Please help!

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Just to add, as people are going on about C Peptide and additional testing, I most definitely have Type 1 and I make minimal insulin. I know that for a fact as I had a C Peptide test within the last 5 years. I produce tiny, tiny amounts of my own insulin now 30 yrs after diagnosis. The point is that no/little insulin is needed because the food/glucose isn’t being properly absorbed.

As your husband probably has a fair bit more residual insulin production than I have, the effect for him would be even more dramatic than I had, and mine was dramatic enough.
Just to add, as people are going on about C Peptide and additional testing, I most definitely have Type 1 and I make minimal insulin. I know that for a fact as I had a C Peptide test within the last 5 years. I produce tiny, tiny amounts of my own insulin now 30 yrs after diagnosis. The point is that no/little insulin is needed because the food/glucose isn’t being properly absorbed.

As your husband probably has a fair bit more residual insulin production than I have, the effect for him would be even more dramatic than I had, and mine was dramatic enough.
Yes, but even without food being digested, the liver should still be releasing glucose so a significant drop in basal too would not be explained by glucose not being absorbed into the blood through the gut wall and normally when the body is fighting an infection the liver ramps up it's release of glucose rather than shutting down. I am not saying a tummy virus isn't the cause, but food not being digested doesn't explain the situation fully.
But the OP said he’s taking a couple of units of basal @rebrascora That plus any residual insulin production would mop up the liver glucose. I’ve had Type 1 for years yet even I only needed 4 units of basal during the worst time of the aftermath of the virus. I could probably have reduced it further but was scared to because I know I make so little insulin myself.
But the OP said he’s taking a couple of units of basal @rebrascora That plus any residual insulin production would mop up the liver glucose. I’ve had Type 1 for years yet even I only needed 4 units of basal during the worst time of the aftermath of the virus. I could probably have reduced it further but was scared to because I know I make so little insulin myself.
Yes so he did do a few days with no background but it would keep his bloods throughout the day at Like 8-9 ish but he would still drop below 4 whenever he tried to exercise. So he just decided to not even attempt exercise but increase his background to 2 units so that his bloods aren’t hanging around 9 all day
@Cargillr How’s your husband doing?
Thank you so much for checking in. He is still very much the same. Not taking any rapid or background but he has been able to run for 30 mins without having a hypo so I guess that’s an improvement. He’s been referred to an endocrinologist so just waiting for that appointment to come through but it’s a bit of a waiting game.
He is no longer poorly with a stomach virus so he feels better in himself anyway but still can’t take any insulin.
Oh, that definitely sounds like an improvement @Cargillr being able to run for 30 mins without a hypo 🙂 I hope the endocrinologist appointment comes through quickly. If nothing else, it might provide reassurance that everything’s ok, and if there’s something else going on then that can be sorted.

Do let us know how things go when the appointment finally happens.
Honestly thank you so much it’s so heart warming that there are other people out there that care about your situation. We are so new to all this and it just changes daily so everyone’s advice is very much appreciated.

I will let you know how the appointments go and fingers crossed he’s got enough to run the marathons to raise the money needed for Diabetes UK.
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