Pump funding saga continues

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi all, the last time I wrote I was in touch with INPUT re: my care, the pump trial, etc.

I have registered with a GP in Brighton and have asked to be referred to the Eastbourne team (although I saw a locum dr, so not sure if that will happen if I don't chase it up!).

Got an email from my current DSN today saying the consultant is keen to meet with me re pump funding.

...honestly. I laughed when I read the email; I'm guessing INPUT have been in touch with them!

I can think of 3 outcomes:

1. I get pump funding
2. I get told he does not think I am suitable for a pump and therefore will not apply for funding for me
3. it's a ploy to get the trial pump back off me (they'd have to pin me down and knock me out first...)

She has booked me to see him next Thurs but I have emailed to ask for it to be this Thurs due to work; hopefully it is not too late notice!

Will obv keep you all updated 😉
Fingers crossed you get the pump 🙂
I really hope that they cough up for you Shiv - you have clearly taken to the pump very well and it would be a crime to take it back.
I've also got my fingers crossed for you as well...

As the start you've had with pumping, and the improvements you've made with control, the cost of funding is worth every penny they are spending...

If they ask for it back, inform them that you have no intention of disconnecting it yourself without a court order to do so, and if they attempt to disconnect it then you will sue them for assult...
After seeing you on saturday and having a little spy at your pump i think it would be madness if they didnt cough up the funding for you .Good luck and fingers crossed x
I hope all goes well. You are a confinent young lady, and I am sure you will be able to persude them of your wishes

Keep us posted as to how it goes

We could have a virtual pump party!
Good luck with it Shiv, do your revision the night before and say all the right things!

Good luck x
Best of luck Shiv, will keep my fingers crossed for you! 🙂
Good luck from me too, got everything crossed that it goes well.
At least its progress. Good luck we are all routing for you 🙂
🙂 thanks all...the appointment is at 14:00 tomorrow, Tom is coming with me, I am getting really nervous now! I just don't want to get my hopes up 😱
Fingers crossed for you Shiv hope all goes smoothly.
Good luck Shiv, hope it goes well!
Shiv, I am routing for you - with Tom besdie you it will be fine.

Mind, we are all looking forward to the virtual pump party
All the best!

I hope they see sense and provide the funding for you.
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