Pump Insurance?

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I use Direct Line it is included with my building and contents insurance under Personal Possessions - Specified Items as detailed below - which is the pump details £3000.

Mine is covered by Norwich Union. I also have other pieces of named items on their that I need for my eye problems. I've never had a problem adding on items such as the pump.
Hi all, hope you don't mind me bringing this post back up but i've just thought of something (happens a lot lately 🙄)

Does general household insurance cover pumps outside the home? i.e. halfway up a mountain (same country) or in a river... those kind of usual things?
I'm afraid it's a case of 'check the small print'
When I got mine, they asked if I carried it with me when out (so they could give the right civer, I guess). I pointed out it was physically attached to me so I couldnt not🙂 and she said right and typed something. If they don't ask, tell when you're getting it to ensure it is.
Yes I told them it was attached to me 24 hours a day but never bothered to tell them I took it off when I was having a shower as it was in the same room as me.

Hi all, hope you don't mind me bringing this post back up but i've just thought of something (happens a lot lately 🙄)

Does general household insurance cover pumps outside the home? i.e. halfway up a mountain (same country) or in a river... those kind of usual things?
Yes as long as you have declared it as an individual item and it's cost, make sure you explain that where you go the pump goes as well.
Your household ins covers things you take out of the house like mountain bikes ,cameras etc. So to add it on to policy should not be much
Hi all, hope you don't mind me bringing this post back up but i've just thought of something (happens a lot lately 🙄)

Does general household insurance cover pumps outside the home? i.e. halfway up a mountain (same country) or in a river... those kind of usual things?

In a river? RU a wild swimmer?
Could be a kayaker, or a trout fisherman.
Mines on house insurance with Sheilas Wheels - they are part of the esure group. Don't think it added too much to the premium if i remember rightly
Mine's just on household insurance as a named item £3000 although I struggled to pick a suitable category in the drop down menu. I'm not sure it added anything to the premium.
Ah - our RSA household cover has an 'Other valuable items' category so that's where mine is specified. Never cost a penny more.
The insurance companies are all different. The important thing is to check the small print and make sure that it is covered.
What happens when your pump wears out?
Or a better one eg with sensor integrated to canulas comes out?(Admittedly the second idea would necessarily require a new pump, but you get the idea)
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