Please help before i lose my marbles!!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Can anyone help me, i have slighgt depression anyway but since being on insulin i have been like a nightmare from hell, has anyone else had the same experience, i mean proper rage and getting so angry i want to hurt myself (yes its that bad) only been on it since beginning of Nov and starting to feel like i should admit myself to the nearest mental hospital and my two young kids are suffering cause of how angry and upset i am........😡
Can anyone help me, i have slighgt depression anyway but since being on insulin i have been like a nightmare from hell, has anyone else had the same experience, i mean proper rage and getting so angry i want to hurt myself (yes its that bad) only been on it since beginning of Nov and starting to feel like i should admit myself to the nearest mental hospital and my two young kids are suffering cause of how angry and upset i am........😡

Hi Angeleyes, ((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))).
Are you on Lantus or Lantoss as many people call it?
If so you might find that is causing the problems you are having. There are many reports of people having very bad depression and mood swings whilst using it.
Ask then (demand if the request is turned down), a different type of insulin, to what ever you are using and see if that makes any difference.

Am on novomix morning and night and novorapid at lunch??
I am no expert as I have only been diagnosed for 4 weeks and have been on lantus for 2 weeks. I have however noticed that my acceptance of this condition has reduced and I find myself dwelling on it and feeling sorry for myself when I am on my own. I have also lost my sex drive completely and cannot be bothered to do much. This is the first year I have wished christmas over with quickly as I do not have the patience with my family and snap at them. I read that lantus is associated with depression but that it takes several weeks to affect someone in this way, how long have you been taking it. Did you ever feel like this before the lantus?
Maybe you can seek an alternative insulin but maybe it is a coincidence that you feel this way, it would be a shame to jump to conclusions and ditch the lantus if it works for you. I would be interested to know how you get on with this and I hope you can get it sorted out soon.
Take care
So what are your blood sugars like? Do you have swings in numbers? Do you run high? Is there a pattern for when you get moody?
my name is emma too! i also have only been diagnosed with type1 (insulin depentent) for a month now. im on lantus and novopapid!! fun or wot. i would say that that lantus works for me, i only inject that once a day tho as it is a long acting insulin. im new to all this and im only 21!! how are u feeling now??

you take care
Em x
adapting to diagnosis and starting insulin

Hi Angeleyes

There's a lot to cope with - coping with 2 children is tough enough, a diagnosis of diabetes is tough enough, and if you're young, it's often followed by starting insulin within weeks / months. The adapting to the new medication is tough, and it brings other problems, like having to inform DVLA - you are likely to get a 1, 2 or 3 year licence for car / motorbike only (and lose any entitlement you may have earned to drive larger vehicles, but may feel frustrated to be lumped together with people who lose their driving licences through driving offences, for example. Like problems / restrictions at work. Like questions every time you want travel insurance for a holiday etc. You get the idea... I know people tell you to concentrate on what you can do, rather than what you are can't (not allowed to, in fact), but that just makes me angry with people who have no idea how much diagnosis / treatment can sscrew up a life.

Unfortunately, a bank holiday, followed by another bank holiday, followed by a weekend, is not the time when health services are at their most responsive - for completely understandable reasons for staff, but that doesn't help you. However, friends / family may be around (not knwoing your circumstances, so that may not be appropriate) some services are open - depending on whether you prefer telephone / email / face to face help, Samaritans, for example are open. Then, when the health services with whom you have links open again on Monday, you can contact them, and ask about reviewing medication regime. In the meantime, try to set some small, achievable goals eg getting out to somewhere you like, getting some exercise, eating some favourite food (ignore dietary restrictions for once, as it's Christmas, and you need to get through the next few days however you can)
Mood Swings

