question about Dawn Phenomenon

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At the moment I am reading a book 'Type 2 diabetes, the first year' by Gretchen Becker (which is highly recommended). Throughout the book she mentions keeping to BS levels between 4 - 7 mmol. She doesn't say whether these numbers should be throughout (ie before meals and after meals). Apart from fasting levels, i tend to manage these figures before meals but not always after 2 hours eating but because it states on the NICE guidelines for Type 2's that 2 hours after eating should be 8.5 or below I have taken note of this but then when i read something else about levels somewhere else it is totally different, in some articles a lot lower levels should be expected. It is no wonder that all this is confusing :-(

I'm also reading that book - it's excellent! I'm also confused about the recommended levels to go for. I reckon that I've been trying to run before I can walk.. My main aim at the moment is to get my fasting levels to be consistently below 6. Once I've got that sorted, I'll play around more with my diet to try and make sure that I don't get too many spikes at the 1 hour mark and try to get the 2 hour reading at 7 or less.. Baby steps!

Karina 🙂
Confusing out there isn't it. For Type 2, Diabetes UK (based on NICE) say 4-7 fasting and <8.5 2 hours post meal. American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists suggest 5.6 fasting, 2 hours post meal <7.2 and Jennifer's advice is different. First 2 say HbA1c 6.5, Jennifer suggest the 5% club. Diabetes UK are the most "generous"

I started out by aiming for the Diabetes UK ones as even those initially seemed like miraculous numbers to achieve. I'm now working towards Jennifer's advice as I learn more and more about what works for me although have to get right balance to manage hypos as I'm on gliclazide. Fasting levels are normally below 6 and 2 hour reading well below 8.5 although had a few blips last week as kitchen was out of bounds whilst decorator in and I wasn't as careful as I should be. Showed me that I really do have to maintain the vigilance.

HbA1c due again shortly but last 2 have been 5.6 and 5.3. Not expecting next one to be as good as have had dental abscess, decorator blip week and been away on holiday in recent weeks - all of which have played a part in my levels not being as tightly managed as I normally achieve

Found my GP was delighted when I reached the Diabetes UK levels as it is rare for him to see Type 2's even reaching that
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