Queen of England has died today aged 96

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I've been OK today mostly - BUT when her coffin arrived at Holyrood and as the pall bearers got to Princess Anne, she curtsied and that just started me off crying. I have no idea whether it's something she was 'supposed' to do - or just Anne, doing what to her was correct - and I don't actually want to know the answer to that.
Sophie Wessex was in the background, you could barely see her, but she also curtsied. I'm sure I read somewhere that Anne always curtsied to her mother in formal situations.
Any Royalists out there? That would be able answer a question that's been niggling away.

Any ideas on why the Queen (didn't or shouldn't) pass over the throne before she died? The reason I ask is, as a parent in your 90's I couldn't think of anything nicer than been able to hand the thrown over to one of your own children and been able to take a step back and then be able see watch your son lead the country, what a great experience and would make you so proud.

Not a great royalist although definitely not a republican but a few things spring to mind.

The queen had a very strong sense of duty. This isn't just something to hand on, it is an obligation which she entered into for life and I imagine that whilst she was of sound mind, it was something that she would always see through till the end. Secondly, I imagine that she would know that it would be hard for Charles to give up on his own principles and ideals and tow the non partisan line. I don't see that as a flaw in his character but as a personality trait which will be make his role as King more difficult, having to perform a much more neutral role. I also think it has taken time for the country to warm to Charles and Camilla. Handing over at time of mourning for the queen increases that sense of empathy with him. I think if she had handed over sooner she may have lived to see the further breakdown of the commonwealth, as respect for her as an individual may well have been an important factor in holding it together and indeed the speculation has already begun on that score.

I certainly don't see how she could hand over the role merely to indulge in the possibility of motherly pride. Being monarch is much more about an obligation that a benefit and I don't think it should be viewed as her gift to bestow on her son, nor would she ever consider it so.

I also believe there are issues regarding the extended family in recent years which her central role helped to stabilize.
I did wonder if Charles would have passed the crown straight to William, maybe it’s not allowed. Anyone know?
Any Royalists out there? That would be able answer a question that's been niggling away.

Any ideas on why the Queen (didn't or shouldn't) pass over the throne before she died? The reason I ask is, as a parent in your 90's I couldn't think of anything nicer than been able to hand the thrown over to one of your own children and been able to take a step back and then watch your son lead the country, what a great experience and it would make you so proud.
Duty to her country and the promise she made - she was an amazing woman and queen. It's a very,very sad time :(
I did wonder if Charles would have passed the crown straight to William, maybe it’s not allowed. Anyone know?
I'm sure it's allowed but was never gonna happen. Charles was born to be King unlike our late Queen who became queen after her father dying ( who only became king because his brother's abdication? :confused:
It is only in recent years that I have began to appreciate what a wonderful lady the late Queen was. Unfailing sense of duty, grace, dignity, humour and kindness.
End of an era. And I fear the next era will be nastier. Economy in tatters, environmental catastrophe, war ( ok know these have always been on the horizan but the weapons keep getting bigger and nastier) and a far nastier species of politican with little sense of public service only furthering their own careers and looking for short term gain, society collapsing and people looking for scapegoats...
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