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Re rice and stuff tonight -- I would ask your DSN if you can do a dual wave. Rice is always *certain* to mess E up, and the dual wave, while not solving rice completely yet, certainly makes it manageable. Our starting point has been set a dual wave for 3 hours, on a 30/70 (eg bolus 30% of the meal right away, then spread out the remaining 70% over the three hours). This might vary though, for instance if you are having a really *small* amount of rice, you wouldn't want it to account for the large proportion of the carb...E himself dosed lentils while away, figuring that they occupied only 30% of his total carb for the meal -- so he reversed the wave, giving 70% of the bolus right away, and spreading 30% out over 3 hours...It worked well.)

We have dual waved pizza, pasta, rice (and lentils!) from the first day on the pump. With rice we miscalculated once -- he needs longer than 3 hours for this -- and he hypo-ed two hours in...Anyway, I'd ask your DSN? Might help with what may be a semi-grueling time for you 🙂rolleyes🙂.


I agree re the dual wave for tonight. We had a chinese meal the second week of J pumping. don't forget she was a child and our DSN said it was impossible to calculate the whole meal as individual dishes as you have no idea what they put in it. So she suggested 80 cho on a dual wave of 50/50 over 5 hours. It only flipping worked !!! We have now upped the 80 cho to 100 cho as she eats more and it generally works (not that we have Chinese lots of course).
Hi Lou!

Yes, i was right with you at 3am!!! So glad things are going well for you! Great numbers!! It's just fab isn't it!

I hope you enjoy the time with your other half and that meeting his mother goes well (a tip: try not to growl too much as she might think you are a little strange!! :D)

Hope you get on ok with rice etc. Please let us know how it goes! I always avidly read your thread!

You will be in my thoughts at 3am tomorrow!

Mand x
How you doing Lou? Hope all is going well. Please give us an update when you get the chance. Would love to hear how it all going. 🙂🙂

What are your levels like?

Mand x

ps how about Louveo (pronounced loo-vee-oh)? How is rumpy pumpy, by the way? Hope he/she? behaving! How did meeting your partners mom go? Well, I hope!
Hi Sugarbum - whats the latest? How was the meal? Did you get along with the mother?:DBev
Hi all,

Hope everyone is well!

Sorry I partly hogged Mands thread yesterday eve! Then I waffled on and didnt have time to update my own!

Have had by and large a very good week. Lots of big numbers as well as on target so I wont say its all easy peasy. What I have found interesting is how all us newbys have been started off in different ways and making a comparrison between myself and Mand I feel as if I have less flexability. I am strictly set on a 1:1 throughout the day at the moment and under instructions not to change my basal at 0.55u/hr. I am also only doing a Normal bolus.....

....until this morning! Stuff this! I couldnt resist a DUAL WAVE! So whats the worst that could go wrong? Yes, putting in the wrong dose! Ho-hum! I doubled my correction by accident, but that was only small so I'm not worried. If my understanding is right, a dual wave is good because I was high to start, ate my toast and then I was going to drink my pot of coffee throughout the morning. I got bored waiting for the lesson on alternative bolusing on Monday and I am back to work next week so I thought Id give it a go. The example given in the manual for dual waving is "Banqueting"!!!:confused: Are you serious? How medieval of you medtronic...

Going back to Wednesday when I met my boyfriends mum it wet well! We went to one of my favourite restaurants called EV's, a mediteranian place where I had my favourite Mousakka folllowed by 2 scoops of cinnamon ice-cream. Its a big restaurant and I went there on my first anniversary with my boyfriend and it was really nice this time as we were sat in the middle not to be consious of injecting becuase I wasnt! Fabulous, free feeling. I would have injected in the middle of the restaurnat anyway, I was never bothered. But nice to not do it after how many years.... (apparently his mother was on her best behaviour and under strict instructions not to mis-behave and I got a good report the day after over the phone!).

Also this week, I went for a visit to the prison that I start my new job in end of August. I didnt have the pump when I went for interview so a great relief to go through the metal detectors and security checks without setting anything off! Or question this unusual device I am now sporting! Everyone was really, really nice and very sporty. Gym and group sports included, netball, basketball etc and circuit training also free personal trainer in the gym. Great news! I go to the gym anyway, but dont participate in anything like that so I am looking forward to it. I must obviously be careful what I write about it all but Im sure its ok to day there are 3 cute fat cats too! I wonder what they did wrong?!:D I havent told them about my diabetes as yet but I think they are the sort of people who will respond fine and I think it will be an easier workplace to manage it in too. Feeling very good about that.

