Posting from Blackburn Hospital….

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You may have noticed no comments from me lately.

After my wife had been in hospital it was thought she would be safer in a care home. Well, that happened, leaving me alone. You may know that my mobility is limited to using two crutches, or just one If there is plenty of furniture for support.

However, my Diabetes control has gone haywire, partly because I was eating properly, but also I’ve lately been confused. So I ended up here in Blackburn Hospital where I am posting from ward D1, currently on a BG level of a steady 22. (!) but coming down.

That confusion I mentioned is disappearing- I was found to have low potassium for some reason, but I’m feeling normal now after a few fizzy potassium drinks, a brain scan showed only minimal changes consistent with 71 years, and I got every single question right when I was grilled for dementia.

The question is can I stay at home in the flat. I will be getting carers in every day (at level 2) to help me keep the flat tidy, fill the dishwasher and washing machine as well, change the bed once a week and occasionally help me get dressed. They reckon I hour a day from 11.00 will be sufficient. It may change depending on whether my leg muscles get stronger when the potassium level is normal.

I will keep I touch intermittently. Or not- if I get snowed in:rofl:
Good luck with all. Where would your Scottish hospital have been ?
Sorry to hear about your trials and tribulations @mikeyB. Hope you get home soon and can start to figure out workarounds for the practicalities involved. Take care.
Blimey, Mikey. Thank goodness they're getting you sorted out, and obviously eating properly again is one of the key issues, although I'm not certain all hospital food enables that to happen. I do know when I was in with my knee and our next door neighbour (husband's cousin, Frederick) came to see me and he'd nipped in Tesco's on the way and brought me 2 little pots of chopped up ready to eat fresh fruit, I wanted to kiss him! No, of course I don't eat seedless grapes usually these days so haven't bought any for years but the combined effect of the skin on the grapes apple and pear slices plus the pineapple along with the rest was very helpful to my innards at that time!
And at least - you aren't reliant on the ferries being able to run since you've moved, so thank heaven for that.
BG might currently be 22 but Hey! It's stable! so plod onwards and downwards with that and if they get your home and health care sorted reliably I really hope you'll both be OK soon.
Massive, virtual Hugs to both of you.
Hi Mikey.Cant pretend to know you as well as many of the others but your popularity is evidenced by the amount of folk wishing you all the best.
So do hope you and your wife’s situation gets better and you are missed.
Every good wish for you and your wife.
Sorry to hear that you’re in hospital. Get well / home soon!
@mikeyB sending you love and healing. Hopefully you are home soon. Take care
Hello folks

I am typing this from Ward D1 ar Blackburn Hospital.(Theoretically the Diabetes Ward). What they are working out is, a strange phenomenon my body produces. That is - whenever I go the toilet for a poo, my BG goes up , ant not a couple of points, At times, it can go up to 20.

This as mystified the Diabetes Nurse, and what the Diabetes Cosultant thinks I don’t know, because I haven’t seen him. It’s one of the reasons my diabetes is out of control. This afternoon it was 19.8, and I’m only eating low carb meals.

I have been home for 12 hours since I last posted. I was just about to go to bed after having a poo an hour earlier, anf found my BG was 20 after eating an emergency meal of Fish Fingers (2) and mushy peas - a couple of tablespoons) and was about to go to bed on 8.5) - then the urge to have a poo. I was sitting on the bed when one of rhe surgery diabetes nurses phoned up to ask what my BG was. So I said 20, and that I had just given mysel 3 units of Fiasp.

20 minutes later a knock ar the door, and two ambulance men sat me in a wheelchair and took me down to the ambulance, so I have spent the last three weeks, almost, moving from Assessment Ward, to Ward C7, and now D1 again. My wife, meanwhile has been in a care home because of her more frequent falls.

Ang although I have seen the diabetes nurse, I still haven’t seen the diabetes cosultant. Who allegedly is discussing my case with a gastrointestinal consultant for ideas why I daren’t look at my phone after a poo. Any ideas?

Apparently they are looking for a scan of my abdomen, because some cancers ( Pancreas, Breast and Colon) actually secrete a glucose precursor to feed other cancer cells. I am prone to get bowel cancer because of previous Ulcerative Colitis. Ironically, I had to provide a poo sample because I have had frequent loose bowel motions. That can happen to folk who get UC and are smokers, and if they stop smoking the disease can return. I haven’t smoked since I took up vaping. Three times I’ve stopped vaping, and within a week or so a recurrence of UC happens. That’s why I continue to vape - except when I’m in hospital. And as my colon has been hurting when I have a poo, it looks like a flare up of UC - which is a shame, because I may be treated with steroids…which always make the BG go higher.

