tablespoons + 1/2 pint milk, 3 mins then stir, use a big 3 litre plastic jug(from Kleeneze) no mess! I have mine with tiny amount of sugar.
Hope this helps Northerner.
I have also found Tesco's basmati rice good, easy to cook in packets, cheap price also
1 box of 4 satchets 98p, 1 satchet 1-2 people. Credit Crunch Buy ! !
good value food

Rice is even better value if you don't buy it in individual packets! Think I'm living by the examples set by my grandmother, who was born in Scotland, and taught me a lot of cooking skills over many years, when we stayed with her, plus she passed on skills and attitudes to my mum. Meanwhile, grandad and mum grew veggies and fruit, which my partner and I now do. Grandparents also went to lots of whist drives in rural south Shropshire, and nearly always came home with prizes, such as fruit baskets, cuts of lamb, tins of biscuits, bottles of sherry etc. Once, they taught my sister and I (aged around 10 & 12, I think) for a few days before taking us to a whist drive - and I won a mug. Seemed to keep their minds active!
Hi I would to ask if there is any difference between real oatmeal porridge made in pan and instant made in mircowave apart from time. As I like both just your thoughts to see if here is difference between them.


For a T2? Ask your meter.

(oh and take a close look at the contents of a micro packet the next time you upend it in a bowl. There's often sugar sitting on the top of it since thats all settled down the bottom of the packet)
I love both porridge & rice.
I have been having porridge for a couple of years now, not every day.
I cook porridge in microwave, 3 tablespoons + 1/2 pint milk, 3 mins then stir, use a big 3 litre plastic jug(from Kleeneze) no mess! I have mine with tiny amount of sugar.
Hope this helps Northerner.
I have also found Tesco's basmati rice good, easy to cook in packets, cheap price also
1 box of 4 satchets 98p, 1 satchet 1-2 people. Credit Crunch Buy ! !

Thanks catwoman! I tried a new approach: soaked oats overnight in milk, then cooked in micorwave in 3 pint casserole dish - nice and big as per your suggestion! - for 3 mins, stirred, then another 3 mins. Could possibly have done with a little longer as these were jumbo rolled oats, rather than straightforward porridge oats, but edible!

I'm still a little caught between whether it's worth the extra palaver. The real stuff is cheaper, and tastier than the instant and also 'lasts' longer (lower GI), but the instant is still only about 10p per portion and a complete no-brainer, which is what I need first thing in the morning!:)