I am at my mums at the moment awaiting normal life to resume! I was told to take a week off to start insulin on this pump and of course now I am bored! In my day to day job I am very active and actually walk all day, so I feel abit of frustration doing nothing what-so-ever and getting all this baseline numbers and adjustments etc- next week in my normal life they wont apply! I never sit around like this.

Was just wondering as I will be briefed on the Care-Line facility on Monday and get my USB cable what everyone elses thought on Careline are?

Hope everyone is well and has a good weekend, and happy pumping for those who are!
Thanks for your replies and support.

Love Louisa xx
OOoh you little rebel you! Fancy dual waving without permission! He he.
It will be intersting to know how it goes! Good that you got on with the mother and she liked you too!
There doesnt seem to be a 'standard' approach to pumping does there?

It will be interesting to see what approach A's team will use!

Have a nice day Sugarbum!:DBev x
OOoh you little rebel you! Fancy dual waving without permission! He he.
It will be intersting to know how it goes!

I know! It said you should ask a healthcare professional first, and I thought "I am one" (absolutely nothing to do with this) but I thought Id give myself permission to continue!

Result at 12:00 was 5.2mmols, like that! But how much that actually had to do with dual waving/my mothers coffee machine breaking and halving my intake/or my double correction error I wont ever know. But I might go "dual" again tomorrow or this evening (yes, Im planning a "Banquet"!) just to experiment. Like I said, normal service will resumme next week and trialing these things back at work wont be so feasable.

Any news Bev on how soon you and Alex will start? Its Mands thread that is inspiring me to get abit more out of the pump over the weekend as she seems to be going great guns. I meant to comment on my thread earlier but follow-on to your Medtronic day last week, I wanted to mention to you I received a great service from them over the phone on Wednesday afternoon. Helpful, not annoying and got exactly what I ordered the following morning- less than 24 hours couriered to my door by TNT and signed for. Excellent. Another tick next to Medtronics name worth noting in these early days. You can change your location of delivery each time you speak to them, work, friends, neighbours, anywhere or anyone. A three month supply all in a small tidy box. I like it, and I like it a lot 😛 (with additional bonus items, 3 free plastic bags of air? :confused:!)

Chat soon, Louisatronic xXx:D
(yeah Im thinking thats my new Username!)
Hello Louisa!

Go girl! Sounds an interesting experiment...Will come back to this later, but just to say that dual waving is good for banqueting, but also for the slow digest stuff -- at the moment we use it exclusively for this (rice, pasta, pizza) and it really does work...E doesn't banquet much!

Interested in your prison work too, used to teach in one and found it an incredible experience...ANYWAY. Must go. Just wanted to say KEEP IT GOING. And keep posting. I really like to read what you're up to, and the approach you are taking as an adult. It's completely different, but so confident...

Well done!

Aliens attack?

Thanks for that Patricia!

With what you wrote in mind I have dual waved some pasta, meetballs and veg and completely filled my face with carbs, purely for scientific analysis of course 😉....to lazy to "Banquet" thats my problem!

So please pump people and parents enlighten me... have I been possessed? I noticed today when I did my third set change I have markings like two corn-circles on my skin still from where the previous sets were. If this continues to mark for so long I will eventually look like the woman with a thousand nipples....so now how do I bring this up in group tomorrow??:confused:

Tomorrow is Pump Clinic Part III. On the unnecessarilly early morning agenda according to the timetable is:

Pump experiences (perhaps I will demonstrate my ability to retrieve it from inside the toilet bowl? Skillfull, and with grace...)
Review of basal rates (yes please, any longer on 0.55u/hr/24 hrs and I might forget what one is)
Trouble shooting, avoiding DKA
Eating out (advice on meeting the potential mother-in-law not included 😉)
Square and Dual Wave bolusing (sooooo last week!)

My average blood sugar today was 7.7mmols. I am pleased with that, the best this week. Im not hitting great numbers straight away but I have been confined to a 1:1 ratio throughout and a basal rate I have not been allowed to change it. I am just so dying to "tweak" its torture. I might avoid the temptation by unpacking all my supplies from Medtronic and deciding where on earth I can squeeze them into my very small and compact life. Not easy...

