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Relationship to Diabetes
At risk of diabetes
Hi everyone,
I am a masters clinical psychology student, studying at Royal Holloway University.
I would be grateful if you will take 20 minutes of your day to complete my study.
If you have any questions let me know, by emailing me on
I am studying the mental health, acceptance, well-being and self-compassion of people with diabetes.

I do have the approval to use this account if you are worried and it is under the email presented (

Thank you for your time,
Dhruvi Patel
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Done x
Done - I couldn't relate to or understand what was meant by eg 'feeling down and out', and a couple of others, so I plonked my answer smack in the middle. Others I answered smack in the middle genuinely LOL
Done! As someone who tends to overthink things...I found it hard not to overthink some of the questions!
Done. Although because of the lurgy this last two weeks I answered for the two weeks previous as that is how I would normally feel.
Noed I knew I was dixlecksic, flip :D.
Hi everyone,
I am a masters clinical psychology student, studying at Royal Holloway University.
I would be grateful if you will take 20 minutes of your day to complete my study.
If you have any questions let me know, by emailing me on
I am studying the mental health, acceptance, well-being and self-compassion of people with diabetes.

I do have the approval to use this account if you are worried and it is under the email presented (

Thank you for your time,
Dhruvi Patel
I have type 2 . I think. Diagnose 4 years ago but I think I have had it longer . My mum had type 1. So it's in the family. I use slow release metaformin and glicalizde and truelicity injection weekly.
Done. Good luck with the study Dhruvi. 🙂
What is the purpose of this study?

Diabetes is a common chronic illness. Although most people adjust well to living with this illness, some studies suggest that some individuals with diabetes may develop symptoms of depression and anxiety due to their diagnosis.

This study is looking at how individuals with diabetes relate to their condition, and its impacts on their mental health and wellbeing. We are also interested in exploring how self-compassion can lessen the impact of the disease on well-being.

Diabetes is a condition not an illness.
Diabetes is a condition not an illness.

I can live with the subtle difference.
For me it was self inflicted, so I'm good with whatever you call it.
But that's just me.

But I do agree, it is defined as a "condition" by the NHS
I agree with Sue. Yep I was ill pre diagnosis. Most people feel rough at that time - which is rather motivating to get them to their GP - hence it's a jolly good thing we do really, in hindsight !

There must be thousands of us like Sue and I - and I fully grasp that some people do have difficulty coping with it, whereas I mostly don't. I have found that if I want to - I have enough channels open to me willing to help me find a way - they have helped me and continue to do so.

Yep I hate the bloody thing sometimes - I don't think it would be normal not to, in this length of time, frankly.
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