Reactive hypoglycemia diagnosis

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There isn't one, I'm afraid. That is why testing plays such a large part in getting control - by testing after meals you can discover what you can or can't eat.
I started at 50 gm a day and reduced down to 40 with no effect at all - Hba1c rock solid at 42.
Some people can eat twice the amount or more and get good results.
Hi. I bought a large selection of veg and salad today so hopefully that will help.

Does anyone know what the recommended daily carb intake should be? As I want to make sure I'm not overeating on carbs

Thank you

Your dietician should have given you an idea @Jennifer21 Did they perhaps say something implied rather than explicitly clear? What kind of things did they suggest you eat? That might give a clue to what amount of carbs they’re thinking about.

It also depends on your starting diet, I’d think.
Thank you. As its all so new with this watching what I eat I find myself so shocked by the carb intake of things I wouldnt even see as bad. If you know what I mean
Your dietician should have given you an idea @Jennifer21 Did they perhaps say something implied rather than explicitly clear? What kind of things did they suggest you eat? That might give a clue to what amount of carbs they’re thinking about.

It also depends on your starting diet, I’d think.
Hi Inka. She never mentioned amounts she said to try and switch white products to wholemeal products and try and eat less carbs and more protein and veg. Before this I didnt watch carbs and looking back I ate loads of them. I just wondered if there was a rough estimate to follow. I will also ask the consultant when I have my appointment.
Hi Inka. She never mentioned amounts she said to try and switch white products to wholemeal products and try and eat less carbs and more protein and veg. Before this I didnt watch carbs and looking back I ate loads of them. I just wondered if there was a rough estimate to follow. I will also ask the consultant when I have my appointment.

There’s no estimate really because it depends on the individual and their previous diet - and also what she’s trying to achieve for you as an individual.

If you have a rough idea how many carbs you ate previously, you could make a cut and see how that goes, then cut down another proportion if needed.
Thank you. I have cut down alot so hopefully this will help me now. I also need to loose 3.5 stone so again I'm hoping by cutting the carbs this will help. I'm having no sugar. Only brown bread and pasta instead of white products like pasta bread rice. No junk food and plenty of veg and I only drink water with a lemon slice. Fingers crossed the weight will start dropping
Sometimes cutting out caffeine can initially cause headaches as you have changed to decaf coffee and cut out diet coke that could be a factor.
Thank you. I have cut down alot so hopefully this will help me now. I also need to loose 3.5 stone so again I'm hoping by cutting the carbs this will help. I'm having no sugar. Only brown bread and pasta instead of white products like pasta bread rice. No junk food and plenty of veg and I only drink water with a lemon slice. Fingers crossed the weight will start dropping
I'm afraid that brown carbs need to be weighed and counted, as they are little better (if any improvement at all) on white carbs.
@Jennifer21 has already said she’s cutting down on carbs. Many diabetes reversal diets include whole grain carbs.
@Jennifer21 - I would strongly urge you to be guided by your numbers. Those are your numbers, not anyone else's.

Take your time and invest in lots of data gathering of what you put into your system - not just the carbs, but everything, then matched with your blood sugar readings, and mood/hypos or other signs or symptoms.

For me, initially it seemed a bit of a faff, and boring, but fairly quickly that allowed me, to see trends or foods that whether I liked them or not, were not my friends.

Trust me, it's much easier to turn your back/build resolve based on data, rather than what an HCP or someone on the internet tells you to do.

You may also learn there are some surprise things that, unexpectedly, don't bother you at all, but most people find they have at least one blood sugar rocket fuel.

