Putting your case to the consultant!

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I have been told i am unable to learn to drive as i am having at least 10 hypos a month, so to me using the nice guidelines that has a signficant adverse affect on my quality of life. I also have problems injecting in my legs with lumps and also in my arms, struggle to do it in my bottom so my main area is my belly which cant really take 3 a day!

from what you have said I dont think you will have any problems as your hypos are clearly affecting your quality of life at present, very best of luck to you
nhs pump

Hi Emma Lou
I got my pump last year after ben on MDI for years and carb counting, it was given to me after having peaks and troughs with the insulin injections, and very complicated sugar during pregnancy of which i suffered complications NOT due to #diabetes. If you are of an age of wanting a family you will meet the guidelines for a pump as it is known to be benificial.Check out NICe regs and take with you for your NHS App.
I agree with others had i had the pump earlier i may not have had eye disease resuting in a detached retina. Initials cost outways the benefits long term. But NHS and Goverments always fight fire with Fire.
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