Pump Insurance?

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I must admit, when I read the policy mentioned above, I took the bit about "equivalent specification" to mean that I'd get a similar pump to the one I'd lost. As I don't know much about other pumps apart from what I've read on here, I don't know whether they'd be likely to replace my pump with one I wouldn't like, but it would be a problem if the hospital wouldn't supply the consumables. They only seem to deal with Roche so I'd be stuck if the insurers gave me a Medtronic pump.

On the other hand.... I've been thinking about if I added it to my home insurance, how long a claim would be likely to take. When I've made claims on insurance in the past I've never received any kind of pay out within a fortnight, which wouldn't be much use to me if my pump died.

Has anyone received any assurances from their home insurance companies about how quickly they would deal with a claim if the pump was damaged or lost?

It also made me wonder about what I'd do if I couldn't get my pump fixed or replaced for more than 24 hours... but I think that calls for another thread!
Oh yes, they use a specialist repairer of THEIR choice if it goes wrong, and they will replace it with what THEY see fit if it goes missing. They will NOT guarantee it will be the same make even, let alone the same model ....... Not a good plan, IMHO. I did point these things out to them some time ago .....

I would just mention here that I spent almost my entire working life nit-picking every word and nuance of insurers' policy wordings and attempting to get the things altered. And got paid quite a lot of money for doing it, cos I was like a terrier down a rabbit hole with the slippery little devils .........

Why do you assume that I didn't read the policy?

Hi Fandange,
have a read of the above quote by TW, this explains my comment.
I read the policy in exactly the same way as TW. SO imho the policy isn't worth the paper it's written on. Please do note though I have no knowledge of the ins industry. TW worked in the industry for many years and knows her stuff.
I have just added my pump on my content old for new insurance and told them it was from the NHS and after a short wile they came back to me and said that was ok with them and they would cover it als put Hubbys moter mobility scoter on as well and it wasent mutch extra on my policy as they werent over ?5000 I can have things up to that on each itam with out any prob.
Grandma, check on the actual cover on that scooter. May not be covered whilst 'in use' , only at home when it's stationary - since eg if you take lawnmowers, there's usually something about them being 'pedestrian controlled' - sit-on ones are only covered whilst not in use, but there again you don't normally take them off your own premises do you? But do with a mobility scooter.
Grandma, check on the actual cover on that scooter. May not be covered whilst 'in use' , only at home when it's stationary - since eg if you take lawnmowers, there's usually something about them being 'pedestrian controlled' - sit-on ones are only covered whilst not in use, but there again you don't normally take them off your own premises do you? But do with a mobility scooter.

Thanks for that ill check ill give them a ring in the morning.
Have just got the papers back and it dosent say anything about it just being at home. But ill ring them to make sure.
Is have just phoned insurance4insulinpumps as that's who I use. They confirm that their pump replacement policy is like for like and I would get a medtrnoic pump should, something happen to my current one. Got worried when I read previous posters comments but now I'm relieved!
I'll reserve me judgement then until I hear from a real person who's had a real claim and it's all been settled 100% OK.
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