Ok well am 36 (5 days ago) kids are 10 & 12, done the dvla thing already, family are as much help as a chocolate teapot, in my mothers words 'Stop treating it like a death sentence' oodles of help that one
Been on insulin since 3rd Nov, don't work as have Ulcerative colitis, benign joint hypermobility syndrome & osteo arthritis in both my knees, yes the mood swings and rage have only been since i've been on insulin, i mean awful rage which is making me feel so bad because of what i am putting my kids and hubby through, i have highs all the time, i have managed to get my morning bs to between 5 and 7, before lunch is anything from 13 to 19 and evening can be anything from 15 to 29 and my hba1c is 8.2 but still new to this so no idea what that means
Ok well am 36 (5 days ago) kids are 10 & 12, done the dvla thing already, family are as much help as a chocolate teapot, in my mothers words 'Stop treating it like a death sentence' oodles of help that one
Been on insulin since 3rd Nov, don't work as have Ulcerative colitis, benign joint hypermobility syndrome & osteo arthritis in both my knees, yes the mood swings and rage have only been since i've been on insulin, i mean awful rage which is making me feel so bad because of what i am putting my kids and hubby through, i have highs all the time, i have managed to get my morning bs to between 5 and 7, before lunch is anything from 13 to 19 and evening can be anything from 15 to 29 and my hba1c is 8.2 but still new to this so no idea what that means

Hi angel, you sure do have a lot to deal with 😱
I would hazard a guess though that your high numbers are causing your mood problems. It sounds to me as if you need more insulin or a different sort and it needs to be sorted sooner rather than later. I nor anyone else can tell you to increase your insulin. But you need to ring someone even if it's the after hours Dr's/NHS direct so they can give you the correct advice or even point you in the right direction. Once your blood sugars come down your moods will improve no end.

Ok lets try and explain
this is my second post I am 20 years as IDD
when you start as insulin there is a mountain of infomation to understand
my last post was thrush
my next will be hypos and what they are
this one is mood swings (same thing really)
when you start on insulin you are introducing a missing hormone into your body
and just like pubity with the sex hormones you can have no idea how it will affect you and you will get a lot of different reactions over the years to learn to cope with, and the only ones who know are like me 20 YEARS of it

so, mood swings
first you are human, so you can start with WHY ME
then you can add DONT THEY KNOW HOW I FEEL
MY sugar is HIGH, no its LOW now, HIGH, LOW ,LOW ,HIGH wont I ever get this right, THE ANSWER IS NO, YOU WONT, all you can do is try and try.
so up and down you go
NO WONDER you dont know whether to go to sleep or fight off the barbarian hoards
long, long ago I started to hurt people
so I went to a hypnotherapist and had a block put in ,so now if I get angry I just LOCK UP.......... Works for me

Mike (Edited by Margaret)
Ok lets try and explain
this is my second post I am 20 years as IDD
when you start as insulin there is a mountain of infomation to understand
my last post was thrush
my next will be hypos and what they are
this one is mood swings (same thing really)
when you start on insulin you are introducing a missing hormone into your body
and just like pubity with the sex hormones you can have no idea how it will affect you and you will get a lot of different reactions over the years to learn to cope with, and the only ones who know are like me 20 YEARS of it

so, mood swings
first you are human, so you can start with WHY ME
then you can add DONT THEY KNOW HOW I FEEL
MY sugar is HIGH, no its LOW now, HIGH, LOW ,LOW ,HIGH wont I ever get this right, THE ANSWER IS NO, YOU WONT, all you can do is try and try.
so up and down you go
NO WONDER you dont know whether to go to sleep or fight off the barbarian hoards
long, long ago I started to hurt people
so I went to a hypnotherapist and had a block put in ,so now if I get angry I just LOCK UP.......... Works for me

Mike (Edited by Margaret)

Mike, reread Angels post.
Angel states she has very high blood sugars. This I can assure you is the cause of her problems. Once her numbers come down then her mood will improve dramatically. With readings up to 29mmol + during the day it's no wonder she is feeling as she is. As basically she has syrup running through her veins and not blood.
I wouldn't mind betting when your numbers are or out of control you will sit/stand there and proclaim black is white and nothing will convince you any differently.
High sugars