If anything I must say I am slightly frustrated by my friends reactions to all this. A serious under-understanding of what an insulin pump is, despite my explanations and three people have asked me does this mean I still have diabetes? My dear friends, it must be because I havent explained it well enough or pitching it to you right. Perhaps because I am constantly managing it and thinking about it I take any comment below parr of the reality of it all as annoying? I dont mean too, I find ignorance on the subject given how long I have waited for it and explained it to them as frustrating. All in all, none of them have this disease and so imagining a medication pump attatched to you all the time is just too foreign to contemplate or relate to? I dont know. Ho hum. Wont let it bother me too much. Early days and all that jazz.

Right I must go. I need to know whats going on with Mand and Patricia on their threads!!!

I will report back from Pump School. I will also let you know what punishment I receive for Dual waving and Square bolusing before I was told to. I expect I shall be sent to Birkinhead!

Hi Lou

You doing great! Well done you! I have read your posts with great interest (once again just loving your sense of humour!). I hope they not too hard on you for jumping ahead and dual waving already! 🙂 Also never worry about hogging my post. I always happy to share it with you or anyone else. Feel free to join in anytime.

We have not been taught about the bolus wizard etc yet. 😱

My son has done two set changes now and he does have the circle marks left too, same as you.

Do keep your posts coming. I am avidly reading them. Do keep us up to date with your new job news too! What an exciting time for you!

Will go now and update my thread.

Hang on in there! You doing a great job, Lou! xx
So please pump people and parents enlighten me... have I been possessed? I noticed today when I did my third set change I have markings like two corn-circles on my skin still from where the previous sets were. If this continues to mark for so long I will eventually look like the woman with a thousand nipples....so now how do I bring this up in group tomorrow??:confused:

If anything I must say I am slightly frustrated by my friends reactions to all this. A serious under-understanding of what an insulin pump is, despite my explanations and three people have asked me does this mean I still have diabetes? My dear friends, it must be because I havent explained it well enough or pitching it to you right. Perhaps because I am constantly managing it and thinking about it I take any comment below parr of the reality of it all as annoying? I dont mean too, I find ignorance on the subject given how long I have waited for it and explained it to them as frustrating. All in all, none of them have this disease and so imagining a medication pump attatched to you all the time is just too foreign to contemplate or relate to? I dont know. Ho hum. Wont let it bother me too much. Early days and all that jazz.

Always great to read these posts, Lou! Love them.

Re corn circles: yes...we have them too. Have you tried tea tree oil cream? Available from chemists. Seems to make a difference with E and soreness. Also, that spray Adrienne was talking about actually *does* make a difference: considerably less pink at the last change...

Re friends and lack of understanding... First thing I thought was that maybe this is part of the 'starting again' you were warned about? Just a thought. But you've been dealing with diabetes for x amount of time (how long?), got your head more or less around what you were doing before, and in that context didn't expect friends to leap to attention -- yet now, quite understandably, you are going through something again -- and they are not really 'there'.

I confess that 8 months in and we have not yet got past the stage where we are not hurt by people not understanding or trying to understand. In truth, this is more me than my husband or even E. They are both pretty self contained and practical, taking things up in a direct way when needed, but otherwise, not having great expectations of others.

Me on the other hand...I continue to feel hurt by those I considered to be good friends who ultimately could not step out of their lives long enough to see what was happening in mine/ours. I'm getting better at it, but there is a level of accepting what others can and can't do that I have a hard time with. Perhaps because I feel I would be there for them in quite a different way? And have been, even?

The management of diabetes, on pump or not, is just completely relentless and sometimes overwhelming. All the changes you are going through are generally positive, Lou, and I suspect your level of 'acceptance' generally of the condition is further along than mine -- but the fact remains that you are once again having to work quite hard and out of routine at keeping/making yourself healthy.

You mentioned your boyfriend barely registering the pump and changes -- is this still the case?! It may be just me, but I guess if it were me, I'd make damn sure that the people I knew who were capable of support damn well supported me/us! I would lay it on the line. I've done so in a couple of cases this end, and really, not been disappointed. For me it's been about bringing things to others' attention rather than counting on them noticing -- which has made me cross, but ultimately been okay -- for the closest friends, anyway.

And, just to make a final point: you don't want to 'accidentally' lose people who are really your friends, but who just don't know what you want and what to do. So tell them what you want and what to do. This takes some pride-swallowing, which I resent myself 🙂(), but hey...when I've done it, it's worked.

Sorry to get so heavy. Phew! More coffee needed.

Look forward to hearing about pump clinic this morning.


You will get marks and we also use tea tree cream and have done since the beginning, natural antiseptic. J does have small scars all over her bottom, but small price to pay we think. 😉
Hi all,

Thanks for your replies. Well I have come back from clinic with a multitude of things to do!

