Please help before i lose my marbles!!

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I am on steroids for Ulcerative COlitis so am on steroids permantly to stop me bleeding so it never increases or decreases and have been for 14 years

Hi Angel, If I were you I would ask to be changed to basal/bolus (MDI) This way you can then fine tune your insulin to cover the peeks and troughs of your high steroid dose. Can you split your steroid dose do you know? Well worth asking if you can. This way it wont be such a strain on your body and the insulin would have a better chance of working more effectively without having to take massive doses. Have you been instructed to gradually increase your insulin dose until your numbers come down?

increasing your insulin dose is called "chasing the dragon" same as a heroin addict
the problen is generally that you have an infection somewhere --
clever things infections
first one gets a minor hold and finds the enviroment not helpful so it makes chemicals that put up your blood sugar (that`s better now)
it can breed and multiply like mad bit by bit (days later you start to get a side effect)
a cough, a runny nose, a sore throat, maybe thrush

the symptom was your blood sugar going up for no apparent reason DAYS ago
so you chase the dragon (more and more insulin) THEN SUDDENLY
your defence systems win (suddenly can mean in one minute!)
gradually you realise - I`M taking too much insulin - and start to hunt control again
meantime you have still got the symptoms -
a cough, a runny nose, etc, etc

Mike (edited by Margaret)
increasing your insulin dose is called "chasing the dragon" same as a heroin addict
the problen is generally that you have an infection somewhere --
clever things infections
first one gets a minor hold and finds the enviroment not helpful so it makes chemicals that put up your blood sugar (that`s better now)
it can breed and multiply like mad bit by bit (days later you start to get a side effect)
a cough, a runny nose, a sore throat, maybe thrush

the symptom was your blood sugar going up for no apparent reason DAYS ago
so you chase the dragon (more and more insulin) THEN SUDDENLY
your defence systems win (suddenly can mean in one minute!)
gradually you realise - I`M taking too much insulin - and start to hunt control again
meantime you have still got the symptoms -
a cough, a runny nose, etc, etc

Mike (edited by Margaret)

If you read Angels post you will note she forgot her steroids on the day she had good numbers.
Steroids cause a massive increase in the need for insulin.
Angel's steroid dose is a permanent thing so she needs to be able to have her numbers stable on the dosage of steroid she takes, not on the days she forgets them.

Hi, erm i have no idea what your on about with the dragon thing, i haven't got a virus, anyways back up to the 15 to 29's again with steroids, am waiting till tomorrow so i can ring the elsei bertram clinic to speak to them as got to get this sorted asap, thanks sue you've been great 🙂
would you be able to use non steriodial anti inflamatories its so difficult sometimes if you are like me it seems the slightest thing totaly upsets my control and then it seems to take for ever to get it back the worse is when there is no reason why it has gone pear shape i hope you are able to get the correct and good advice good luck
would you be able to use non steriodial anti inflamatories its so difficult sometimes if you are like me it seems the slightest thing totaly upsets my control and then it seems to take for ever to get it back the worse is when there is no reason why it has gone pear shape i hope you are able to get the correct and good advice good luck

Believe me when i say i have tried asacol and every other non steroid thingy out there including suppositories and i bleed so much that steroids are the only answer :(
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