Thank you for your replys, i felt so alone till i started reading your replys, i understand how screwy i am and they have put me up these last two days so my lunch time reading today was 7.1 yippee
Still it is trial and error and i am still erroring lol, i feel much better today and i'm guesing that is because my sugars are reasonable, keep the great posts coming all cause they make my day and help me so i'm guessing others out there get the same benefit, Merry Christmas finally :D
Thank you for your replys, i felt so alone till i started reading your replys, i understand how screwy i am and they have put me up these last two days so my lunch time reading today was 7.1 yippee
Still it is trial and error and i am still erroring lol, i feel much better today and i'm guesing that is because my sugars are reasonable, keep the great posts coming all cause they make my day and help me so i'm guessing others out there get the same benefit, Merry Christmas finally :D

Angel, so pleased to hear that you are feeling much better, let's hope this becomes the norm 🙂
Thank you for your replys, i felt so alone till i started reading your replys, i understand how screwy i am and they have put me up these last two days so my lunch time reading today was 7.1 yippee
Still it is trial and error and i am still erroring lol, i feel much better today and i'm guesing that is because my sugars are reasonable, keep the great posts coming all cause they make my day and help me so i'm guessing others out there get the same benefit, Merry Christmas finally :D

Glad to see your numbers have come down lots :D
Merry Christmas and a Happy new year to you too.
getting there .. and keeping going!

Hi Angel Eyes

Glad to here things are looking better - you should be proud that you've sorted things yourself. I hope that your diabetes health team will be able to help you soon - probably best to talk to people who you know and trust and who know your full story for advice. Of course, in an emergency, "any port in a storm". I know it's trite, but I sometimes find that thinking "I got through today - and tomorrow is another day" Please ignore if that doesn't help / makes things worse.

Hi all, worked out why my sugars were so good today, forgot my steroids doh!!!
Am on 40mg a day and forgot them today and by dinner time tonight my bs was 9.1 which is great and then it dawned on me i'd forgot to take them so not my good day after all but still feeling good today 🙂
Hi all, worked out why my sugars were so good today, forgot my steroids doh!!!
Am on 40mg a day and forgot them today and by dinner time tonight my bs was 9.1 which is great and then it dawned on me i'd forgot to take them so not my good day after all but still feeling good today 🙂

Oops, steroids are a bummer on blood sugars. That is a hefty dose to. I assume it's prednisolone you are on.
Are you allowed to split your dose i.e, 20 am when you wake and the other 20 at lunch time? This would help your blood sugars no end.
I am steroid dependant too and notice quite a dif in my blood sugars if I have to increase the dose for any reason.

You need to ring your Dr on Monday though and ask what amount you need to increase/decrease by when on steroids. High steroid doses also make people very moody. So perhaps that and high blood sugars combined was why you felt as you did.
Hi, I'm type 2. I have mood swings. December is a bad time of year. My glucose levels are between 8 and 10, although more oftem 8.5-9.1 I comfort eat to cope withthe stress of Christmas, the crowds and long darl evenings. Add to this the annual cold.

It took me a while to accept being diabetic, I had a bad/stressfull couple of years where a friend had an accident and two children died, my mum had an operation, I was diagnosed diabetic and we adopted an adorable little boy.

We all get bad days. I make my appologies to people and if I get too much they sit me down with a cup of tea and some sothing music.

I hope you feel better soon.

Oops, steroids are a bummer on blood sugars. That is a hefty dose to. I assume it's prednisolone you are on.
Are you allowed to split your dose i.e, 20 am when you wake and the other 20 at lunch time? This would help your blood sugars no end.
I am steroid dependant too and notice quite a dif in my blood sugars if I have to increase the dose for any reason.

You need to ring your Dr on Monday though and ask what amount you need to increase/decrease by when on steroids. High steroid doses also make people very moody. So perhaps that and high blood sugars combined was why you felt as you did.

I am on steroids for Ulcerative COlitis so am on steroids permantly to stop me bleeding so it never increases or decreases and have been for 14 years
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