Best of all I have been to the pharmacy and they now have my vials.....deep breath and out again....

So pump clinic (Part III) was good. Probably the most intense session as yet! I thought I was knowing this pump a little and then it turns out it does a trillion more things, absolutely incredible.

My DSN reviewed my numbers and I have to say, having getting all excited about going all 'basal-tastic' today she only wants me to increase to 0.575u/hr between 1800 and 0300. It is going to take some time to get used to working in these miniscule amounts, surely that isnt even a drop? But I have reset my basals with her advice and will see how I go. I agree though that this coming week I cant go bonkers on the basal as I will be back to work and much more active and dont want to crash and burn. We got some input on "temp basal" as well so I will be giving that a shot when the time is right too. I wasnt bannished for the "Dual- Waving"! In fact, I was asked all about it! Im glad I have got started on it, as we know it takes some practise!

I have to say, one of the great things about pump is the goodies! Today I was given my "Careline" USB. The facility that allows your pump to transfer data to a computer program via bluetooth and you can look at your graphs and trends etc. I shall be downloading it shortly....we have been requested to make our passwords our hospital numbers with initials so that when I chat with the DSN on the phone, she can log in and review my stats! WHAT WILL THEY THINK OF NEXT???:D Like my DSN said, great for those who cant be bothered to do the logbook😉 (who me?). Apparently, pumpers used to have to pay for the privilage of this USB from Medtronic at a cost of ?50 and we have got this included so thats a good thing (especially if it turns out to be naff- I will keep you posted).

Adrienne: thanks for that link about the spray to lift off the adhesive. I wasnt sure if it was meant for just for children or for anyone, but I took advantage of the link you put up and have order my free sample! Thanks for that. Anything to keep those extra nipples at bay....😱

Thanks also to you Patricia for your thoughts on my friends situation. We discussed it a little in group this morning. I am planning my new approaches this week and how to take on the challenges that different people seem to present. One at a time and one day at a time....I have some lovely friends and a wonderful partner I just have to work through this.

On that note, I am hoping to find some solice and knowledge from my books that arrived today from Amazon online! Got three books for ?26 and free delivery which isnt bad at all I dont think. They are:

Pumping Insulin: Everything you need for success on a smart insulin pump John Walsh (?14.59p)

Insulin Pump Therapy Demistified: An essential guide for everyone pumping insulin Gabrielle Kaplan-Mayer (?8.99p)

Carb Counter, Collins GEM (?2.71p)

The Collins counter is really small and handbag size. Might be good for eating out....I am pretty sure I have seen all these books in the forums 'Recommended books' section. Providing I get past the first chapter and dont revert to using them as doorstops (this is what usually comes of my book reading intentions) I shall let you know what I think.

Well back to my day of rebellion, I am planning dinner at 7pm today JUST BECAUSE I CAN! Yes, no more just eating on the even hour. Perhaps I'll go mad and have a pudding at 9! 😉

Hi all,

Thanks for your replies. Well I have come back from clinic with a multitude of things to do!

Best of all I have been to the pharmacy and they now have my vials.....deep breath and out again....

So pump clinic (Part III) was good. Probably the most intense session as yet! I thought I was knowing this pump a little and then it turns out it does a trillion more things, absolutely incredible.

My DSN reviewed my numbers and I have to say, having getting all excited about going all 'basal-tastic' today she only wants me to increase to 0.575u/hr between 1800 and 0300. It is going to take some time to get used to working in these miniscule amounts, surely that isnt even a drop? But I have reset my basals with her advice and will see how I go. I agree though that this coming week I cant go bonkers on the basal as I will be back to work and much more active and dont want to crash and burn. We got some input on "temp basal" as well so I will be giving that a shot when the time is right too. I wasnt bannished for the "Dual- Waving"! In fact, I was asked all about it! Im glad I have got started on it, as we know it takes some practise!

I have to say, one of the great things about pump is the goodies! Today I was given my "Careline" USB. The facility that allows your pump to transfer data to a computer program via bluetooth and you can look at your graphs and trends etc. I shall be downloading it shortly....we have been requested to make our passwords our hospital numbers with initials so that when I chat with the DSN on the phone, she can log in and review my stats! WHAT WILL THEY THINK OF NEXT???:D Like my DSN said, great for those who cant be bothered to do the logbook😉 (who me?). Apparently, pumpers used to have to pay for the privilage of this USB from Medtronic at a cost of ?50 and we have got this included so thats a good thing (especially if it turns out to be naff- I will keep you posted).

