PIP Assessment


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Posting in off topic as not that related to diabetes

I have been avoiding applying for pip for years as didn’t think I’d be eligible. However having looked at the criteria a while ago I realised that the combination of all my conditions does affect every aspect of my life, including even the basics like getting washed, dressed, cooking, etc.

I put an application in about 5 weeks ago, and 2 weeks ago got a phone assessment through for this week. I understand this is much faster than the typical timeline. I know they can be quite untruthful and deny you even if you think you meet the criteria so I’ve no idea if I’ll get it or not.

Has anyone had a pip assessment before? Are they just going to ask me about the things input on the form? A friend is coming round for the call.

It did make me think though, from time to time we do get people asking about PIP for diabetes and the response is usually not unless your diabetes causes complications. But, it’s not just then, if you have other conditions that mean you’d be close to qualifying then it could be that the added diabetes puts you over the threshold too.
Fingers crossed it all goes well and your claim os assessed fairly with a positive outcome for you @Lucyr

There do seem to be a lot of hoops you have to jump through to get PIP. And a system apparently designed to look for ways to deny claims, rather than help people who need extra support.
I took a friend to two PIP assessments before lockdown. The first was unsuccessful but the second one was. I knew each result before they got the result. The first person lacked any empathy (friend has severe arthritis affecting mobility and use of their hands) and it seemed their (the assessor) intention was to fail the application. The second showed more understanding and PIP was granted. I have enlisted the help of a local charity for help trying to get AA (Attendance Allowance - nothing to do with drink or driving) as its award seems similarly random!
Im not sure how it went, she was nice and easy to talk to but some of the questions seemed aimed to catch you out and I didn’t feel I fully got my difficulties across. Will see how it goes in 8 weeks when I get the decision.
Im not sure how it went, she was nice and easy to talk to but some of the questions seemed aimed to catch you out and I didn’t feel I fully got my difficulties across. Will see how it goes in 8 weeks when I get the decision.

Good luck! My friend's first assessor didn't seem to want to understand issues with preparing food, etc. Since then they have had foot surgery, thumb surgery and lower back surgery with further back surgery planned! I had an ATOS assessment when a retired GP clown classed me as fit-for-work overwriting my consultant and GP. Total idiot!
I've had two and got rejected each time. I would say try to make it absolutely clear how stuff effects and don't day what you can do unless specifically asks for example dyspraxia affects my memory sometimes In the decision letter it said I had good memory as I remember to take my insulin never mind the fact I said I can forget other medication and it was actually happening quite often at that moment.(Sorry just seen it you already had it as you posted it a few weeks perhaps apply it if you were to ever have another one")
I got the assessors report back, it was what I expected in some places and not what I expected in others. It recommended 8 points for daily living and 4 points for mobility. It’s not the final decision, I need to wait for that to come through, but that would be equivalent to standard rate daily living.

I was thinking I’d get mobility too but I wasn’t as sure on whether I met the criteria there, and was honestly expecting 0 points with all the stories I hear so I’ll be happy with that if the final decision matches that.
In the decision letter it said I had good memory as I remember to take my insulin never mind the fact I said I can forget other medication
Mine said some odd things too. I got 0 points for things like managing medication (I’m constantly forgetting if I’ve taken insulin or not) because I could remember my medical conditions in the history section of appointment and went to a mainstream school so clearly have no memory issues. In reality remembering facts is different to short term memory tasks like taking medication.

Also surprised I got 0 on communicating verbally and engaging with others face to face, the logic there was that I spoke ok on the phone in the assessment. Clearly though being able to speak on a planned phone call taking place on a planned topic with notes in front of me and a friend sat next to me definitely doesn’t mean I can eg ask for help in a train station or whatever.

They’re a bit unfair sometimes. In the end the points I have got are all ME related and none autism related, but glad it seems likely I might get it for something.
Mine said some odd things too. I got 0 points for things like managing medication (I’m constantly forgetting if I’ve taken insulin or not) because I could remember my medical conditions in the history section of appointment and went to a mainstream school so clearly have no memory issues. In reality remembering facts is different to short term memory tasks like taking medication.

