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grahams mum

Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
hi guys i need some help i am at the moment help my local labour candidate in hiselection and he would like to put something in his local manifesto with aquote from me and also about diabetes and family life i would like something inspired from " mum is the word " and adding something about diabetes disablity family commitment anything is welcome ,IDEAS anyone ?:Dthanks
Hi Daniela, I think this belongs in the general messageboard! Parents, pipe up! 🙂
No ideas, but a little push to the top will bring it to others attention.
Now, if he was a Lib Dem candidate, I might have tried to be helpful! :D😛

Another little push to give as many as possible a look in and a chance of helping
come on push a little bit more
"New Labour, avidly wasting your money since 1997"

"New Labour, always over budget, never on time and never in working order..."
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heheh thats what i wanted to say!.......... but couldnt!
It's April Fools Day every day with some political parties....

oh and this is another push too.
We've screw your pensions, and screwed the economy gives another chance and we'll screw with your diabetes.

Seriously - Labour have no chance of winning and neither do the LibDems - the absolute worst thing we could have for the economy, and the thing most likely on the cards, is a hung parliament. There is only one sensible option and that is to vote Tory.

Politicians are held accountable at the ballot box - if we dont vote this shower out now then we deserve everything we get.

I can't think of anything right now, unfortunately, but I am quote shocked at people's attitudes to Labour. I know I'd prefer the Lib Dems in power out of the big three, but I have nightmares about what will happen to the country, and to health care in particular under a conservative government. :( I know where my vote is going.

I'll keep thinking for a quote though 🙂
i am sorry that every body feeling like this i lived in a crisis goverment since i remembered when i lived in italy ( i realised i didnot have a future when i was going to college at 14 yers old ) i moved to england and i am really happy if you want you can really do everything in this country the attitude here is so good that also my mum would like to move here (my dad does not) so is not so negative like every body thinks !!!!
We already did get what we deserved when we voted in the B'liar government in 1997. Time to get Brown and the aforementioned cronies out. I like the conservative party but they don't seem to have any plans on the cards to deal with the absolute fiasco that the Labour government created in the financial sector. To me, going by the televised debate between the current waste of oxygen Alastair Darling, George Osborne and Vince Cable the only sensible option seems to be a Liberal government. To be fair, there are those who will just waste their vote by not thinking about who they are voting for and why they are voting. I'm just fed up with New Labour. Brown has reached the point where we no longer berate him for making a mistake. We just head straight for the sympathy. Frankly, we need new blood in Parliament and more importantly in power. I can only see the Liberal Democrats achieving this. I do believe that the time for Old Etonian prime ministers has been and gone, favouring the more privileged when you are in government doesn't strike the right note with me. As a rule neither do many of the Tory policies that we've heard about.
I don't want to see New Labour in again for a while, especially under Brown. If they were to come back in a decade or so i'd rather it were under a much changed leadership and with new blood rather than the coffin dodging and oxygen wasting ministers that we have at the moment. Seeing as the Tories can't provide this either the only option I can see is to vote Liberal.

Here's another quote:

"New Labour, we want your money even when you're in the ground."

"The Conservatives, because a leopard can't change it's spots"

"Tories, if you were at school with us then all is well for you... Look after number one and one's own."
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I don't like to talk politics, despite the fact that I have strong feelings on the matter. But one thing I will say is that Brown did no worse a job than ANYONE else would have done. I think in fact he has done a better one in dealing with the recession, and I think he's become a real scapegoat.
I don't like to talk politics, despite the fact that I have strong feelings on the matter. But one thing I will say is that Brown did no worse a job than ANYONE else would have done. I think in fact he has done a better one in dealing with the recession, and I think he's become a real scapegoat.

i agree with you on this one
I don't like to talk politics, despite the fact that I have strong feelings on the matter. But one thing I will say is that Brown did no worse a job than ANYONE else would have done. I think in fact he has done a better one in dealing with the recession, and I think he's become a real scapegoat.

Oh come off it - we are in the worst position of any of the major powers precisely because of Browns inept management when he was at no 11. He is not a scapegoat, he is the guilty party.

While the Torys are not particularly awe inspiring at the moment I see no choice but to vote for them - the options:

  • Vote labour - reward them for their abysmal mismanagement
  • Vote Lib dem - exactly what Labour would want you to do as it is a wasted vote, but will take a vote from the tories - Lib Dem will not get in this time the deficit is just to big
  • Vote Tory - the only option that will get rid of this bunch of economy wreckers out of power
  • Abstain - not an option - its sticking your heads in the sand - you have a vote so use it (lots of people around the world dont have that right)
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