Problems, confused now

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Hi guys, I was diagnosed over 10 years ago with T2, started on diet & exercise, then went on metformin one a day, became seriously unwell (not diabetes related) was increased to 3 a day. After a while started to get tummy problems with metformin so I was taken off it completely and went back to just diet and exercise, hba1c was 42 then rose to 48 during lockdown. Diet became a bit haphazard, I have a blood glucose monitor and check my bloods occasionally about a year ago they started climbing and my last hba1c was 68 so I was put on a slow release metformin 2 months ago. I have changed my diet significantly have lost some weight and continuing to lose gradually, but my bg isn’t coming down much, in old money my readings were 8.7 and this morning 7.9, I’m very confused why they aren’t coming down, I walk a fair bit, dr has suggested before putting me on meds that I try gylerlzide (not sure how to spell) but neither of us were keen on that. Sorry for long ramble….any suggestions? Thanks
My suggestion, for all diabetics is to use a CGM, one main reason you can gather far more information as to how you are doing with respect to controlling your diabetes.
No 2 diabetics are alike, different food have different affect on individuals. You can test all foods easier and get results continously, and adjust amounts of food, type of food, working out the diet that works for you, even those you believe you can't touch. You can also look at how your medication is doing and if you share real time data with your doctor or hospital clinic, both can look at making slight changes at a time, to see improvement of not.
Yes they cost on a monthly basis, but what price is not worth you can live a better life with td2.
Also you may be someone suffering from " The Dawn Phenomenon ", which throws results of Hba1C into confusion. There is useful information on line reference Hba1C.
There was a short piece in New Scientist saying plant milks with the exception of pea milk was lower in micronutrients than cow's milk.

Most of them are fortified. People choose plant milks for all kinds of reasons. The majority of the human race is intolerant to cows’ milk - not surprisingly as it’s made for calves.
Thank you all for your help, lots of food for thought there, lots of info I didn’t know about so thanks all
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