Peripheral Neuropathy

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Hi Aceface,

I'm a T1, and the same has happened to me. I developed tingling about 4 or 5 weeks ago. The doctor put me straight onto Duloxetine, but I'm not sure they're needed as I'm only getting mild pain occasionally.

I've since developed tinnitus. Did you have tinnitus before the PN? It all seems to have happened very quickly. I'm suspicious that the medication may have caused it, so am considering asking the doctor to take me off them.
My neuropathy started years back. I'm on Duloxetine now, which works well until I get a flare up. That happens if I drink coffee, or red wine, so they are out now.
We've bought 2 fans to blow cool air on my feet, one for the bedroom, one for the sitting room. Does the trick, as the flow can be increased.
I take Benfotiamine, B2, B12, VitC, D3, Turmeric. Based on the idea it's stopping the neuropathy worse.
Hi Aceface,

I'm a T1, and the same has happened to me. I developed tingling about 4 or 5 weeks ago. The doctor put me straight onto Duloxetine, but I'm not sure they're needed as I'm only getting mild pain occasionally.

I've since developed tinnitus. Did you have tinnitus before the PN? It all seems to have happened very quickly. I'm suspicious that the medication may have caused it, so am considering asking the doctor to take me off them.
Hi I'm now in the same boat pins and needles in my fingers and toes, worse during the night, I also have tinnitus whe my blood sugars are rising and falling I was put on amitriptyline not working, so now suffering from panic attacks
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