I'd urge you to trust in a robust approach of data gathering, then trust your own data. You will know that is robust, true and clear.
Thank you. As its all so new with this watching what I eat I find myself so shocked by the carb intake of things I wouldnt even see as bad. If you know what I mean
Within a month you’ll know exactly what’s in all the main foods you eat . For example I only buy one specific loaf of bread because I know the carbs in each slice (I’m type 1 so need to calculate carbs to inject correctly) it does become less confusing with time
Within a month you’ll know exactly what’s in all the main foods you eat . For example I only buy one specific loaf of bread because I know the carbs in each slice (I’m type 1 so need to calculate carbs to inject correctly) it does become less confusing with time
Yes I'm hoping so. Im just so shocked at the amount of carbs in foods. I've never paid attention before and now im not surprised I have borderline type 2 diabetes and reactive hypoglycemia.
Yes I'm hoping so. Im just so shocked at the amount of carbs in foods. I've never paid attention before and now im not surprised I have borderline type 2 diabetes and reactive hypoglycemia.
I concentrate on carbs from fresh foods such as salad stuff and colourful veges which do not exceed 10 percent carbs - they should prove to be full of micronutrients, vitamins and minerals, particularly if you can grow some of them yourself.
The inability to deal with carbs is not something you have brought on yourself - the modern diet is only really suitable for those who can cope with it, and the advice to eat healthy carbs which has been pushed almost as long as the 'low fat' mantra just ensures that we are set on the wrong path very early on in life. After decades of trying to cope we end up ill through no fault of our own.
I concentrate on carbs from fresh foods such as salad stuff and colourful veges which do not exceed 10 percent carbs - they should prove to be full of micronutrients, vitamins and minerals, particularly if you can grow some of them yourself.
The inability to deal with carbs is not something you have brought on yourself - the modern diet is only really suitable for those who can cope with it, and the advice to eat healthy carbs which has been pushed almost as long as the 'low fat' mantra just ensures that we are set on the wrong path very early on in life. After decades of trying to cope we end up ill through no fault of our own.
Yes growing your own is brilliant, nothing more rewarding than to go a pick a whole bunch of fresh veg, even now I have carrots, leeks and salad leaves. My work colleagues used to tease me about my 'weed' salad. Summer yields French beans, peas and mangetout, tomatoes, cucumber, courgettes, aubergines, beetroot, cabbage, pakchoi and a selection of fruit. Sadly I had to give away most of the bumper crop of potatoes. I even tried growing celeriac, not a great success but edible. We were dreading that the lockdown would prevent us going to our allotment but it was allowed and it kept us sane and busy.
Healthy carbs have many benefits. They include fruit and veg, but also whole grains, tubers, etc. They do not cause ill health.
I concentrate on carbs from fresh foods such as salad stuff and colourful veges which do not exceed 10 percent carbs - they should prove to be full of micronutrients, vitamins and minerals, particularly if you can grow some of them yourself.
The inability to deal with carbs is not something you have brought on yourself - the modern diet is only really suitable for those who can cope with it, and the advice to eat healthy carbs which has been pushed almost as long as the 'low fat' mantra just ensures that we are set on the wrong path very early on in life. After decades of trying to cope we end up ill through no fault of our own.
Yeah thats a good idea. I have bread or pasta on alternate days but some foods I find have carbs in anyway. Thanks for your advice I really appreciate it.
No problem.
I found quite early on that it would be a good idea to avoid grain of any kind, and peas and beans were problematic - my meter showed just how bad - but the good news came quite quickly and I have been classed as in remission for some time now.
Yes I'm hoping so. Im just so shocked at the amount of carbs in foods. I've never paid attention before and now im not surprised I have borderline type 2 diabetes and reactive hypoglycemia.
Yes it is surprising. I make all meals from scratch so I know what I’m eating . Good luck with your journey x
Hello and welcome to the forum @Jennifer21 if I didn't say hello before. 🙂

Do you have to drink decaf? I've known people who wouldn't touch it with a bargepole. I limit myself to one coffee a day though so I have an ordinary Nescafe. I really look forward to it. 🙂 I believe you can get real coffee in bags now so I will give that a whirl when I can.

@Freddie1966 what bread do you eat? I'm avid to know. 🙂
Hello and welcome to the forum @Jennifer21 if I didn't say hello before. 🙂

Do you have to drink decaf? I've known people who wouldn't touch it with a bargepole. I limit myself to one coffee a day though so I have an ordinary Nescafe. I really look forward to it. 🙂 I believe you can get real coffee in bags now so I will give that a whirl when I can.

@Freddie1966 what bread do you eat? I'm avid to know. 🙂
I’m type 1 ... but I eat a very high seeded bread with full fat cheese and only get a very slow rise in levels , as long as I inject half an hour before eating
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