Preferred basal insulin for twice daily injections advice pls

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My main concern was with @Amity Island's generalisation potentially perpetuating the idea that Tresiba is no good. I consider myself to be irregularly active and I am happy to work with Tresiba's strengths and limitations.
Quite the opposite. If you read my posts properly I said that the trusts are no longer pushing the twice daily basal because people (like myself) are doing fine on tresiba. I have an active lifestyle and I love tresiba, i couldn't be more happy with it. Its absolutely fantastic.

My specific point is about running and sports when it isn't done regularly. For athletes I dont think tresiba would be the basal of choice. I'm not saying tresiba won't work, only that it would become so difficult to manage you'd want to switch to something you can adjust more quickly.

Nb I'm not trying to hijack the twice daily thread, quite the opposite. I am showing how many can live actively with long acting basals too. I could also extend that to once daily and pump users.
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My apologies. I clearly didn't pick up the nuance of support for Tresiba and just emerged with a false perception to the contrary.

I had a very clever and ambitious boss for a couple of years, who would periodically remind us that "Perception is reality - never mind the facts" and creating false perceptions is the bread-and-butter of the gutter press. Mea culpa - I should have known better. As you might have guessed I also think Tresiba is good for me; my experience is limited!
My apologies. I clearly didn't pick up the nuance of support for Tresiba and just emerged with a false perception to the contrary.

I had a very clever and ambitious boss for a couple of years, who would periodically remind us that "Perception is reality - never mind the facts" and creating false perceptions is the bread-and-butter of the gutter press. Mea culpa - I should have known better. As you might have guessed I also think Tresiba is good for me; my experience is limited!
The funny thing is, tresiba isn't an insulin I would have looked at, it was the diabetes nurse who suggested it. Once I got the dose right (19u a day) never looked back.
Me too but in reverse. I was on Levermir, which to my unskilled eye was not obviously helping me. I had no CGM. My then DSN was seeing photocopies of my logbook fortnightly and occasionally tweaking my Levermir doses - but with zero explanation and no apparent improvement in my roller coaster daily performance. I had no idea that 2x daily Levermir could be manipulated to steady my BG and such a discussion never started - not least because I didn't know there could be a question about that somewhere within the email dialogue with her.

Then after 12 months I just asked for a once daily basal and was offered Tresiba, which I accepted without any real understanding of what I was doing other than reducing my MDI a bit. I did some research and thought about the 40 hr consequence, married that thought with various observations on the Forum that our basal needs change across a 24 hr period and became more rigorous with making my nights safe and steady. I also realised I had to resist changing my basal on a whim and making my bolus do whatever I couldn't do by exercise or diet while I was awake. I just stumbled into it all and found an Endo who was supportive.

I still rarely find an HCP who understands that Tresiba can't be altered at the flick of a switch; I've needed a few outpatient procedures in the last 3 yrs and always get pre-op instructions telling me to alter or stop my Tresiba days before or on the day of the procedure. I challenge these and end up in a polite wrestling match, don't make any change and end up at the start of each procedure with a Nurse telling me they can't proceed because I haven't followed the protocol. More wrestling follows, delay while the protocols are checked out and more explanation that despite the protocol being written by an Endocrinology department it is fundamentally wrong and eventually the procedure proceeds. Its seriously irritating and alarmingly incompetent. Rant over - but perhaps explains why I'm a bit protective of Tresiba's usefulness, when appropriate.
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