Pumper Eve

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Hi Vanessa & Maryann. It is the best thing so far ! Nothings perfect but in a few weeks time you will see the benifits. Today i was flat out at work didnt have time for dinner, about 1.30 felt hypo ish. Tested 4.2, Put temp basal on for an hour of 7% (dont know why i picked that but). Had 15gr of carbs & 2.30 was 6.7. You could not do that on mdi. Really good luck & let us know how you get on. 😎
Hi Vanessa,
so no bubbles make sure your insulin is at room temp. So at least 30 mins out of the fridge. Put enough air in the vial to cover the removal of the insulin. Slowly draw some insulin out then push it back in again if any bubble are visible, keep doing this until your cartridge is full. Remove from vial with needle still on the cartridge check the cartridge for bubble and give a gentle tap so the bubble go to the top if any. (any stubborn ones use a pen to tap the cartridge with)
The more practice you have the better you will become. 🙂

Oh god yes my first refill/set change took forever with lots of panicking! Pumper_Sue has covered it all brilliantly above - room temp (some peeps take vial out night before even...I carry a vial around as my back up with syringes, so it's out of the fridge anyway) & slowly slowly, if you rush the plunger it will suck air bubbles in. Also, once filled, keep the cartridge upright so that any bubbles are at the top and will get pushed thru with priming. It gets easier very quickly, honest 😛
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