Good topic and useful replies! I'm nowhere near as methodical about site rotation as I know I ought to be. I'm not terribly keen on angled sets as I feel they leave a greater entry scar, but I can use them in leaner areas which wouldn't otherwise be used.
I was at a pumpers educational afternoon at the hosp today (well...mutter, mutter...yesterday) and as I was the only Viber there, had a whole session with the Animas rep, as well as a little time with Roche rep (as I use their sets) and was informed that skinny children successfully use the steel cannulas in their sides/backs, so I'm reconsidering giving them a go for harder to access areas like butt. My previous attempts in bottom have all kinked! My reluctance is based on less flexibility of cannula when doing yoga, backed up with Patti's pain experience when first trying the steel ones!! But I keep being advised to give them a try. I suppose anything which increases available sites and/or set failures.
Thanks for posting this topic 🙂