Partner diagnosed today

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Relationship to Diabetes
Hey.. my partner just got diagnosed with type 2 today and we have no idea where to start food/drinks wise to cut sugar out, he was a big sugary drink consumer, only drinking fizzy pop or energy drinks and his diet wasn’t the best either.. any help is so so appreciated.

Thankyou x
Fizzy drinks - a soda stream and sugar free squash or zero carb drinks - Lidl do some quite nice flavours.
Depending on how high your partner's Hba1c and blood glucose levels are you might need to cut back gradually on the carbs - that is starch as well as sugar in order to get back to normal levels.
I actually prefer cauliflower cheese to pasta and cheese sauce, a version of bubble and squeak made with swede rather than potatoes can be made with cheese or bacon, when it is called bubble and squeal, mashed cauliflower instead of mashed potato and home made baking (sugarfreelondoner website has some good recipes) and there are a lot more recipes online.
Hey.. my partner just got diagnosed with type 2 today and we have no idea where to start food/drinks wise to cut sugar out, he was a big sugary drink consumer, only drinking fizzy pop or energy drinks and his diet wasn’t the best either.. any help is so so appreciated.

Thankyou x
Do you know what his HbA1C is as that will give an idea of how much work needs to be done and has he been prescribed any medication.
Fizzy drinks are not that bad as long as they are the diet version however energy drinks may well be full of sugar, you need to check the carbohydrate content (not just the 'sugar')
Have a look at this link for ideas for modifying his diet, it is based on real food so suitable for both of you so you can give him some moral support and he wont feel he has to eat differently.
Fizzy drinks - a soda stream and sugar free squash or zero carb drinks - Lidl do some quite nice flavours.
Depending on how high your partner's Hba1c and blood glucose levels are you might need to cut back gradually on the carbs - that is starch as well as sugar in order to get back to normal levels.
I actually prefer cauliflower cheese to pasta and cheese sauce, a version of bubble and squeak made with swede rather than potatoes can be made with cheese or bacon, when it is called bubble and squeal, mashed cauliflower instead of mashed potato and home made baking (sugarfreelondoner website has some good recipes) and there are a lot more recipes online.
Thankyou so much for the link, I will have a look☺️ he’s on the sugar free irn bru atm I haven’t a clue what his HbA1C or glucose is limited information from him so far, I just know he’s to cut all sugar immediately and has to also stay away from fruit, pasta, potatoes etc for the time being x
Do you know what his HbA1C is as that will give an idea of how much work needs to be done and has he been prescribed any medication.
Fizzy drinks are not that bad as long as they are the diet version however energy drinks may well be full of sugar, you need to check the carbohydrate content (not just the 'sugar')
Have a look at this link for ideas for modifying his diet, it is based on real food so suitable for both of you so you can give him some moral support and he wont feel he has to eat differently.
I’m sorry I have no idea what his HbA1C is, he went the gp on his own and was confirmed type 2 this morning.. he’s rubbish with feeding information back‍♀️ I know there was something in the 90s level? yes he is now on Metformin, 1 a day at evening meal time at the moment 500g.. he’s been told to cut all sugar intake immediately and to stay away from pasta, potatoes, fruit etc till it’s under control. Thankyou so much for the link, I’ll have a look. I’m already struggling and stressed on meal planning for us and 2 kids and it’s only been half a day this well help a lot xx
Hey.. my partner just got diagnosed with type 2 today and we have no idea where to start food/drinks wise to cut sugar out, he was a big sugary drink consumer, only drinking fizzy pop or energy drinks and his diet wasn’t the best either.. any help is so so appreciated.

