pneumococcal vaccine.....

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hey all,

So today i had a call off my diabetes nurse. She called to ask me to book an appointment for me to have the Pneumococcal Vaccine.
Now, i had never heard of this before so asked why i was having it. She said because i am at high risk due to having type 2 diabetes.
However.... i have asked other people i know with diabetes and none of them have ever been offered this vaccine. I also came home and did a bit of research on this and found that its usually given to people with kidney disease or elderly 65+. I am a 30 years old and other than diabetes i am in perfect health... Has anyone else been offered the Pneumococcal Vaccine before becuase of diabetes alone? If so did you have it?
Thanks for reading, folks.
Enjoy your evening
Hey all,

So today i had a call off my diabetes nurse. She called to ask me to book an appointment for me to have the Pneumococcal Vaccine.
Now, i had never heard of this before so asked why i was having it. She said because i am at high risk due to having type 2 diabetes.
However.... i have asked other people i know with diabetes and none of them have ever been offered this vaccine. I also came home and did a bit of research on this and found that its usually given to people with kidney disease or elderly 65+. I am a 30 years old and other than diabetes i am in perfect health... Has anyone else been offered the Pneumococcal Vaccine before becuase of diabetes alone? If so did you have it?
Thanks for reading, folks.
Enjoy your evening
I have had it but I think that was age related as was the shingles vaccine I had recently. There were no ill effects as I remember.
I had it and it was nothing to do with age. It was because I have diabetes.
I was given the jab the same day as my flu jab. I felt a little fluey but don’t know which jab caused it.
I had it and it was nothing to do with age. It was because I have diabetes.
I was given the jab the same day as my flu jab. I felt a little fluey but don’t know which jab caused
I had it and it was nothing to do with age. It was because I have diabetes.
I was given the jab the same day as my flu jab. I felt a little fluey
Ahh amazing. I had the flu jab 2 weeks ago and felt ok afterwards. Hopefully will be the same with this Vaccine also.
Hi Emily. Yes, I was offered it last year or it may have been the year before (it is a one off vaccine rather than yearly) and whilst I am older than you, I am not yet 65 and also in good health and diabetes well managed.... although doesn't feel like it today 🙄. Anyway, I had it and didn't have any issues as a result of the vaccine and feel that it is perhaps beneficial in the current Covid climate to have some protection from Pneumonia, since I believe it has been a complication of Covid.
It is protection against specific viruses  bacteria that can cause pneumonia, which may or may not be amongst the complicating lung infections which people with severe covid have caught. There are various other nasty bugs can invade when your immune system is still low, so it won't prevent other ones from potentially causing pneumonia.
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I had it when younger solely because of having diabetes and I had another one when I was older and I certainly haven't ever had pneumonia before or since - but whether that's got anything to do with the jabs or not I haven't the slightest idea! 🙂
I've never heard of it but just looked into and does list diabetes of being a reason to get it signed maybe I should enquire
I was offered it last year at age 44 but I didn’t have it due to having a bad reaction to the flu jab at a similar time. I may get it if I’m offered it again. Apparently with that one you only need it once ? Not sure.
I had it last year (I'm 46) just because of my type 2 no bad reactions from it.
My Mum had that jab back in the day but they still put that on her death certificate so I don't quite get it. That was one of the things anyways. I liked the Queen's certificate, 'death by old age' makes much more sense. Actually Mum's was 'death by neglect at the hospital' but there you go. 🙄
My Mum had that jab back in the day but they still put that on her death certificate so I don't quite get it. That was one of the things anyways. I liked the Queen's certificate, 'death by old age' makes much more sense. Actually Mum's was 'death by neglect at the hospital' but there you go. 🙄
As I said, it only provides you with (some) protection against specific types of virus known to cause pneumonia. There are many other bacteria and viruses that can cause pneumonia and unfortunately we can't vaccinate against all of them.
I get one every five years as I’m spleenless, but I believe the one you’ve been offered, as others have mentioned, is a one off. I’ve never had any bad reaction and I’ve had three now.
I had it when I was diagnosed with diabetes age 21, purely because of having diabetes. Haven’t had it again since, think they said you only need it once.
I delayed having it for years, originally because I was young and didn’t like to be made to feel old/feeble/different, and then because it slipped out of my mind. But then a few years ago, I had a nasty chest infection and pneumonia popped back into my head because it was really quite scary. So, I finally had the Pneumococcal vaccine a year or two ago - and although it gave me a very sore arm, I’m very glad I had it. I feel it’s a sensible precaution.
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