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I've done it once and I've had mine since May 2011 and I must have dropped it hundreds of times and had to retrieve it with the tubing. I usually wear mine in a pocket or on my waistband, except in bed where I place it at the side of me and it roams freely. I don't even remove it whilst undertaking things that involve activity whilst there 😉 and its fine. (Though it may be advisable to take em off if you want to swing from a chandelier, jump off the wardrobe etc ! :D )

It's not that delicately stuck as Hobie said, but there again when you actually come to taking it off it doesn't seem that stuck - although sometimes I've had to pick at an edge quite a few times to get hold of it and pull - weird !
In the past I have got an used cannula & tried to snap it 😱 It does not matter how strong you are a Medtronic one will not snap 😉 Don't know what tube is made of but good gear 😉
I thinks it's impossible frankly Hobie - the Roche ones have a short needle at the end that fits into the cannula (can't speak for other makes) so I cut that end off with the kitchen scissors and just stick that bit in the sharps, cos the other can go in the plastic recycling bin.

My husband - who regularly uses his hand instead of a hammer which most mortals would need to do whatever - also reckons it's really hard to cut them !
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