Thankyou x
Do you know what his HbA1C is as that will give an idea of how much work needs to be done and has he been prescribed any medication.
Fizzy drinks are not that bad as long as they are the diet version however energy drinks may well be full of sugar, you need to check the carbohydrate content (not just the 'sugar')
Have a look at this link for ideas for modifying his diet, it is based on real food so suitable for both of you so you can give him some moral support and he wont feel he has to eat differently.
I’m sorry I have no idea what his HbA1C is, he went the gp on his own and was confirmed type 2 this morning.. he’s rubbish with feeding information back‍♀️ I know there was something in the 90s level? yes he is now on Metformin, 1 a day at evening meal time at the moment 500g.. he’s been told to cut all sugar intake immediately and to stay away from pasta, potatoes, fruit etc till it’s under control. Thankyou so much for the link, I’ll have a look. I’m already struggling and stressed on meal planning for us and 2 kids and it’s only been half a day this well help a lot xx
Those high carb foods are going to be something that will always be a problem so worth investing the time in finding a an approach which will just be the normal new way of eating.
There will be the foods like pasta, rice, bread, breakfast cereals, potatoes, and tropical fruits that will be the big hitters which will need to be avoided or certainly had in reduced portions but there is still plenty that he can have, meat, fish, eggs, dairy, vegetables, salads and fruit like berries are all good.
Obviously cakes, crisps and biscuits, will need to go.
I’m sorry I have no idea what his HbA1C is, he went the gp on his own and was confirmed type 2 this morning.. he’s rubbish with feeding information back‍♀️ I know there was something in the 90s level? yes he is now on Metformin, 1 a day at evening meal time at the moment 500g.. he’s been told to cut all sugar intake immediately and to stay away from pasta, potatoes, fruit etc till it’s under control. Thankyou so much for the link, I’ll have a look. I’m already struggling and stressed on meal planning for us and 2 kids and it’s only been half a day this well help a lot xx
I was eating a low carb diet for a long time when bringing up the children and it is easy enough to add in more carbs - I might have an extra vegetable and they could have Yorkshire pudding, potato, rice or pasta, sometimes noodles or bread, in addition to the main part of the meal, or I would make a dessert for them.
If your husband's Hba1c is in the 90s it would be beset to cut out the carbs gradually over a period of weeks as it can lead to problems such as false hypos, headaches, or even eye problems if it is done too suddenly.
Drinking diet drinks still has him used to sweet tastes. If he can switch - maybe gradually - to water (with or without fizz), tea, coffee (no sugar or sweeteners), herbal or fruit teas that will help his palate move away from wanting sweet tasting foods & drinks.
Welcome to the forum @Chl0_

Sorry to hear about your partner’s diagnosis :(

Different people find different strategies work for them when it comes to making changes to their menu, and how best to transition between ‘what they eat now’, and a menu that their metabolism and their individual diabetes can cope better with.

Some seem to find that a hard stop works best for them. Going all-in from the start.

Conversely, others find that burns them out, and they have more success with a more gradual staged transition - starting where they are, and moving in small steps towards their end goal.

Hopefully your partner can find the way that works best for them. 🙂
Hey There @Chl0_ , I would personally suggest avoiding the hugh sugar content fizzy drinks unless they are the no added sugar version.
In terms of other drinks:
  1. Water is the best all-round drink. If your family likes flavoured waters, make your own by adding a squeeze of lemon or lime, or strawberries. Children often need reminding to drink, so give them a colourful water bottle with a funky straw.
  2. Tea, coffee, chai and hot chocolate – cut back on sugar and use semi-skimmed or skimmed milk.
  3. Herbal teas can make a refreshing change and most are caffeine-free.
  4. Fruit juices (100 per cent juice) contain vitamins and minerals and 150ml provides one portion of our five a day – but remember, fruit juices only count as one portion, however much you drink. They can harm teeth, so for children, dilute with water and drink at meal times.
  5. Milk is one of the best drinks to have after sport. It’s hydrating and a good source of calcium, protein and carbohydrate. Choose skimmed or semi-skimmed milk.
Hope this helps!
You are advising a T2 diabetic to drink fruit juice????


It's a really good hypo treatment for those on insulin, because it raises blood glucose very rapidly, so best totally avoided at other times.
Hey There @Chl0_ , I would personally suggest avoiding the hugh sugar content fizzy drinks unless they are the no added sugar version.
In terms of other drinks:
  1. Water is the best all-round drink. If your family likes flavoured waters, make your own by adding a squeeze of lemon or lime, or strawberries. Children often need reminding to drink, so give them a colourful water bottle with a funky straw.
  2. Tea, coffee, chai and hot chocolate – cut back on sugar and use semi-skimmed or skimmed milk.
  3. Herbal teas can make a refreshing change and most are caffeine-free.
  4. Fruit juices (100 per cent juice) contain vitamins and minerals and 150ml provides one portion of our five a day – but remember, fruit juices only count as one portion, however much you drink. They can harm teeth, so for children, dilute with water and drink at meal times.
  5. Milk is one of the best drinks to have after sport. It’s hydrating and a good source of calcium, protein and carbohydrate. Choose skimmed or semi-skimmed milk.
Hope this helps!
Wow - this is dangerous thinking - is this one of those 'bots giving inappropriate advice?
Hey.. my partner just got diagnosed with type 2 today and we have no idea where to start food/drinks wise to cut sugar out, he was a big sugary drink consumer, only drinking fizzy pop or energy drinks and his diet wasn’t the best either.. any help is so so appreciated.

Thankyou x

Has he always drank sugary drinks?
I got addicted to Lucozade before I was diagnosed, just because of my type 2.
I switched to water when I realised, and rode it out.
I got lots of "cut this" "cut that", but if you do go too fast, a sudden drop in BG can cause damage as well.
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