Adrienne: thanks for that link about the spray to lift off the adhesive. I wasnt sure if it was meant for just for children or for anyone, but I took advantage of the link you put up and have order my free sample! Thanks for that. Anything to keep those extra nipples at bay....😱

Thanks also to you Patricia for your thoughts on my friends situation. We discussed it a little in group this morning. I am planning my new approaches this week and how to take on the challenges that different people seem to present. One at a time and one day at a time....I have some lovely friends and a wonderful partner I just have to work through this.

On that note, I am hoping to find some solice and knowledge from my books that arrived today from Amazon online! Got three books for ?26 and free delivery which isnt bad at all I dont think. They are:

Pumping Insulin: Everything you need for success on a smart insulin pump John Walsh (?14.59p)

Insulin Pump Therapy Demistified: An essential guide for everyone pumping insulin Gabrielle Kaplan-Mayer (?8.99p)

Carb Counter, Collins GEM (?2.71p)

The Collins counter is really small and handbag size. Might be good for eating out....I am pretty sure I have seen all these books in the forums 'Recommended books' section. Providing I get past the first chapter and dont revert to using them as doorstops (this is what usually comes of my book reading intentions) I shall let you know what I think.

Well back to my day of rebellion, I am planning dinner at 7pm today JUST BECAUSE I CAN! Yes, no more just eating on the even hour. Perhaps I'll go mad and have a pudding at 9! 😉


He he he he you sound really pumped up ('scuse the pun - couldn't resist). What a great day you have had and great news that you got the cable for free. I did too but lots of my friends didn't.
Great news, Lou! Thanks for updating us! So pleased for you that things are going well!

I have also bought 'pumping insulin' from Amazon. Let me know what you think!

Keep up your good work! You doing great!!

Mand x🙂x
He he he he you sound really pumped up ('scuse the pun - couldn't resist). What a great day you have had and great news that you got the cable for free. I did too but lots of my friends didn't.

Well to continue with the puns Adrienne....I am right royally PUMPED OFF! 😱 Calling all you people (if any) who have successfully uploaded CareLine me please contact me? Now this is exactly when your teenager comes into their own! What on earth is going on here with CareLine?? Not a lot! (I am about to enter great depth in to the bowels of the problem, scroll now people, it is written as therapy......)

So first of all I went through the whole process and it wasnt sucessfull because I have Windows Vista. Shock. So I went into the "Help me it would appear I cant follow simple instructions" section and it required me to change my security settings. No real suprise- the settings it requires are low security and I had to change the system administrator (?). Now my worldwide-interhole keeps displaying messages that I am at risk (I am violated? 😱). So even with these new settings it wants in place, I cant get the system to recognise the USB (when it tells you eventually to plug it in) saying it cant find the driver software. So I have had a diabetes related swearing session, lots of "B" words (Banquetting, Birkenhead....) and put it back in its box. Not before compilling the whole of my breakdown as it happened in written form to the Medtronic people pleasers....bless them. I wait with baited breath what their response will be...

Is anyone else enjoying any other Medtronic related gems? Same theme as what I highlighted earlier in the thread, "When things go wrong" is Chapter 13, "The Rule of 15" is on page 15.....today I read (get your manuals out!)....

......"My screen appears distorted....If your screen appears distorted, take your sunglasses off" Page 175.

I am offically over-manualised and instructed one week on. Who writes these things? Thankfully I have managed 7 days of avoiding being struck by lightening as it suggests in the introduction.

I am sad that I cant work Careline, graphs please me, but I have cheered myself up with a dual wave! I am definately ready to return to work tomorrow and occupy my mind with something else! I can imagine if I have to set up any infusions at work tomorrow just how MASSIVE all the syringes and pumps will look, now that is a bizarre thought!

Hope you are enjoying this lovely evening, sorry for the rant!

Love to all xx
Having been a programmer for 25 years, I can only apologise for your frustration. I do, however believe that Microsoft may be the root of all evil! Blimmin' operating systems! Hope the beings that are medtronic can elucidate - they crashed my (XP) system last week with their pump school!😱
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Havong been a programmer for 25 years, I can only apologise for your frustration. I do, however believe that Microsoft may be the root of all evil! Blimmin' operating systems! Hope the beings that are medtronic can elucidate - they crashed my (XP) system last week with their pump school!😱

Oh no! Obviously pump school isnt compatable with all the kate bush videos you must download on You Tube!

Northerner, pump school worked for me, and I am a challenged individual :D
Ah Vista - has a lot to answer for.😱
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