Quite Concerning

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May I suggest that speculation around this incident is not helpful to anybody, from those using similar equipment to the family of the individual concerned. In particular it is not wise to treat newspaper reports as a primary source of information as they generally are more interested in creation the sensation needed to sell papers than anything else.

Leave it to those who have all the information available to come to a proper and reasoned conclusion and I am absolutely sure that if the focus falls on the equipment itself, the manufacturers will do all they can to help. It is in their best interests. I am also sure that DUK will keep a watching brief on this incident and will broadcast anything relevant to the diabetic community generally when it is clear what all the circumstances were.
May I suggest that speculation around this incident is not helpful to anybody, from those using similar equipment to the family of the individual concerned. In particular it is not wise to treat newspaper reports as a primary source of information as they generally are more interested in creation the sensation needed to sell papers than anything else.

Leave it to those who have all the information available to come to a proper and reasoned conclusion and I am absolutely sure that if the focus falls on the equipment itself, the manufacturers will do all they can to help. It is in their best interests. I am also sure that DUK will keep a watching brief on this incident and will broadcast anything relevant to the diabetic community generally when it is clear what all the circumstances were.
Well said !!!!!
What I'm saying is
This is nothing less than a quasi press release from some a group related to what appear to be ambulance chasers designed to cause panic and concern ,getting it into the MSM advances the "cause".
That cause appear to be a US court case,
As for the monitoring clause, or as you call it "a watching brief" that is only treading water,
Newspapers used give news, one would choose what to read dependent on your beliefes , idology , political or even religious views. they are not my concern.
But if this ,at this time causes distress to Diabetics ,as it will . Paper should be callled out ,now
As for speculation, I have only stated the facts of the article in the Herald,whether I can get the original of that article.
Who knows?

But wheesht doesn't work

BTW. . . . Bruce Stephens post #13 gives the National's version via the link which is very close to the original one I saw in the Herald , there are some differences,The Herald owns the National, plus that one is as the Americans say it on the "wire" or syndicated news
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I do know a person who had a similar incident. Her pump discharged a huge amount of insulin (it was not a pod pump but a tubed one). Fortunately she was awake at the time and went to hospital where she was admitted and stayed for several days. @trophywench will recall the incident. The person was a member of DSF and has since joined this forum.
I do know a person who had a similar incident. Her pump discharged a huge amount of insulin (it was not a pod pump but a tubed one). Fortunately she was awake at the time and went to hospital where she was admitted and stayed for several days. @trophywench will recall the incident. The person was a member of DSF and has since joined this forum.
@Pattidevans were they able to figure out what when wrong with the pump?
@Lily123 I can't remember and DSF has now disappeared with all it's posts, but I am still in touch with the person and I'll try to remember to ask her.
I have considered asking for the Omnipod at clinic. This is worrying however
I have considered asking for the Omnipod at clinic. This is worrying however
I’m worrying about that but if the Omnipod was to blame it would be a very rare thing to happen
I have considered asking for the Omnipod at clinic. This is worrying however
On balance I think it shouldn't worry anyone. This is an incident with one person, and we don't yet know whether the Omnipod was actually to blame. (I'm not suggesting it's pilot error. If Omnipod is designed in such a way that user can make such a nasty mistake then that's a fault with the Omnipod design.)
On balance I think it shouldn't worry anyone. This is an incident with one person, and we don't yet know whether the Omnipod was actually to blame. (I'm not suggesting it's pilot error. If Omnipod is designed in such a way that user can make such a nasty mistake then that's a fault with the Omnipod design.)
Also if you think logically if it was fault with the pump design there would have been one hell of a lot of incidences, and there hasn't been.
I’m worrying about that but if the Omnipod was to blame it would be a very rare thing to happen
Yeah this is a point. I will do some research first there are many different pumps, weigh up the differences
On balance I think it shouldn't worry anyone. This is an incident with one person, and we don't yet know whether the Omnipod was actually to blame. (I'm not suggesting it's pilot error. If Omnipod is designed in such a way that user can make such a nasty mistake then that's a fault with the Omnipod design.)
I do know a person who had a similar incident. Her pump discharged a huge amount of insulin (it was not a pod pump but a tubed one). Fortunately she was awake at the time and went to hospital where she was admitted and stayed for several days. @trophywench will recall the incident. The person was a member of DSF and has since joined this forum.

Can I ask what pump it was? I know there was an issue with a certain pump company and the FDA a while ago.

On a personal level, that must have been terrifying for the person concerned. Did she continue pumping or did that whole thing put her off (understandable if it did)?
Can I ask what pump it was? I know there was an issue with a certain pump company and the FDA a while ago
It was a Medtronic pump
Ah, thank you 🙂 That was the company my careful wording was alluding to.
Sorry, thought I had replied here. It was a Medtronic Paradigm. I spoke with her this morning elsewhere and she said the pump was returned to the hospital and all they have done is gloss over it since. It has completely put her off ever pumping again and she is still on MDI. I can't recall when exactly it was, but it was a good number of years ago.
Sorry, thought I had replied here. It was a Medtronic Paradigm. I spoke with her this morning elsewhere and she said the pump was returned to the hospital and all they have done is gloss over it since. It has completely put her off ever pumping again and she is still on MDI. I can't recall when exactly it was, but it was a good number of years ago.
That’s a shame that it put her off using a pump although I’ve never heard of that pump
Sorry, thought I had replied here. It was a Medtronic Paradigm. I spoke with her this morning elsewhere and she said the pump was returned to the hospital and all they have done is gloss over it since. It has completely put her off ever pumping again and she is still on MDI. I can't recall when exactly it was, but it was a good number of years ago.

I remember the Paradigm 🙂 I don’t know if the FDA thing I recalled covered that pump - it was more recent, I think:


Totally understandable why she’s on MDI. It sounds awful.
@Inka Yes, I remember those recalls with the different coloured retainer rings.

That’s a shame that it put her off using a pump although I’ve never heard of that pump

@Lily, It was over 10 years ago, so I guess you wouldn't have heard of it.
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