Peanut Butter, good or bad?

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It has never occurred to me that peanut butter could go on toast! I don't often buy it, but if I do I just eat it out of the jar with a teaspoon. Probably a disgusting habit! I eat cream cheese that way too.
It has never occurred to me that peanut butter could go on toast! I don't often buy it, but if I do I just eat it out of the jar with a teaspoon. Probably a disgusting habit! I eat cream cheese that way too.
That’s what I do as well!
It has never occurred to me that peanut butter could go on toast! I don't often buy it, but if I do I just eat it out of the jar with a teaspoon. Probably a disgusting habit! I eat cream cheese that way too.

Seriously, toast & peanut butter is delicious combination.

Mind I can eat it straight out of jar no problem, as long as its not Whole Earth.
Palm oil turns it into a horrible solid mass. It's why I find it vile.
Pure peanut butter when mixed up should be smooth and pourable.

Each to their own 🙂

The firmer texture works well for me (I much prefer it to the pourable ones). The firmness also means I can use a blob in a Kong for the dog for lick-ability, which keeps him happy for ages. :D
It has never occurred to me that peanut butter could go on toast! I don't often buy it, but if I do I just eat it out of the jar with a teaspoon. Probably a disgusting habit! I eat cream cheese that way too.

In the US PBJ is a staple of kids lunchboxes. Peanut butter and jelly (jam).

Adding just a smidge of home made jam turns peanut butter on toast up to 11 😛. Takes away that cloying quality it can have ‘neat’.
I'm another currently using almond butter (Meridian as it has no additives). slightly lower in saturated fat and sugar, and higher in unsaturated fat than peanut butter.
It will separate if left sitting in the cupboard, and it's best given a good stir before use
I'm another currently using almond butter (Meridian as it has no additives). slightly lower in saturated fat and sugar, and higher in unsaturated fat than peanut butter.
It will separate if left sitting in the cupboard, and it's best given a good stir before use
I have a pot of almond butter but it is so hard in the bottom with a layer of oil on the top I need a chisel to get any out. I have used it in a crumble topping instead of butter with ground almonds and low sugar granola.
it is so hard in the bottom with a layer of oil on the top I need a chisel to get any out.
Yeah I found with my first pot, you gotta regularly stir right to the bottom hehe
Peanut butter (crunchy), on a low carb wrap, buttered first of course :D , one of my fav snacks! ,
Whole Earth is vile.
There was one brand that I tried that I really didn't like. I was going to reply and echo that it was Whole Earth but I just had a look and the jar I've got is Whole Earth so it must have been some other brand and I do like Whole Earth (crunchy) after all.
Most brands contain rape seed oil which is fairly unhealthy. Taste nice but I avoid it!
This one - just nuts. (Nothing else gets over the doorstep in this house.)

I was thinking Foodie Market yeah right, would like to buy it but that's for posh peoples and when I clicked it was Aldi! Quite shocked. :D I'll be getting some today then. Pass me a tablespoon...


So Aldi do food delivery then? I never knew that. Being on the spectrum I go around with eyes shut. My circumstances have lately changed and I'm now flatsharing with a Finnish lady and kiddies so there's peanut butter etc abounding. Very tempting for me. Wonder if they deliver to Old Trafford... :D
Most brands contain rape seed oil which is fairly unhealthy. Taste nice but I avoid it!

I don’t have a problem with rape seed oil / canola. Decent wedge of mono/polyunsaturates, high smoke point, balance of omega 3 and 6 and doesn’t produce as many nasties when used at higher temps. 🙂
I don’t have a problem with rape seed oil / canola. Decent wedge of mono/polyunsaturates, high smoke point, balance of omega 3 and 6 and doesn’t produce as many nasties when used at higher temps. 🙂
I agree, approx 18% omega 6, and 9% omega 3. Rapeseeds 2:1 ratio is better than most oils (cold pressed FTW though)
Olive oil, approx 9.8% omega 6, and 0.7% omega 3. what's that as a ratio ... 14:1 or is my math bad?
I agree, approx 18% omega 6, and 9% omega 3. Rapeseeds 2:1 ratio is better than most oils (cold pressed FTW though)
Olive oil, approx 9.8% omega 6, and 0.7% omega 3. what's that as a ratio ... 14:1 or is my math bad?

Yes cold pressed is certainly preferred above chemical extraction
No I tend to go for Whole Earth too. The 100% nut butters do seem to separate more. Alas as do the palm-oil free ones.

Sustainable palm oil versions (whatever that means!?) seem to keep a proper medium-firm peanut butter consistency without turning into goop, but I am wary of palm oil whatever the pacifying claims!

As @Sharron1 suggests, I think as long as you are only having things in moderation, you shouldn’t have a problem @Ian1971 🙂
I must add, while I understand the theory of moderation, however, in practice, it is a different story. I now buy the drizzle version of peanut butter, much less easier to dip in with a teaspoon!
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