Pump funding saga continues

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🙂 he said yes.

I won't believe it until I get my hands on my own pump - he wants to now transfer me to Eastbourne?! - so I'm not getting excited yet lol. Speaking to DSN tomorrow and asking her to get them to hold off on the transfer until funding comes through, I can just see that causing problems!
Great news Shiv - you kept us waiting and worrying.......😱

So have you still got your loan pump.🙂Bev
Yes still got it, consultant said to talk to DSN about when she wants it back. Yeah right, like I'm going to start that conversation. I'll wait until they ask and just drag it out. If they wanted it back so badly they would have asked for it by now.
Goodness, what a palaver! Glad to see things are moving in the right direction! (They are, aren't they? :confused: :D)
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