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Prescribed Mounjaro

Paul watson

Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi All.
I have been prescribed Mounjaro and tbh am a bit nervous about taking it. I will have my first injection after work today so will see what happens. Think I've read too many horror stories. My Hba1c is 88 so I definitely need to get it sorted. Is there any advice / tips on what I can expect and the best way to maximise its usefulness ?
Hi Paul and welcome.

Going to tag @Katetype2 as she is having a very positive experience with Mounjaro but if you put her username into the search box in the "posted by" field, you will find her weekly Mounjaro reports and other inspirational posts she has made and hopefully they will encourage and inspire you too.
Hi Paul and welcome.

Going to tag @Katetype2 as she is having a very positive experience with Mounjaro but if you put her username into the search box in the "posted by" field, you will find her weekly Mounjaro reports and other inspirational posts she has made and hopefully they will encourage and inspire you too.
that is very much appreciated.
Hi @Paul watson
welcome to the forum

hope yours will be a good experience on Mounjaro
my advice (having been on Mounjaro for the last 8 months)

keep eating healthy and ensure your getting a good amount of protein
especially important to ensure your eating a good healthy & balanced diet

because you will find you will be eating a bit less - than prior to being prescribed Mounjaro

ensure your well hydrated
keep up with exercise, or start doing some (depending on how active you currently are)

I’ve had a positive experience of Mounjaro, I’m assuming whoever prescribed you Mounjaro
made you aware of any possibility of needing to change your existing medication, as you become under better control of your blood sugars / loose weight

theres a few of us on here that have been helped by Mounjaro
Thank you.
I was prescribed by my Diabetic Nurse as my hba1c has been high for a long time now. Currently taking Metformin and Gliclazide but have been told to stop the Gliclazide. When starting Mounjaro. I am nervous of side effect especially at work but hopefully won’t be too bad. Thanks for the protein tip I will need to be aware of that and the hydration.
Day one today so here goes.
I appreciate your help.
So have been ok ish today after my first dose. My levels have been pretty good around 12 ish. However. When I drop to around 10 I feel like I’m having a hypo. I wonder if because I am usually hovering between 13 to 18 with a fair few times over 20. If it’s just that my body isn’t used to feeling lower and it will improve if I can keep it under control. Has anyone had this feeling of hypo when no where near one ?
So have been ok ish today after my first dose. My levels have been pretty good around 12 ish. However. When I drop to around 10 I feel like I’m having a hypo. I wonder if because I am usually hovering between 13 to 18 with a fair few times over 20. If it’s just that my body isn’t used to feeling lower and it will improve if I can keep it under control. Has anyone had this feeling of hypo when no where near one ?
These are called false hypos and as you say it is your body getting used to a lower level than you had previously had. It sounds as if it was still quite high despite the gliclazide and metformin, what were you doing diet wise.
These are called false hypos and as you say it is your body getting used to a lower level than you had previously had. It sounds as if it was still quite high despite the gliclazide and metformin, what were you doing diet wise.
err basically not taking care of myself. Crazy I know but I think the penny has finally dropped. Not so much poor diet but too much alcohol. That’s another demon I am going to fight. Determined to get my life back. Lost both parents last year who were both Diabetic. Mum succumbed to Dementia which was just horrible to watch. Dad died more suddenly but also didn’t really take fantastic care of himself and just didn't move much. So I have finally had the kick up the arse that I needed with a CT scan in my heart last week due to irregular rhythm. So I have made the conscious decision to get me sorted before it’s too late.
Sorry for the life story. I really appreciate your interest.
Things will improve as your body gets used to lower levels 🙂 If the feeling is really unpleasant, try sipping some water and having the tiniest bite of something. Even though they’re not real hypos, they can still feel nasty.
Thanks I did eat as thought would feel better but it then spiked me up to 17. So just got back from an emergency power walk and back to 10 again. 1 lesson learned.
err basically not taking care of myself. Crazy I know but I think the penny has finally dropped. Not so much poor diet but too much alcohol. That’s another demon I am going to fight. Determined to get my life back. Lost both parents last year who were both Diabetic. Mum succumbed to Dementia which was just horrible to watch. Dad died more suddenly but also didn’t really take fantastic care of himself and just didn't move much. So I have finally had the kick up the arse that I needed with a CT scan in my heart last week due to irregular rhythm. So I have made the conscious decision to get me sorted before it’s too late.
Sorry for the life story. I really appreciate your interest.
If you have not seen it then this link may give you some ideas for tacking your diet and making it more healthy for your Type 2 and your heart. https://lowcarbfreshwell.com/
If you have not seen it then this link may give you some ideas for tacking your diet and making it more healthy for your Type 2 and your heart. https://lowcarbfreshwell.com/
Yes thanks I have been pointed in that direction by the Nurse. I now also have the App which is pretty informative regarding hidden sugars etc and good recipes too.
I have the Libre sensor now too as if this week so will be easier hopefully to keep track. And now I know about false hypos. I wont t go into panic mode. ‍♂️
Sounds like your on the road to sorting out your levels @Paul watson
with what you’ve seen on freshwell, the Libra & now the help of Mounjaro

false hypos are something you will (as you now know experience but only at first)
reading your post makes me remember quite a few years ago, me telling my GP how rough I felt when my levels were dropped from the teens to something like 6’s & 7’s
Extremely bad hypo symptoms last night after going to bed with a reading of around 7.0. Felt so bad I had to get up and eat as got panicked by it. Gonna be a long day at work. Zzzzz
Extremely bad hypo symptoms last night after going to bed with a reading of around 7.0. Felt so bad I had to get up and eat as got panicked by it. Gonna be a long day at work. Zzzzz
Any new medication can initially cause unwanted symptoms but sounds as if you sorted it out. If you aren't normally getting readings on 7 but much higher the body is probably protesting.
Yes I think protesting is the correct word for sure. Felt absolutely terrible. Hopefully things will get easier.
What did you use to treat the false hypo?
Learning to be disciplined and not over treating them, be they false ones or genuine is really important particularly when your body has been used to running high, because if you eat too much and push your levels back up, your body will never get used to these normal levels and you will continue to get false hypos.
I was given a rough guideline of 10g of carbs will raise your BG levels by 3mmols. So 5g of carbs will raise them by 1.5mmols. A single jelly baby is 5g of carbs, so if I am having a serious hypo of say 2.9 I will have 2 jelly babies which is going to bring me back up to about 6mmols. If I am 3.5 I will usually just have 1JB and that will take me up to about 5mmols. I would suggest that in your situation, you should not be having more than 1 jelly baby or 5g of other carbs like half a digestive biscuit at the very most because any more will just push your levels back up too high.
Thanks Barbara
I haven’t got jelly babies at home but may just get a bag.
I had a slice of whole Mel bread and a small glass of milk. Which after 20 mins or so popped me back up to around 9. Which allowed me to feel better and get some sleep.
With time I am hoping it will improve but is early days. Only started Mounjaro Saturday and have already had big improvement in previously high un cared for levels. I will persevere as am determined to get back to reasonable health. Thanks for the advice. Very much appreciated.