Also surprised I got 0 on communicating verbally and engaging with others face to face, the logic there was that I spoke ok on the phone in the assessment. Clearly though being able to speak on a planned phone call taking place on a planned topic with notes in front of me and a friend sat next to me definitely doesn’t mean I can eg ask for help in a train station or whatever.

They’re a bit unfair sometimes. In the end the points I have got are all ME related and none autism related, but glad it seems likely I might get it for something.
yeah it seems be the decision maker takes what they want to hear and not actully what you said. both time i got zero points compettly
If you are over state pension age you cannot apply for PIP but have to apply for AA (Attendance Allowance). Despite having only one leg and unable to walk even a dozen yards with my prosthetic I am getting nowhere fast. Yet I know of people with far, far better mobility who get it! When I applied for a Blue Badge I needed a statement from the hosptal to say I had no eff'ing lefy leg below the knee. It is strange some who do not really need PIP or AA are successful and other more deserving cases have to really fight!
That’s rubbish @MikeyBikey

The only other annoyance I had is that the recommendation is for a short 2 year award as “my conditions may improve”. I’ve had ME for 2.5 years now so I’d say that’s pretty stable. If it does come out as a 2 year award it won’t be a renewal invite it will be treated as a brand new application in 2 years time. So hoping the decision maker ups the length a bit.
That’s rubbish @MikeyBikey

The only other annoyance I had is that the recommendation is for a short 2 year award as “my conditions may improve”. I’ve had ME for 2.5 years now so I’d say that’s pretty stable. If it does come out as a 2 year award it won’t be a renewal invite it will be treated as a brand new application in 2 years time. So hoping the decision maker ups the length a bit.

Why is it rubbish! We all have our different experiences so please be respectful of mine!
Why is it rubbish! We all have our different experiences so please be respectful of mine!
Bit rude when I was agreeing your experience was rubbish - ie you shouldn’t have had to go through that
Diabetes is referred to as a life long Disability , once you are on insulin and begin to suffer intermittent Hypo's you need to have someone to monitor you as you shouldn't be trying to walk around and passing out.
You may also need to get to an appointment but cannot drive because your levels have dropped below 5mmol so you need assistance to get to the appointment and get you food to bring your levels back up.
Diabetics on insulin need to manage their condition carefully and the DWP needs to be educated on the condition, They should not be making decisions on the clear lack of knowledge and lack of guidance they display.
Perhaps it's about time the DWP should work with Diabetes Org to understand this disabling condition
Diabetes is referred to as a life long Disability , once you are on insulin and begin to suffer intermittent Hypo's you need to have someone to monitor you as you shouldn't be trying to walk around and passing out.
Sorry but that’s an absolute load of nonsense. I live alone and have taken insulin for 15 years, what do you think I should do give up work and move into a care home for constant monitoring?
I am merely representing those people who fall foul of the severe side affects of insulin in that it is a very dangerous drug if not managed correctly. I have managed my insulin reasonably well too but I used to be a type 2 who never had HYpo's I was always High. A few years ago I ended up on insulin after surgery and have found my levels difficult to control.
I have been a diabetic as long as yourself but my more recent experiences have seen times when I go low and know the dangers as I have a CGM to monitor me now.
If you have no regard for the dangers of insulin then there is little I can say that will make you think.
Every Diabetic has different experiences , you may be able to manage your situation at this time but there are people who are at greater risk.
Every Diabetic has different experiences
once you are on insulin and begin to suffer intermittent Hypo's you need to have someone to monitor you
Your posts are very contradictory and don't make any sense. Why do I have to have someone to monitor me? Who do you suggest I get to monitor me given I live alone and work full time from home?
The Posts are not contradictory they are there to express the lack of concern and understanding of the people employed to decide who will or will not be granted benefits like attendance allowance.
Please understand that this is not entirely aimed at you as you appear to be coping , the concern expressed is for those that really do need help.