Question about 2hrs after meal test

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Bev - I know how strongly you feel about this all. And I don't think you are critical. You are just simply stating the facts.🙂

If I hadn't joined this forum, I'd be none the wiser about all those things you mentioned. Carol absolutely will not do her lunchtime test!!! When I mentioned this at the clinic, I was actually hoping for some support and the specialist saying to her that she MUST do it. But no, he didn't. He just said that's understandable, she doesn't want to be different and if she does them her friends might want to do one etc. GRRRRR😡 And the same last time, neither DSN said to her that she must do it. At times I say to her, do a test at lunch, because your dinner readings have been a bit high, so we need to find out what's wrong. "Have you done it?? Oh I forgot!!!":( Sometimes I get her to do one at weekends. But weekends are different, as she doesn't get up till 10.

All this not doing the lunch test stems back from when she was on 2 injections a day. And although I wanted Carol to have a blood machine at school in case of hypos, and do a lunch test, the DSN said no, not necessary. Now, there's a little boy at that school on 2 and he tests before his snacks and at lunch!!!! Why didn't our DSN say to at least test at lunch?? If I'd known better then, I'd have put my foot down. When she was doing the SATs (still on 2), I actually went in and tested her, yes HYPO!! It took a lot of arguing though.

I actually said to Carol, that if she doesn't want to test at school now, how was she going to do it if she had the pump, as she'd have to do it during class too. Unfortunatley, there's a girl at school with a pump who doesn't test. I think we will have a serious falling out!!😱

I'm interested in going to the FFL. Where are they usually held? And how well in advance do they advertise it? I would bring the whole family with me. I'll have to google Joe Solo, never heard of him.
Joe Solowiejczyk, RN, MSW, was President of InBalance Healthcare, a counseling and education service for health care professionals and adults and children with diabetes, for over 10 years. He currently works for LifeScan, as Manager of Diabetes Counseling & Training and is a faculty member of the Johnson & Johnson Diabetes Institute. Joe is healthcare professional who has lived with Type 1 diabetes for over 49 years, Mr. Solowiejczyk has been able to translate his personal experience into patient care. As a diabetes nurse educator and family therapist, he specializes in assessing how family dynamics impact management of diabetes and designing interventions that result in more effective coping and optimal metabolic control.

This is why we call him Jo Solo.:D

If you would like to go to the next FFL - next October - you have to be a member of the CWD site because this is aimed primarily at children with type 1. I think you would all love it at FFL - there are mums talks - dads talks - and teenagers talks - the teenagers stick together and have lots of freedom - but you know that they are being looked after which is great. The conference is held in Windsor at a conference centre/hotel.

I think your DSN sounds a bit odd to be honest - why would she think its ok not to test at lunchtime? This is a terrible thing to condone - especially with a teenager. Carol sounds like a typical teenager - but its not helping that your team arent backing you as she will think her behaviour is 'normal'.

If Jo Solo spoke with her for even 5 minutes - she would be testing all the time. I dont know what he says to the children as the parents arent there - but since coming back from FFL all the teenagers and the younger ones are all testing more - but even better than that - they are testing and bolusing at the *right* time and getting much better results then before FFL.

Come and join us on CWD - I will say hello to you and others that are on here will too I am sure - they are a very friendly lot.🙂Bev
LOL, no wonder I couldn't find anything on Joe Solo. There's a Joe Solo, but he's in the entertainment business.😛

HMMM Windsor, that's a looong way away. But I will join CWD (but not tonight😉), just to get more info on it.

Carol was 10 at diagnosis. 12 when she changed over to MDI. But even then no-one said to do a lunch test. But I thought even then, that it would be a good idea to do one. How else can you find out if all's ok? We now have a new DSN since last March, but last week was the first time we had a proper "consultation" with her.

I was actually surprised by her today. She had a dance exam and I told her to test before she leaves (exam was just round the corner from us). She did it without arguing and just as well, as she was 3.9.🙂
FFL is very popular and if you have been once you will want to go back - people fly down from Scotland as they know it is worth it. There are a few families from your area who were there this year - it might be a long way for you - but it is worth every mile to get the help and advice they can offer - you could even go by train and wont have to bother with motorways.🙂Bev
I've joined CWD mailing list. Hope I've done it right.:confused:
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