Pump suggestions.

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So the nurse says after reviewing the data from people’s cgm system Fiasp wasn’t acting as fast as the documentation stated and they are now suggesting injecting before eating not as you eat.
So the nurse says after reviewing the data from people’s cgm system Fiasp wasn’t acting as fast as the documentation stated and they are now suggesting injecting before eating not as you eat.
Nice to know health care professionals are catching on but it is an individual thing. I doubt there are many people who can inject as they eat and get reasonable results with it butwhy not just advise people to prebolus however much time their body needs. I need 45 mins prebolus time at breakfast with Fiasp and 15-20 mins at most other times of day unless my BG is in the 4s and then I can get away with 5-10 mins. It is still a bit quicker than Novo(not so)Rapid which was 75 mins at breakfast and 30 mins at lunch and evening. I asked about Lyumjev and my consultant was of the opinion that it is to do with my particular body's absorption time for insulin and that Lyumjev would probably not be any quicker for me.
It has taken me a couple of years to learn how to make Fiasp work for me, now that I have developed the right timings and strategies and I am not sure I would want to go through the frustration of changing if there is a risk that Lyumjev wouldn't work any quicker.... hence my interest in how you get on.
Nice to know health care professionals are catching on but it is an individual thing. I doubt there are many people who can inject as they eat and get reasonable results with it butwhy not just advise people to prebolus however much time their body needs. I need 45 mins prebolus time at breakfast with Fiasp and 15-20 mins at most other times of day unless my BG is in the 4s and then I can get away with 5-10 mins. It is still a bit quicker than Novo(not so)Rapid which was 75 mins at breakfast and 30 mins at lunch and evening. I asked about Lyumjev and my consultant was of the opinion that it is to do with my particular body's absorption time for insulin and that Lyumjev would probably not be any quicker for me.
It has taken me a couple of years to learn how to make Fiasp work for me, now that I have developed the right timings and strategies and I am not sure I would want to go through the frustration of changing if there is a risk that Lyumjev wouldn't work any quicker.... hence my interest in how you get on.
I admire the effort that’s gone into your regime. It can tell it’s perfectly crafted but as for my self I would have been in a panicking at 45 for Fiasp and 75 for not so rapid would have given me a heart attack
@Sonick do you not preinject at all?

I have always needed to preinject. And I very rarely start eating unless I know my insulin has started working, even now on Fiasp, it is much quicker but even then can be 20-40 minutes before I can have breakfast depending on my pre breakfast level.
@Sonick do you not preinject at all?

I have always needed to preinject. And I very rarely start eating unless I know my insulin has started working, even now on Fiasp, it is much quicker but even then can be 20-40 minutes before I can have breakfast depending on my pre breakfast level.
Hi No I stopped pre-injections when I got Fiasp I sometimes did with Nova Rapid but not regularly. So was surprised when my nurse suggested she's recommending it now for Fiasp . I certainly don't need it for the new Lyumjev. I lead a busy life but still get good enough results with out doing this and it's a unnecessary pain in the arse in my opinion.
I too am a fidget and have used a tubed pump.
I never pulled it out. However, it would find its way under my bony hip.
Therefore, I purchased a pump belt which I wrapped twice around my upper thigh to keep the pump under control and away from my bony bits.
Thanks this is very helpful it is something that concerns me. I have trialled the demo omnipod and it was too bulky to br permanently attached to me and kept knocking it so thinking tethered might be the way to go.
It will be interesting to hear of your experience with this insulin.
I am not aware of many using it as yet.
I have been using it for a couple of weeks now it can sting when administered but it is not intolerable and now I am used to it, it is not so bad. I was told it could be used in a pump and is quick Acting by the dietician but at my first pump discussion I was told I would have to use fuasp as lumjev is not licensed in a pump?? Anyone using it in a pump please?
Thanks @viky66
I found that FIASP stung for me and I ended up with too many skanky cannula sites.

I am aware of people using Lyumjev in a pump and my consultant was happy for me to do so But I don’t think the pumps are licensed for it as yet. I use my pump in an automated closed loop so I am not sure yet about how the algorithm would work with a quicker insulin. I am waiting a while.
Hi everyone I realise I am now posting in the wrong place but I wanted to give an update on Lyumjev. Results like this are now standard and as I am off work now for 6 days i started drinking a few hours ago I certainly recommend it


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