Pump Panel say No

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The Libre is a really good tool to find out patterns etc. Really good luck & keep trying 😉
It's important to recognise the difference between Technology Appraisal and NICE guideline too.

..... if you meet the pump criteria according to your Dr, then the CCG have to fund it.

That is my understanding too. Keep the pressure up Pigeon! When my CCG sat on my application for funding for my pump replacement for way more than six months last year, I emailed my DSN and suggested that it might be time to take this up with my MP. Within two days she emailed me back with approval. Maybe a coincidence, but.

A few years ago my consultant commented that some of the people that handle these things within the NHS bureaucracy can't even spell 'diabetes'. A bit harsh, but it must be very frustrating for the clinicians. I suspect though in your case that it is the latter who are not making enough effort for you.
Thanks all. Turns out the letter from the consultant hasn't been sent to the CCG yet- got a letter saying she will fill out the form with me at my June appt, so I will go armed with evidence and also ask what was taken to the pump panel as I'm not sure the correct points were made. Sadly though, she says in the letter she's retiring in June, so I'll probably have to start again with another consultant after that. Just when I felt I might get somewhere!
Thanks all. Turns out the letter from the consultant hasn't been sent to the CCG yet- got a letter saying she will fill out the form with me at my June appt, so I will go armed with evidence and also ask what was taken to the pump panel as I'm not sure the correct points were made. Sadly though, she says in the letter she's retiring in June, so I'll probably have to start again with another consultant after that. Just when I felt I might get somewhere!

Can you find out when the next pump panel is? It would be good to know that that her submission on behalf of you does not get lost in the change over. It may also be useful to get the DSN involved if they are continuing. We had to get a tick from consultant, Dietician and DSN before it would go to the panel. They will want o know that you can make effective use of the technology so Your gathering of evidence should all help.
More recently trained/appointed consultants are FAR more likely to be much more pro-pump than older ones - in my experience, anyway!
Thanks all. Turns out the letter from the consultant hasn't been sent to the CCG yet- got a letter saying she will fill out the form with me at my June appt, so I will go armed with evidence and also ask what was taken to the pump panel as I'm not sure the correct points were made. Sadly though, she says in the letter she's retiring in June, so I'll probably have to start again with another consultant after that. Just when I felt I might get somewhere!
Good luck Pigeon ! Life is not meant to be easy 🙄
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