pepsi max

Have you tried Tesco's slightly sparkling spring drink? I like the lemon and lime flavour ... also Waitrose do a delicately flavoured spring water... I like them (and I love diet coke too !!)

May be worth a try

yes I have tried the Tesco's ones and like the still ones better but find that I drink more of them then if I just drink plain water.
could i be doing myself harm by drinking pepsi max. i have been drinking alot latley at least 2 litre a day :eek:, could this be the reason by weight isnt going down aswel. thanks for any replies xxx
I'm not over-concerned at the artificial sweeteners (see: Aspartame) or even the phosphoric acid, food colourings and other stuff they put in all soft drinks.

But my lack of concern is related to my sig. I drink diet cola and other soft drinks in moderation. I would rarely reach a litre in one day, I don't drink it daily and I usually drink less than 600ml in a day when I do.

2 litres in a day, almost every day, of ANY drink other than water is not moderation. At those levels those other substances may start to be a factor. I doubt they will affect your weight but they may affect other aspects of your health.

On weight, I would be more interested in what you eat when you are drinking that cola.
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if u need to drink pepsi i would advise diet not the max as it still contains sugar when drinking fizzy drinks always go for diet not light or coke zero coz ther is still sugar traces
if u need to drink pepsi i would advise diet not the max as it still contains sugar when drinking fizzy drinks always go for diet not light or coke zero coz ther is still sugar traces

Hi jema.

Pepsi Max contains no sugar at all and has zero calories or carbs. :)

Hi Jema, Rob is right :), and the same applies for Coke Zero/Light (in most places in Europe it's called Coke Light) you can always double check the nutritional info if you're unsure.
phew thank god for that......gob nearly hit the floor when jema said that
pepsi max - maximum taste, no sugar

its got no sugar, or carbs or well..anything :eek:
if u need to drink pepsi i would advise diet not the max as it still contains sugar when drinking fizzy drinks always go for diet not light or coke zero coz ther is still sugar traces

Sometimes a drink will say it has a 'trace' of sugar - I don't know legally what this actually means, but I always interpret as it meaning there is less than 1g - I might be wrong in that, but if it had a measurable level of carbs in it, they would (hopefully!) put it in the nutritional info :)
Cola light is just Diet Coke, but the brand name used in Europe. As with the others, Cola Light and Pepsi Max have either no calories, or so little you can ignore them.