Pump advice needed!

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You can always do what I do..

My care is arranged as thus...

I'm under my pump clinic, who I see every 12-14 months one appointment 30 minutes long with my consultant and pump nurse at the same time..

My DSN at my doctor surgery does all the blood's and overseeing between main appointments..

I do feel that I need to expand, as writing my care it sounds as I'm being neglected... The above is my choice but there's reasons for it though..

For the hospital

I instigated this, I haven't needed their input, and feel that I'm taking up valuable time which could be better spent helping diabetics who were struggling... So I have a kinda of open appointment if I feel that I need to see my consultant or pump nurse, I can phone at any time to get an appointment/be seen...

My Surgery DSN

Well I've known her for a long time, and when I started my 4 year battle for my pump, she was supportive and helpful starting the ball rolling for me, even though she did explain pumps in my area is as rare as hen's teeth! And I really didn't want to cut her out of my care... So she does the reviews between hospital appointments..

This works well for me...
Erm... no?

Levemir's duration is often shorter than 24 hours (so is Lantus for that matter!).

16-20 hours is not uncommon on Levemir. This is a *good* thing though because if you take it in 2 doses approx 12 hours apart (to begin with while you see how it works) it will gove you the option of having two flattish basal rates.

So if you need less overnight and more during the day, you can do that. Or if you suffer from Dawn Phenomenon you can adjust doses to have more active overnight to counteract it.

It takes a bit of a while to adjust your basal to get it as good as you can, but the investment is SO worthwhile because if your basal is out, even by a smallish amount, your mealtime doses and corrections can really play up.

This method of testing and adjusting basal is well worth a read: http://www.diabetes-support.org.uk/info/?page_id=120
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