Pump failure, how long for replacement?

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Thanks all - my last lot of lantus was out of date, which I discovered whe I checked the fridge! And surely nobody has a reserve pump sitting about?! Fortunately there was enough left in the reservoir to leave my pump connected for basal delivery and use a syringe for the bolus. The pump delivery mechanism was working fine, but every time I touched the down arrow/light button it stuck on rather than released.

As it turns out, a replacement pump arrived by courier just after 11am today (party infill swIng lol), fantastic service and I'm very impressed. I've spent a while setting it all up - had forgotten quite how many settings there are! - and all appears well so far.

Shall be having a chat with my DSN Next week though!

Oh fantastic. Ignore my last email. Knew I should have read the whole thread.

Their customer service is fantastic, its gets better and better 🙂
I wonderd abot insulin running out of date as well as I have just started on a pump and thought about that.
But like Elle Jones hubby is T1 as well and on the same as I was before pump so there will always be some if pump fails.
But good you got replacment quickly🙂
That made me go and check my fridge. I have some Novorapid Flexpens that are expired but everything else is OK well into next year.
That made me go and check my fridge. I have some Novorapid Flexpens that are expired but everything else is OK well into next year.

Ditto re: checking as a result of this thread, Levemir expires soon so many thanks!!
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