Sometimes, you just can’t win.
Really sorry to hear that things are not going smoothly Mike and your return home was very short lived. Hope they can get you squared up and out of there soon so that you can resume vaping to settle the UC. Hope you don't need steroids for too long as that just seems counterproductive as regards BG levels.
Hello folks

I am typing this from Ward D1 ar Blackburn Hospital.(Theoretically the Diabetes Ward). What they are working out is, a strange phenomenon my body produces. That is - whenever I go the toilet for a poo, my BG goes up , ant not a couple of points, At times, it can go up to 20.

This as mystified the Diabetes Nurse, and what the Diabetes Cosultant thinks I don’t know, because I haven’t seen him. It’s one of the reasons my diabetes is out of control. This afternoon it was 19.8, and I’m only eating low carb meals.

I have been home for 12 hours since I last posted. I was just about to go to bed after having a poo an hour earlier, anf found my BG was 20 after eating an emergency meal of Fish Fingers (2) and mushy peas - a couple of tablespoons) and was about to go to bed on 8.5) - then the urge to have a poo. I was sitting on the bed when one of rhe surgery diabetes nurses phoned up to ask what my BG was. So I said 20, and that I had just given mysel 3 units of Fiasp.

20 minutes later a knock ar the door, and two ambulance men sat me in a wheelchair and took me down to the ambulance, so I have spent the last three weeks, almost, moving from Assessment Ward, to Ward C7, and now D1 again. My wife, meanwhile has been in a care home because of her more frequent falls.

Ang although I have seen the diabetes nurse, I still haven’t seen the diabetes cosultant. Who allegedly is discussing my case with a gastrointestinal consultant for ideas why I daren’t look at my phone after a poo. Any ideas?

Apparently they are looking for a scan of my abdomen, because some cancers ( Pancreas, Breast and Colon) actually secrete a glucose precursor to feed other cancer cells. I am prone to get bowel cancer because of previous Ulcerative Colitis. Ironically, I had to provide a poo sample because I have had frequent loose bowel motions. That can happen to folk who get UC and are smokers, and if they stop smoking the disease can return. I haven’t smoked since I took up vaping. Three times I’ve stopped vaping, and within a week or so a recurrence of UC happens. That’s why I continue to vape - except when I’m in hospital. And as my colon has been hurting when I have a poo, it looks like a flare up of UC - which is a shame, because I may be treated with steroids…which always make the BG go higher.

Sometimes, you just can’t win.
Sorry to hear of your continuing problems. Hope you get sorted soon. All the best!
Sending (((hugs))) and wishing you a speedy return to normality @mikeyB.
Hoping things settle down for you soon @mikeyB
I hope they can get to the bottom of this Mike ( pun intended) and you’re home very soon. Hope Mrs B is doing well.
Hello folks

I am typing this from Ward D1 ar Blackburn Hospital.(Theoretically the Diabetes Ward). What they are working out is, a strange phenomenon my body produces. That is - whenever I go the toilet for a poo, my BG goes up , ant not a couple of points, At times, it can go up to 20.

This as mystified the Diabetes Nurse, and what the Diabetes Cosultant thinks I don’t know, because I haven’t seen him. It’s one of the reasons my diabetes is out of control. This afternoon it was 19.8, and I’m only eating low carb meals.

I have been home for 12 hours since I last posted. I was just about to go to bed after having a poo an hour earlier, anf found my BG was 20 after eating an emergency meal of Fish Fingers (2) and mushy peas - a couple of tablespoons) and was about to go to bed on 8.5) - then the urge to have a poo. I was sitting on the bed when one of rhe surgery diabetes nurses phoned up to ask what my BG was. So I said 20, and that I had just given mysel 3 units of Fiasp.

20 minutes later a knock ar the door, and two ambulance men sat me in a wheelchair and took me down to the ambulance, so I have spent the last three weeks, almost, moving from Assessment Ward, to Ward C7, and now D1 again. My wife, meanwhile has been in a care home because of her more frequent falls.

Ang although I have seen the diabetes nurse, I still haven’t seen the diabetes cosultant. Who allegedly is discussing my case with a gastrointestinal consultant for ideas why I daren’t look at my phone after a poo. Any ideas?

Apparently they are looking for a scan of my abdomen, because some cancers ( Pancreas, Breast and Colon) actually secrete a glucose precursor to feed other cancer cells. I am prone to get bowel cancer because of previous Ulcerative Colitis. Ironically, I had to provide a poo sample because I have had frequent loose bowel motions. That can happen to folk who get UC and are smokers, and if they stop smoking the disease can return. I haven’t smoked since I took up vaping. Three times I’ve stopped vaping, and within a week or so a recurrence of UC happens. That’s why I continue to vape - except when I’m in hospital. And as my colon has been hurting when I have a poo, it looks like a flare up of UC - which is a shame, because I may be treated with steroids…which always make the BG go higher.

Sometimes, you just can’t win.
Morning Mike,
Please accept all our best wishes in hoping you getting better soon and a clearer idea of what is going on.
Really feel for you in your current situation and hope Mrs. B is OK.
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